This pack is for use by Schools submitting new course proposals to the Portfolio Planning Group (PPG). In addition to the following documents described below, this pack must be accompanied by part 1 of the Programme Specification.[1]
The New Course Proposal Pack is to be completed by Course Development Teams in liaison with Heads of School (or College HE Manager for partner Further Education Colleges)and the Partnership Office, as appropriate. The form must be authorised by the Head of School/ College HE Managerand have been considered and approved by the relevant School Management Group (SMG) or FEC Sub-Committee.
Once authorised, the completed forms should be submitted to PPG using the email no later than three weeks prior to the meeting.
Portfolio Planning Group New Course Proposal Form (PPG01A)
The proposed Course Leadershould complete the proposal form stating where the idea has come from to understand the reason behind wanting to introduce the course.PPG will review the proposal, alongside the information provided in the rest of the forms in this pack and part 1 of the Programme Specification. The resources, viability and desirability of the development will be considered before approval to proceed to validation is granted.
Market AssessmentTemplate (PPG01B)
The Market Assessment Template is provided to assist Course DevelopmentTeams in completing part A of the PPG form, which relates to academic rationale and market research. The guide should be completed to inform reflection on the market.
Publicity Information Template(PPG01C)
The detail Course Development Teams provide using the publicity information template will be used to market the course on the University’s website and in the prospectus.
Student Records Information(PPG01D)
The information Course Teams provide using the student records information template is crucial to setting up courses in the University’s corporate systems.
Key Information Set(PPG01E)
The Key Information Set (KIS) will be published in the online prospectus entry for the course.The University is required to publish course level data for each full-timeundergraduate course which is marketed through UCAS or the University’s website.
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Title of proposed course(s)Proposed course(s) start date
The New Course Proposal Pack (PPG01A-E) should be completed and submitted to the Portfolio Planning Group using , along with part 1 of the Programme Specification, no later than three weeks prior to the meeting.
If the proposed development involves a partner institution, please contact the Partnership Office for advice on partnership approval and/or due diligence requirements
If the title or other significant changes tothe basis of the course proposal take place during the development process you may be required to seek new approval from PPG prior to validation.
Please articulate the academic rationale for the proposed course(s), including a proposed module breakdown of what modules would be offered, how that compares to competitors and what distinguishing features the coursewill offer. This section should also provide an overview of the outcomes of the market research compiled by Marketing and Communications in PPG01B.Please list any existing course(s) which will be replaced by his proposal[2]
Number Projections[first academic year] yyyy/yy / [academic year+1] yyyy/yy / [academic year+2] yyyy/yy / [academic year+3] yyyy/yy
Year 1 / Home/ EU / Overseas / Home/ EU / Overseas / Home/ EU / Overseas / Home/ EU / Overseas
Year 2 (if any)
Year 3 (if any)
Year 4 (if any)
Total numbers
Funding and fees
Funding source for the course[4]
Proposed tuition fees[5] / Home Fee:
International Fee:
Group Fee:
Closed course (Client funding)[6]
Please state if there is supplementary funding available in addition to the tuition fee e.g. HEFCE Banding premium[7]
Please state any constraints on student recruitment by a PSRB or similar
Please summarise any financial implications of the proposed development and confirm that the funding source, and planned student numbers for the proposed course(s) has been agreed with the Strategic Planning and Projects Office and your Management Accountant[8]
Please confirm that preliminary discussions with Estates and Facilities Management have taken place, and summarise the outcomes of those discussions. Initial contact should be made with the Senior Space Management Officer, Steven Jones at .PART DINFORMATION SERVICES
Please confirm that preliminary discussions with Information Services have taken place, and summarise the outcomes of those discussions. You should contact the appropriate Information Advisor[9] for your School.PART EPUBLICITY INFORMATION
Course Development Teams are required to provide the Marketing and Communications Office with appropriate information to promote the course in the University prospectus and on the website. A pro-forma for supplying this information is appended to this form as PPG01C. Please confirm that this pro-forma has been completed and forms part of this proposal.PART FRECORDS INFORMATION
Course development teams are required to provide Student Records and Systems section of Academic Services with the information necessary to populate the University’s corporate systems. PPG01D, appended to this form, should be completed and emailed as part of this proposal.Please confirm that PPG01D and PPG01E (for undergraduate courses)have been completed.
Date of scrutiny of the proposal at School Management Group (SMG):Please summarise any major issues arising from School Management Group discussion of the proposed course/ programme, and, where possible, how these have been addressed. Please also indicate here any recommendation relating to validation arrangements for the proposed development.
Module code / Title / Owning School[11]New modules:
Existing modules:
Signature/ Print name:[12] / Tick box:Course Leader or equivalent (please specify)
Head of School/ College HE Manager
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Course Development Teams should complete the first part of this form and submit it to Sarah Craik () and the relevant Marketing Officer who will work with SPO to complete as soon as possible following the decision to develop a new or change an existing course. A Marketing Officer will be assigned to complete the form using a university “toolkit” for data and desk research sources for sections 2 and 3 below and will be returned so that the information gathered can be incorporated into the final rationale submitted to SMG and PPG.
If the PPG is convinced by the academic/strategic rationale for the course(s) in section 2, the completion of this template should then enable it to understand:
- What – if any - major external market drivers are significant factors in considering this proposal;
- What is the sector-level and close competitor market for this and allied provision;
- What scope if there for the University either to enter this market, or develop our position within it.
Proposed course title:
JACS code analysis used:[13]
Significant external drivers (if any)
- e.g. skills shortages; policy-led demand such as STEM; regional demand
UoB proposition with respect to student profile for this course:
- Age
- Domicile (incl. local)
- Entry requirements
- Other
Executive Summary
Competitor analysis:
- Course title
- Key descriptors
- Entry requirements
- Institutional location (e.g. within which School/institute/centre etc.)
Key features of successful provision
(Identify significant evidence from key successful competitors identified above)
- Course titles
- Entry requirements
- Distinctive features
UoB existing related provision:
- Course titles
- Entry requirements
Assessment of UoB scope to enter this market and/or increase market share.
- A level or BTec trends
- Regional gaps
- Proposition around location/clusters of provision
- Target student market
Sector analysis:
- Volume
- Trends
- Employability
Competitor analysis:
- Volume
- Applications
- Enrolments
- Successful competitors
Student profile:
- Entry qualifications: type and subject
- Age
UCAS Market Scans:
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The information Course Development Teams provide using this template will be used to market courses on the University’s website and in the prospectus. This form must be completed and submitted for all new course proposals.
If you need assistance completing this form please contact your School/College Marketing Officer.[14]
SchoolCourse title
Main award
Intermediate awards
The following information will be used for both the prospectus and the Course Finder website pages. Maximum words in this section: 300.
Use active language and write in the present tense. The more specific the information provided, the better, but you donot need to fill out every section or address each point in this template. A link to additional information (e.g. from your School site, detailed course structure, and module specifications) can be added further down this document.
Introduction/ summary / Details which could be included:
Is the course unique?
Distinctive qualities/ experiences available to students (e.g. opportunities to engage with the community, volunteering, any extracurricular activities).
Who should apply and why?
Quality ratings (if recent and relevant).
Professional accreditation / Details which could be included:
Is the course accredited by a professional organisation?
Will the degree provide exemption/ part-exemption from professional exams?
Will the degree qualify graduates for membership of a professional organisation?
Other relationships with professional organisations.
Subject areas / Details which could be included:
This should relate directly to the syllabus/ modules. Expand on the kinds of subjects studied and perhaps highlight a core or popular module.
If options are available, emphasise how they allow students to explore areas of personal interest. How is this a good thing for the student, for their potential employer etc.?
Provide examples of any specific skills developed, ‘real-life’ projects, or outstanding facilities available.
Study pattern / Are there:
Placement opportunities?
Opportunities to study abroad?
Field trips?
Average contact hours/ study hours expected.
Lecture/ seminar/ reading balance.
Part-time/ flexible attendance. When?
Bear in mind the mode of attendance is listed in the Info Panel, so it is only worth mentioning if you are expanding on it in some way.
Career opportunities / What exciting things are your graduates equipped to do? Maybe highlight a few rather than have a long list.
What are employment prospects in this subject?
Syllabus / List modules that make up the course including:
Core modules
Core modules
UCAS code
Location / Campus or partner college
Attendance pattern / Full-time
[xxx years] / Part-time
[xxx years] / Distance learning?
[Y/ N]
Typical entry requirements / Individual offers may vary
UCAS tariff / xx points, from a minimum of one 12-unit or two 6-unit qualifications
List all A-level subjects which must be included
Level 3 Key Skills will/ will not count towards the tariff score?
General Studies will/ will not count towards the tariff score?
A-levels / In 2008, UCAS tariff scores were replaced with A-level grades, typically A-levels CCC/ BCD. Applicants with only two full A-levels or a double award will be considered on an individual basis.
International Baccalaureate / xx points, specific subjects.
QAA-approved access course
GCSE (min grade C) / At least 3 subjects including English language and mathematics or a science.
HND/ HNC year 2 entry
Contact / Telephone number
01273 64xxxx / Email address
We strongly encourage using a GENERIC email address. Contact Service Admin to set one up for your course.
Related courses / We can link related courses, or courses in related areas, together so that prospective students can see all of the courses that might be available to them (including courses in other schools).
Link to additional course information on School site / If no link is provided, we will link directly to your School home page.
Key word searches / What key words might apply to your course? Please be specific and avoid words like degree, BA, certificate.
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The information you provide using this form is crucial to setting up new courses in the University’s student records systems. Accurate information is necessary to enable students to be registered for the new award, and subsequently for the award to be conferred. This form must be completed and submitted for all new course proposals.
The completed form must be submitted alongside your proposal to PPG and emailed later than three weeksprior to the meeting. This pack must be accompanied by part 1 of the Programme Specification for the course.
For further guidance on completion please refer to the notes at the end of this form. Advice on the coding of courses (JACS, Cost Centres, and Internal Subject Groups) is available from the Head of Management Information, Peter Clements, in the Strategic Planning and Projects Office.
Yes / NoPart 1 of programme specification attached
All fields should be completed with the exception of the final fields detailing external examiners, examination boards and the approval date.
Location of study
Is the course taught wholly outside the UK?
Recruitment to intermediate awards
Will there be direct recruitment to any intermediate awards (e.g. PGDip for a Master’s award)?
If yes, please specify intermediate awards here: / [insert award titles]
Please list here any existing course(s) which will be replaced by this course[15]: / [insert award titles]
Is the course to be studied in long taught mode (over longer than 45 weeks if taken over one year)?
Does any of the 45 week period include work placement?
Does the course include any optional or compulsory sandwich or placement element?
Will the course recruitto a Part time route?
Will the course recruit to a Distance Learning route?
If yes, please provide details here: / [details of sandwich or placement elements]
Course subject areas
Please indicate the overall subject area of the programme of study using the JACS subject codes[16]. Where the course has joint, major/ minor or triple subject combinations, please provide JACS codes for each component part and the relative weightings. JACS codes must be given four characters, e.g. K100.
JACS code / Weighting (%)
Subject and academic cost centres for each level
For each (FHEQ) level of the course, we require details of the main subjects covered both in terms of the JACS codes and HESA’s Academic Cost Centre, the School responsible for the delivery of the teaching, and the proportion. It may be that this can be determined by the balance of the individual modules to be taken at each level, but in the absence of this information, please give approximations as near as possible to the anticipated programme to be delivered.
A complete list of cost centres can be obtained from the HESAwebsite.[17]
(4-8)[18] / Subject area
(JACS code) / School name / Academic Cost Centre / Proportion for year (%)
University of Brighton internal subject group(s)
Internal subject groups are used by the Strategic Planning and Projects Office (SPPO) to organise individual courses into meaningful subject groups. They are used when analysing University data, particularly at course level. The list of subject groupings for each school can be downloaded from theSPPO[19] website on Staffcentral. Note that in addition to a subject-based group, postgraduate courses must also be coded by purpose (e.g. CPD).
Internal subject group
Notes for completion
The proportion for each year must equal 100%.
Academic cost centres contributing less than 5% should be excluded, the remaining proportions for each year should be pro-rated so the total becomes 100%.
The academic cost centre should relate to where the resources that are deployed to teach the students are located. For example, if a group of Architecture students are taught in the School of Humanities one of the three academic cost centres assigned to the School of Humanities must be chosen according to which cost centre the member(s) of staff belong.
The above table should be completed for courses wholly or partly franchised out. The appropriate School name should be entered along with the appropriate cost centre for the School within the University organising the course.
The National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL)needs to link student numbers to intake targets. To enable this to happen, only a subset of JACS subject codes can be used for ITT courses – see HESA Student Record Coding Manualfor details of the valid codes for ITT[20] coursesand non-ITT courses.[21]
Example: BA Hons in Architectural Design
/Subject area (JACS code)
/School Name
/Academic Cost centre
/Proportion for year (%)
4 / K100 / Art, Design and Media / 123 / 814 / K200 / Art, Design and Media / 123 / 11
4 / L400 / Applied Social Sciences / 131 / 8
5 / K100 / Art, Design and Media / 123 / 84
5 / K200 / Art, Design and Media / 123 / 10
5 / L400 / Applied Social Sciences / 131 / 6
6 / K100 / Art, Design and Media / 123 / 93
6 / K200 / Art, Design and Media / 123 / 3
6 / L400 / Applied Social Sciences / 131 / 4
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