Arizona Learn & Serve 2003 Classification: 1.1

Project Outlines

Program Name:

Art and History Museum Project

School Name:

Carrillo Magnet School –

Tucson Unified School District

Project Location:

440 S. Main

Tucson, AZ 85701

Contact Information:

Joan Daniels



To continue and expand use of the La Pilita museum site for service learning projects

To integrate a social studies thread throughout the project at each grade level

To engage students in the creation, installation, maintenance, and removal of art and historical exhibits

To involve, in student learning, the expertise and knowledge of professionals in the community

To plan and implement an effective public opening to the exhibit that is facilitated by students involved in service learning

To further develop accuracy and effectiveness of pre- and post-project classroom reflection and academic accountability

Project Description

After previous success with service learning in the La Pilita museum space, Carrillo Magnet School has revised its school focus to integrate the study of local, environmental, and civic topics primarily in the areas of science and social studies. As such, service-learning projects will seek to correlate with the new focus as well as maximize use of the La Pilita museum space. Students will organize and implement exhibitions that demonstrate knowledge about the civic and environmental history of the area. These exhibits will be defined as service learning projects because of the crucial involvement of professionals in a variety of careers related to historical/art exhibits as well as the volunteer/worker role students will assume as builders, installers, docents, and public information officers for the project.

Coordination with School and Community

The program enjoys broad district and school support. Teachers and administrators have worked together to identify specific academic outcomes for the service-learning project. Community support has been equally strong through valuable partnerships with City of Tucson agencies, the La Pilita Association, retired educators, Barrio Viejo residents and local business.

Coordination with School Reform Initiatives

The Carrillo Magnet School has revised its school focus to address the integrated study of local, environmental, and civic topics. This initiative is directly exercised through the service-learning program at La Pilita. Additionally, interaction with visual/graphic artists, historians, exhibit designers, interpretive writers, and model designers will conduct workshops for students which in turn aligns with the School to Work Opportunity Act.

Citizenship, Responsibility, and

Civic Pride Outcomes

As the driving force behind the exhibit’s content and implementation, students are put into a role of ‘expert’ at the public opening. This role fosters a sense of responsibility and pride in the work they’ve created and the knowledge they are being asked to disseminate. La Pilita is a community structure. Use of the structure for student work and events is a source of pride not only for the students but for the surrounding community as well.