First Day Back From Break (Honors 10)

A Few Words About Second Semester

1. Grading is the same as first semester. If you are new to the class, speak to me so I can give you my “Rules and Policies” handout.

2. There will be a 8-page research paper. More info TBA.

3. Get a new composition book by Wednesday. I will give you time in class to work on your first vocabulary assignment. It will be due Monday.

4. Your reading test on the first half of the book will be this Friday, the 15th. Your reading test on the second half will be on Friday the 22nd.

5. Today’s assignment:

-Write your first and last name on the bottom edge of your book. Use a post-it if you have a library book.

- You will turn your book in tomorrow so I can check your annotations.

- The reading test on the first half of the book will be on Friday, 1/15. The reading test on the second half will be on Friday, 1/22.

Title a separate sheet of paper: Reality in Androids

a)  Review your annotations on the first half of the book, looking especially for quotes you found about how Philip K. Dick is commenting on the real world in his story. Copy the quote in its entirety.

b)  Give the quote context. In what chapter does it appear? Who or what does it describe?

c)  What in the real world is Philip K. Dick commenting on? Explain in two to three complete sentences how the quote reveals Dick’s opinion of something or someone that exists in the real world.

d)  Find a partner. Write their name.

e)  Have them read their quote to you. (You don’t need to write the quote.) Ask your partner to explain the context of the quote. They should tell you who or what is being described. Your partner should not tell you what aspect of the real world Dick is commenting upon. Who or what is Dick referring to in the real world and what is he saying about it? Explain in two to three complete sentences.

f)  Was your answer similar to your partner’s or was it very different? Discuss who, in the end, has the better answer.

g)  Find two more partners. Repeat d-f.

h)  Same as e, etc.

When you’re done, write on a piece of chart paper: your name, Dick’s subject in your quote, page number, and what he may be saying about the real world (after having compared with several partners).