INVENTION – a shift from having to say something to having something to say
- From Latin “invenire,” meaning “to find”
- Definition: the art of finding and developing materials; the ability to discover ideas
- SYSTEMATIC/FORMAL: journalists’ questions (who, what, when, where, why) or mode of development (definition, cause and effect, process analysis, etc.)
- INTUITIVE: free writing, journals, brainstorming, reading, discussion
ARRANGEMENT – putting things together for rhetorical effect
- Organization
- Selecting evidence and ordering it with purpose
- When we talk about genre, method of development, and functional parts (thesis, background information, evidence, etc.) we are talking about arrangement
- Basic 4-part Argument Structure:
- Assertion (I believe…)
- Concession (Others may think…)
- Evidence/Rebuttal (However, here is why I’m right…)
- Conclusion (Therefore…agree with me)
- Aristotle’s Classical Arrangement:
- Excordium – introduction
- Narration – background information/context
- Partition – outlines and defines the scope of the argument
- Confirmation – offers evidence; the body of the argument
- Refutation – other points of view/counter arguments
- Peroration – conclusion
STYLE –how things are presented
- Every piece of writing has style
- Good style always depends on the situation
- Resources: figurative language, diction, punctuation and grammar, levels of formality, syntax, allusion
MEMORY – cultural literacy: what you know or can access
- In Aristotle’s time, literally memorizing/learning elaborate mnemonics
- In our time, focus on getting it on paper
- What a student KNOWS, CAN ACCESS, and USE.
- Pairs with Invention
- College Board’s “Mature Academic Perspective”
DELIVERY – used to create emphasis and support meaning
- In Aristotle’s time, the art of public speaking, enunciation, gestures, eye contact, cadence, pacing
- In our time, how text looks on the page
- How it is “delivered”: font size and style, use of white space, insertion of visuals, layout (columns, bullets, boxes, etc.), hypertext links, emphasis on techniques like italics, bold, dashes, etc.
- Mrs. Davidson’s Delivery Requirements for on-demand writing:
- One side of the paper
- One-inch margins on all sides
- Pen (blue or black)
- Writing large enough for human eyes to read
- Standard use of letter height (“a” and “d” are not the same height on a page)
- Writing neat enough for old eyes to read
Adapted from: Valerie Stevenson’s “Informal Teacher Notes.” Ideas fromEveryday Use: Rhetoric at Work in Reading and Writing by Hephzibah Roskelly and David Jolliffe.