Christ Church
Vestry Meeting Minutes
March 17, 2015
- Open-Welcome
Following Prayers, Rector Seth Dietrich called to order the regular meeting of the Vestry at 7:05 p.m. on March 17, 2015, at Christ Church.
The following voting members were present: Rector and Vestry President Seth Dietrich, Senior Warden Greg Bell, Junior Warden Pam Eversfield, Vestry Members: Jim Benton, Carol Crowley, Scott Sevenich, Katie Waers, and Tom Watson.
The following non-voting members were present: Vestry Clerk Kari Foote (telephonic), Treasurer Mike Giesecke, and Assistant to the Rector Seth Allen Raymond.
The following members were absent: Pattie Beem, Rick Donner, Tim Kobussen, Cathy Martin Braun, and Sara Murphy.
- Opening Prayer
Katie Waers led the opening prayer.
- Review and Receive February Financials
Reactions were shared about the Drop Box format. Greg Bell will share the file to Drop Box and then Drop Box will notify users of new documents as they are added.
Treasurer Mike Giesecke reviewed the financials for the month of February.
Mike expanded on a few line items. Mike mentioned the current pledges on line item #4101. The current year pledges are running behind the projected at 33.7% of YTD collections, yet this figure is ahead of prior years 29%in 2014 and 30% in 2013. Mike discussed the following line items: #4110, #4112, #4452, #5203, #5230, #5240, #5241, #5302, #5532, #5610, #5614, #5635, #4714 and #4716.
Mike welcomed any questions from the Vestry.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the financials for the month of February 2015. All were in favor. None were opposed.
- Rector’s Report
Rector Seth Dietrich began his report by providing an update on Christ Church’s Pastoral Care Ministry. Rector Seth has been in meetings with Ed Leidel. The goal is to expand the ministry to those individuals who are facing periods of transition, loss, or chaos. Ed Leidel has created a series of Training Sessions (to be held on Saturdays) for current and future lay caregivers. These sessions will be advertised with the goal of recruiting and creating a community of lay caregivers. Jim Benton is serving as a consultant to the group.
Rector Seth Dietrich reported on the progress of the Christian Formation Planning Group within Christ Church. The meetings of the various groups will be published and communicated to the parish. There is the formation of a new, small group that meets downtown. UWM may be interested in a daytime lunch group. There is the potential for a group to form on the West side. Another group is one which fills the bags for The Gathering.
Rector Seth Dietrich provided an update on the configuration of the Youth Mission experience. Rector Seth Dietrich and Assistant to the Rector Seth Allen Raymond met with Scott Stoner for an evaluation of the situation. Scott provided an objective third-party viewpoint. A consideration was whether the Appalachian Service Project (ASP) ought to be offered either every year OR once every four years as a part of the four-year rotational youth mission program. Moving forward, Seth Dietrich, Seth Allen Raymond, Greg Bell, and Pam Eversfield will have a meeting in May with the ASP leaders. A letter stating the Vestry’s endorsement of the 4-year rotational youth mission program will be available at the next Vestry meeting (April). The 4-year rotational program is planning their ASP trip in the summer of 2017. With Scott Stoner’s suggestion, Seth Allen Raymond will seek an evaluation of the 4-year rotational program at the conclusion of the first 4-year cycle.
- Discussions of Healthy Congregations
Rector Seth Dietrich began his discussion of the Preface and Chapter 1 of Healthy Congregations by providing a visual image of our system. Seth Dietrich mentioned the variety of groups that work together within the complex system of Christ Church. There is a high level of relationships, a web of interconnected individuals, and connections between individuals through this system. If one person leaves or if their position changes, then the relationship changes and everyone involved needs to adapt.
In a healthy system, the system is designed to absorb the change, move, adjust, and rebalance in order to sustain itself. Senior Warden Greg Bell mentioned that the parish is dynamic and needs to be readily able to move and absorb change across the system.
Our worship on Sunday mornings is the main visible event of Christ Church. There are many other invisible pieces. It was stated that we need to keep seeking deeper wholeness. If one individual feels their purpose is the most important one, they must also realize that there is a lot going on outside of our own work/contribution.
Greg mentioned that positivity is a function of Seth Dietrich’s leadership. This positivity creates a healthier system. The importance of the priest is visibly apparent to the entire congregation. The miracle of every Sunday is the combined effect of everyone’s contributions.
For the April meeting, Chapter Two of Healthy Congregations will be discussed.
- Complete Sign Ups for 2015
Rick Donner and Greg Bell discussed the Chart of Member Engagements. The sign up sheet for Vestry Members Opening Prayer and Presentation of Chapter from Healthy Congregations by P. Steinke was distributed. Please reference the 2015 Vestry Engagements with Committees, Key Projects & Tasks. Various committees, projects, and tasks were reviewed.
Nametags are available to all of the new Vestry members.
- Facilities Use and ADA Project
Greg Bell led the discussion concerning the facilities use and ADA Project. The new stairs to the Great Hall have been completed. New carpeting has been installed. Chris Manger found the railing that was reinstalled. A short-term solution to the access issue is to install a folding chair lift. The long-term solution is to install an elevator.
The folding chair lift is a temporary solution as the individual using the chair lift needs to sit in the chair lift. If this individual is wheelchair bound, it is necessary to transfer out of one’s wheelchair into the lift. This requires a second person to carry the wheelchair up the stairs. Factors to consider include ADA compliance and fire safety regulations.
Chris and Eileen Manger are working on quotes for this project. Quotes from competing companies were discussed: Access versus Integrity. Prices ranged from $7,000 to $10,000.
Seth Dietrich confirmed that there is a consensus among the Vestry regarding this temporary solution. Individuals who are not able to transfer to the chair lift will not benefit. For the long term, it is proposed to design and use a charrette process (note Design Charrette document) and for people to determine what we want our facilities to look like. Various physical spaces of the church were mentioned.
We’ll need to utilize focus groups and surveys to gain input from parishioners. A complex project will be required to lead the parish through this change process. This project will require a capital campaign. An additional factor is the involvement of the Diocese as they own the building. Seth Dietrich mentioned a few Episcopal Churches that have launched capital campaigns.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved to authorize the spending of up to $8,000 for the purchase of a chair lift and installation (and will push back on further stipulation). All were in favor. None were opposed.
- Miscellaneous business
Seth Dietrich, Greg Bell, and Pam Eversfield led the discussion of miscellaneous business.
Clarification on attendance was provided for the non-voting members, including Seth Allen Raymond, Mike Giesecke, and Kari Foote.
The February Minutes were received. A motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the February Minutes. All were in favor. None were opposed.
Two new Vestry members are needed. Potential Vestry Candidates were reviewed. A female is needed for a 3-year term. A male is needed for a 1-year term. An idea surfaced for the possibility of adding a youth member as a Vestry member.
The Vestry reviewed the Annual Parochial Report. A motion was made, seconded, and approved to approved the Annual Parochial Report. All were in favor. None were opposed.
Upcoming Dates:
· Gathering, March 21
· Holy Week, March 29 thru April 3
· Maundy Thursday is April 2 (58 are registered for the dinner)
· Easter: Vigil, April 4, Sunday, April 5
· Fundraiser for Urban Pilgrimage: May 1st (save the date)
· Safeguarding God’s Children, St. Boniface, Mequon, on Saturday, May 2nd
- Compline, Prayers, and Adjourn
Following Prayers, Rector Seth Dietrich adjourned the meeting at 9:28 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by: Kari Foote
Minutes approved by: [Name]
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