Arizona High School Rodeo Association
Board of Directors Meeting
August 27, 2016
The meeting was called to order at noon by President, Jack Assini. There was a role call and the members present were: Don Nahrgang,Todd Schafer, Marsha Collier, Marisa Perreault, Justin Franks, Mark Kibler, Howdy Sanborn, Seth Kent, Jason Keenan, Kelly Martin, Scott Henry, Yvette Kent, Kerri Schafer, Jason Keith, John Middagh, Sherry Hamilton, Jared Smith, & Amy Seets
Student directors present were: Kelton Little & Hailey Sherwood
Meeting Minutes:
A motion was made by Seth Kent to approve the minutes from Payson-Yvette Kent seconded. Minutes Approved
Marsha Collier was introduced as the new Secretary, replacing Penny Hansher, Marisa Perreault was introduced as the new Assistant Secretary, taking over for Marsha Collier and replacing Jodi Squires.
Report/Comments from National Director:
Congratulations were given to Brandon Ben for his National Jr. High Championship.
Doncommented that there were some problems with the grounds in Lebanon so next year, the national committee will be doing a site visits prior to the finals to ensure the grounds are ready and up to par. In completing visits prior to the national finalsany issues that are found or problems arise can be taken care of and corrected prior to the beginning of the rodeo.
Approval came from Mid-winter meeting last year to keep $8 of the $10 for each raffle tickets sold, now that money will stay with our kids.
Don thanked all the Directors and board members for all their hard work in doing what it takes to get things done in a top notch manner. “I couldn’t do what I do without all of you” Don.
Mid-Winter Meeting:
The Mid-winter meeting will be held in Arizona this year. Meeting dates are January 23rd -28th 2017.
Double Tree Inn located in Scottsdale will be hosting the event, Don and Tammy Nahrgang are working with the National office to put the meeting together. We want to ensure the Mid-Winter meeting is a positive memorable event, we will be looking to our association and members to assist with putting everything together.
The President’s dinner is to be held Wednesday evening, we are looking at 250 to 300 attendees. During the Buckeye High School Rodeo Don will be hosting a Team Roping with all proceeds going toward payment for the President’s dinner. It was voted on that we will use 50/50 raffle proceeds to offset any remaining costs for the dinner. Motion Justin Franks Seconded Todd Schafer. Approved
There will also be a banquet held on Friday evening. More information on the event will be forthcoming.
2016 Financials:
Currently there is $41,000 in the account and there should only be about $1400 in outstanding bills so it looks like we are on target this year. Nice accomplishment.
There was discussion regarding the amount of money from entry fees that goes back the kids as payout. Some directors would like to see a higher payout and less in the year-end prize line. No changes were made to current payouts.
Dodge Raffle tickets, the number of tickets sold will be divided by the number of kids and who sold them to use toward travel money for National Finals.
Yvette Kent made the motion that in order to compete at State Finals each memberbe required to sell 10 raffle tickets. Jared Smith Seconded the motion. Approved
Added money for travel to National Finals was discussed and was suggested we take $10,000 out of the general fund to be divided equally by the number of members going to Nationals. Motion Yvette Kent, Seconded Amy Seets. Approved
New Business:
- Rodeo Schedule:
Rodeo schedule is set, we are still looking for a location for the February rodeo. The options so far are: Cottonwood, Ft. McDowell and Globe. Whoever comes forward first with an offer is where it will be. The only weekend that works is the second weekend. A vote was held for competition option for the 2016-2017 season.
- CuttingSchedule:
Discussion was heldregarding whether or not we should hold a cutting event for each rodeo. Kerri Schafer made the motion that we should hold a cutting for each rodeo, Todd Schafer Seconded. Approved. A vote was held for competition option for cutting.
- Cow Horse Schedule
Discussion was held regarding whether or not we should hold a cow horse event for each rodeo.
Scott Henry made the motion that we should hold cow horse for every rodeo, Kerri Schafer Seconded. Approved. A vote was held for competition option for cow horse.
- Nominations for Executive Board:
The following positions are automatically nominated: National Director, President, Vice President, State Secretary and Student President.
Positions requiring nominations are as follows:
(2) Girl’s Event Directors
(1) Rough Stock Director
(1) Boy’s Timed Event Director.
The following individuals were nominated for the positions.
Scott Henry & Yvette Kent for Girl’s Event
Jason Keith for Rough Stock
Howdy Sanborn for Boy’s Event.
Todd Schafer made a motion that those who were nominated be on the Executive Board, Kerri seconded-Approved.
- Team Roping on Saturday Nights. proposal by Double C:
Jack presented that Double C productions wanted to partner with AHSRA to put on Saturday night rodeo weekend team roping. After discussing the opportunity it was decided to not accept the offer from Double C Productions. Todd Schafer made a motion, Kerri Schafer Seconded. Approved
- Rodeo Stock Committee:
Stock committee it was determined that Seth Kent, Don Nahrgang, and Todd Schafer remain on the committee Don recommended adding another person Mark Kibler was added and the motion was made to add Jason Keith replacing Eric Billingsley.
- Photographer:
We have lost our photographer this year. We are now in need of one if anyone knows someone interested. Reminder that the association does not pay the photographer for their services.
- Flagstaff Scholarships:
At the end of the year seniors put in for scholarships, the information is sent to Flagstaff where it is put together, then voted one. The scholarships are as follows.
2 - $1,000
2 - $ 750
1 - $ 500
- Queen and Student Officers duties
Exhibit 4
- RFD TV Contract
Discussion whether or not we want to renew our RFD TV contract this year. Yvette Kent made the motion we renew the contract. Todd Schafer Seconded. Approved
- Nomination Committee
Current Committee Scott Henry and Todd Schafer
7. Comments, Concerns and Closing
The National Committee is doing research and looking at alternative computer programs to possibly replace the current computer program “ARTS”.
Jack reported that we received an invitation to participate in an event in Utah called the Boarder Bash. It would include CA, UT, AZ, CO and NV. They were asking that we make it a mandatory event which would mean that the entire committee would have to go, including the secretary. It was decided that we would not make it mandatory, if members wanted to go for prize money it would be fine but any points earned would not be added to their points in Arizona. The dates are October 14 & 15.
The shooting schedule was discussed regarding having a shooting event for every rodeo. At this time there has been much difficulty finding ranges that are nearby the rodeo events. For 2016-2017, there will be 7 shoots instead of 10. We need to let rodeo host committees know what rodeos won’t include shooting events so they don’t order a buckle.