Armenian Students of The Ohio State University Constitution
Last Revised: Sept 7, 2014
Article l- Name, Purpose, and Non-Discrimination Policy of the Organization
Section 1- Name
The organization shall be named Armenian Students of The Ohio State University
Section 2- Objectives
The purpose of this organization is to:
- Bring Armenian students together
- To share and engage in the Armenian culture
- Share our heritage with one another and bring awareness to the community
- Make students aware of the cultural opportunities available
- Organize events specific to Armenian culture
- Fundraise for Armenian charities
- Raise awareness for Armenian history
Section 3– Non-discrimination policy
In compliance with The Ohio State University’s non-discrimination policy statement, this organization and its members shall not discriminate against any individual(s) for reasons of race, color, creed, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, sex, age, handicap, or veteran status.
Article II – Membership
Voting membership is defined as limited to currently enrolled Ohio State students. Others such as faculty and alumni are encouraged to become members but as non-voting associate or honorary members.
Members of the executive board reserve the right to deny or discontinue membership if members undermine the objectives of the organization. Denying membership will be in accordance with our non-discriminatory policy.
Article III - Organization Leadership
The executive committee shall be responsible for the administration of the Armenian Students of The Ohio State University. Each office will be in term for one year. It shall consist of the following members:
- President
Duties include:
- Conducting meetings
- Preparing the agenda for the meetings
- Serving as the primary representative of the ASOSU to the University and greater Columbus community
- Providing direction to the ASOSU activities
- Vice President
Duties include:
- Assuming the duties of the President in the President’s absence
- Assisting other Executive Council members in their activities
- Providing direction to the ASOSU activities
- Secretary
Duties include:
- Maintaining a record of meeting minutes
- Maintains current membership list and contact information
- Keeping members updated on events and meeting minutes via e-mail
- Treasurer
Duties include:
- Maintenance of financial records
- Preparation of budgets
- Maintains records of fundraising activities
- Purchases supplies
Article IV: Membership
Membership is open to all Ohio State students. This organization complies with all State and Federal laws and Ohio State policies on non-discrimination. This organization supports and encourages respect for political, religious, ethnic, racial, physical, generational, sexual, and intellectual differences because such respect promotes free and open inquiry, independent thought, and mutual understanding.
Article V: Officer Election and Removal
Section 1- The President/Editor-in-Chief selects the new officers based on an application and interview. The new officers must already be members of the organization and must be current freshman, sophomores, or juniors.
Section 2 - Officer removal is based on a “three strike” system. The President/Editor-in- Chief and Executive Board members will determine the three strikes, which include but are not limited to: failure to attend meetings/events and/or notify Secretary of his/her absence within 24 hours prior, failure to complete one’s duties on two or more occasions, and irresponsible and/or unprofessional conduct when acting as a representative of Her Campus Ohio State. After three strikes, the Executive Board will vote on whether to dismiss the officer from his/her position.
Article VI – Method of Selecting and/or Removing Officers and Members
- Selection of members
- A member is defined as someone who participates in at least two regular meetings each semester and two separate activities each semester.
- The member should play an active part in the interest and welfare of the ASOSU
- Any member has the right to speak freely on any issue or topic that is of concern or to the purpose and welfare of ASOSU.
- Decisions will be decided by a simple majority vote of members
- Removal of members
- Grounds for removal of members include but are not limited to:
- Violation of University Policy
- Violation of The Ohio State University Codes for Student Organization Conduct
- Attempt to place the ASOSU or members within ASOSU in a perilous or negative position
- Membership may be terminated by resignation or expulsion.
- A member may be removed from the group by the following process:
- A complaint to remove the member must be submitted to one of the officers. The officers will then vote to remove the member from the organization. If there is unanimous approval among officers that complaint makes a valid case for removal, then the member may be removed. x`If not, then the decision can be taken up with the advisor, and a combined approval of the advisor and the president can remove the member.
- Removal of members
- Grounds for removal of members include but are not limited to:
- Violation of University Policy
- Violation of The Ohio State University Codes for Student Organization Conduct
- Attempt to place the ASOSU or members within ASOSU in a perilous or negative position
- An officer may be removed by the following process
- A petition to remove the officer in question must be submitted to another officer. Such a petition must contain the signatures of 2/3 of the members of the organization. When such a petition is received, the officer should call a meeting of the organization to decide upon removal.
- Appeal of Removal of Officer
- An officer may appeal his/her removal within 14 days of the vote for removal by requesting a special meeting of the organization. The President, or Vice-President if the President is the officer being removed, shall notify all members of this meeting, which is not to occur sooner than 7 days or later than four weeks after the appeal is received.
- The decision to uphold the appeal shall require a 2/3 majority vote of the members present at the special meeting.
Article VII – Advisor: Qualification Criteria
Advisors of student organizations must be members of the University faculty or Administrative & Professional staff
- Attend an Advisor Certification training session once every three years
- Approve the organization’s online registration
- Sign off on Operating and Programming Funding requests
- Sign off on reservations of University space and equipment, as requested by the University department granting the reservation
- Be listed as a signatory on the organization’s checking account
Article VIII – Meetings of the Organization
There will be general meetings once a month and smaller group activities that will be planned later.
Article IX – Method of Amending Constitution
Proposed amendments should be in writing, should not be acted upon but read in the general meeting in which they are proposed, should be read again at a specified number of subsequent general meetings, and should require a 2/3-majority of the entire membership for the amendment to pass. The constitution should not be amended easily or frequently.
Article X – Method of Dissolution of Organization
This organization may be dissolved only in event of all cleared debts. Dissolution will occur only by 2/3-majority approval of the voting membership, provided a notice of a vote on dissolution is furnished to the membership at least 60 days in advance. Upon dissolution of the organization, if any assets exist they shall be donated to a charity or future organization.
Article XI: Hazing Policy
Section 1: There is a Zero Tolerance Policy for hazing, as defined here:
Hazing, defined by the Ohio Revised Code, means “doing any act or coercing another, including the victim, to do any act of initiation into any student or other organization that causes and creates a substantial risk of causing mental or physical harm to any person. No person shall recklessly participate in the hazing of another.”
Hazing is inconsistent with Ohio laws/statutes, University policies, the Student Code of Conduct, and fraternal/organizational laws. Her Campus Ohio state and its members agree to abide by the anti-hazing policy required of all student organizations at Ohio State.
Article XII: Non-Discrimination Policy
Section 1: Her Campus (at) Ohio State abides by Ohio State’s non-discrimination policy, as defined below:
A. This organization and its members shall not discriminate against any individual(s) for reasons of age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status.