Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1994

FY 2000-2001 - 70% Base Grant

Form Section

NOTE: Submit the following pages only if they have been completed.

  Page 21...... Budget Amendment

  Page 22...... Equipment Justification

  Page 23...... Capital/Outlay Justification

  Page 24...... T-Shirt, Award and Incentive Justification

  Page 25...... Contracted/Consultant Services

  Page 26...... Out-of-State Travel

  Page 27...... Private School

(Participation of children and teachers

from private non-profit schools)

Contracted/Consultant Services, Out-of-State Travel and Capital Outlay must have prior written approval.

Please do not send these forms in blank with the grant application. If you

complete one of the above forms, include it with the original grant and one



Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1994

FY 2000-2001 - 70% Base Grant


School District LEA

Fax Number ( ) Phone Number ( )

Check Object to be Amended

Object 100 Object 200 Object 300 Other

Object 500 Object 600 Object 700

Description of Amendment

(Please indicate function and object codes when stating changes/additions to be made. Provide narrative description for each increase or decrease included in the amendment. Include capital outlay page and equipment justification for Object 700.)

Signature of SDFS Program Director Date

Amendments are to be used to obtain prior approval of expenditures. Amendments submitted after an expenditure has been made could result in an audit exception and/or the denial of the expenditure as an allowable Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities expenditure. The final date of an amendment to shift funds from an object to another is May 31, 2001. If you are not moving funds from one object to another, please do not fill out this form. A revised budget form should accompany this document.



Approved Disapproved Date ADE Official Signature



Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1994

FY 2000-2001 - 70% Base Grant


The basic purpose of Part A funds is to provide financial assistance for drug abuse education and prevention programs at the elementary and secondary level. In general, funds for equipment or other capital expenditures must relate to the educational program and activity. These expenditures must have prior written approval from the Drug Education Program Advisor addressing the following guidelines in the order which they are listed:

1. Consideration of how the equipment will be used.

2. Why is the equipment necessary?

3. What alternatives were considered?

4. How were the costs determined, and why are the costs reasonable?

5. Include a plan for disposal or transfer of the equipment after federal funds are no longer available, if the program terminates, in accordance with Edgar, Section 74.139.

74.139 Disposition of Equipment

When original or replacement equipment is no longer to be used in projects or programs currently or previously sponsored by the federal government, disposition of the equipment shall be made as follows:

(a) Equipment with a unit acquisition of less than $1,000 and equipment with no further use value. The equipment may be retained, sold, or otherwise disposed of, with no further obligation to the federal government.

(b) All other equipment

(1) The equipment may be retained or sold, and the federal government shall have a right to an amount calculated by multiplying the current market value or the proceeds from sale by the federal share of the equipment (see 74.142). If part of the federal share in the equipment came from an award under which the exemptions in 74.135 were applicable, the amount due shall be reduced pro rata. In any case, if the equipment is sold, $100 or 10 percent of the total sales proceeds, whichever is greater, may be deducted and retained from the amount otherwise due for selling and handling expenses.

(2) If the grantee=s project or program for which or under which the equipment was acquired is still receiving grant support from the same federal program and if the Education Department of General Administration Regulations approves, the net amount due may be used for allowable costs of that project or program. Otherwise, the net amount must be remitted to the granting agency by check.

(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1221e - 3(a)(1) and 3474, OMB Circular AB110)


Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1994

FY 2000-2001 - 70% Base Grant


Equipment expenditures must have prior written approval from the Safe and Drug-Free Schools= Office. This page can be used for justification of the objects and individual items marked with an asterisk which requires more information.

School District LEA

Initial Revised Date

# Requested / Description of Item / Unit Cost / Total Cost / Location
(School & Room Number)




Approved Disapproved Date ADE Official Signature



Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1994

FY 2000-2001 - 70% Base Grant

T-Shirt, Award and Incentive


The basic purpose of Part A funds is to provide financial assistance for drug abuse education and prevention programs at the elementary and secondary level. The non-regulatory guidelines state:

"Part A of the Act authorizes the use of funds for drug and alcohol

abuse education and prevention programs and activities. Part A does

not specifically authorize expenditure of funds for clothing, gifts, prizes and awards; standing alone, these items do not constitute a drug

prevention program.

Regulatory cost principles applicable to Part A programs require that

costs be "necessary and reasonable for proper and efficient administration

of the grant..." 34 C.F.R. 80.22 (b) (making applicable the cost principles

in OMB Circular A-87, as amended on June 9, 1987). Expenditures for

items such as clothing, gifts, prizes and rewards may not be necessary and reasonable in an educational program. If, however, there are circumstances

that justify a particular expenditure, agencies are encouraged to maintain documentation to justify expenditures that might otherwise be challenged as unnecessary or unreasonable expenses."

Please respond to each individual guideline in the order in which they are listed below.

These expenditures must have prior written approval from the Drug Education Program Advisor addressing the following guidelines:

1. Consideration of how the items will be used in a continuing education process.

2. Why are the items necessary?

3. What alternatives were considered?

4. How were the costs determined, and why are the costs reasonable?


Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1994

FY 2000-2001 - 70% Base Grant


This form must have prior written approval from the Office of SDFSC and be received by May 31, 2001, for approval.

School District LEA No.:

Request for Contracted/Consultant Services

1. Program Director Telephone No.: ( ) Fax No.:( )

2. Consultant/Contractor

Name Telephone No.: ( ) Tax ID/SSN No.:

Address Street City State Zip Code

  1. Describe the presentation and qualifications of Consultant/Contractor. (Additional pages may be used.)

Date(s) of Presentation: Month Day Year

4. Expenses

a. Fee to be paid

$ per day for a total of days. Total Fee (s)

b. Other Costs

Transportation & Per Diem Expenses $ c. Total Contract Amount $

5. Target Audience

K-6 Parents

7-12 Community

Teachers Others (specify)

6. Were in-state presenters considered for these services? Yes No

If not, why?

7. Will a follow-up educational program be done after a one-time event?

Yes No If no, state why?

(Please state the objective in your Comprehensive Plan that supports this activity.

Signature of Program Director Date Signature of Contracted Consultant



Approved Disapproved Date ADE Official Signature



Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1994

FY 2000-2001 - 70% Base Grant


School District LEA#

If this travel requires a budget amendment, complete the Budget Amendment Form and submit it with the Out-of-State Travel Justification.

Note: This office must receive out-of-state travel request by May 31, 2001. Out-of-state travel forms will not be accepted during the months of July 1 through September 30, 2001.

Out-of-state travel must have prior written approval from the Safe and Drug-Free Schools= Office.

Name, location, and date of conference (Include a copy of the agenda or a brochure, if available.)

Who will attend? Why?

Cost of the Conference

Airfare? $ Registration Fee? $

Lodging? $ Others, Miscellaneous, Specify $

Food? $

Total cost per person? $

Total cost for the trip? $

(Please state the objective in your Comprehensive Plan that supports this activity.)

Signature of DFS Program Director Date



Approved Disapproved Date ADE Official Signature



Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1994

FY 2000-2001 - 70% Base Grant

School District LEA No.

76.652 CONSULTATION with representatives of private school students

(a) An applicant for a subgrant shall consult with appropriate representatives of students enrolled in private schools during all phases of the development and design of the project covered by the application. Including consideration of the seven questions on this page.

(2)  A subgrant shall consult with appropriate representatives of students enrolled in private schools before the subgrantee makes any decision that affects the opportunities of those students.

Participation of Children and Teachers from Private

Nonprofit Schools

Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1994


EDGAR 76.652 34 C.F.R.

Please address the following statements taken from the non-regulatory guidelines concerning equitable participation of private school children and teachers. (Please use additional pages, if necessary.)

1. Which children will receive benefits under the project?

2. How will the children=s needs will be identified?

3. What benefits will be provided?

4. How will the benefits be provided?

5. How will the benefits be evaluated?

6. The places and times that students will receive benefits under the program.

7. The difference, if any, between the program benefits the applicant will provide to public and private school students, and the reasons for the difference.