Argyll and Bute Council Community Services: Education
© Psychology Consultancy Services, 1997-2009
Name: DoB:Early Years Establishment: Boy Girl
Bilingual learner (please √)
ASN (eg visual impairment)(please √)
Gaelic Immersion Class (please √)
Date of Assessment : Name of Assessor: / Our Ref:
Section 1: Concepts of Print Task 1 (knowledge of books, words and letters)
Stage (please √): Preschool: P1: P2:
Use a simple reading book which has a mixture of pictures and text. Place a score of 1 in the box provided for each correct item.
1 / Lay the book in front of the child upside down and back to frontSay: ‘Fosgail an leabhar agus cum an taobh cheart e’
2 / Say: ‘Seall dhomh beulaibh an leabhair’
3 / Say: ‘Seall dhomh cùl an leabhair’
4 / Say: ‘Cuir do chorrag air na rudan a bhios sinn a’ leughadh’
That is, the child should point to text as opposed to pictures
5 / Say: ‘Seall dhomh far an tòisich sinn air an leabhar a leughadh’
The child should point to the first word in the first line
6 / Say: ‘A bheil fhios agad dè th’ ann am facal? Seall dhomh facal’
Ensure that the child correctly shows a single word
7 / Say: ‘A bheil fhios agad dè th’ ann an litir? Seall dhomh litir’
Ensure that the child correctly shows a single letter
8 / Say: ‘Tha mi a’ dol a’ leughadh a-nis. Seall dhomh na faclan a tha mi a’ leughadh’
Point the child to the first word only. Do not give any further prompts. Read slowly, about one word per second. Score if the child points correctly to any 5 consecutive words after the first one
Section 2: Phonological Awareness Task 1: Nursery Rhymes
Stage (please √): Preschool: P1: P2:
Say: ‘Tha sinn a-nis a’ dol a leughadh rann / a sheinn òran no dhà. A bheil fhios agad air am fear seo....?’
Use the following format each time: ‘Me, me chaora dhubh....Innis dhomh dè tha tighinn as dèidh sin?’
If the child, after being given the first line, goes on to complete the verse, score three full points for that item and proceed to the next one.
Otherwise, score two points for giving the next line correctly, one point for being partly right (at least two words of the line without prompting).
Then read the whole rhyme down to the missing word/s at the end - this scores a further point.
Circle the appropriate score in the box provided and complete the ‘total’ box for each item.
The below set of nursery rhymes and songs are not prescriptive. They can be accessed at appendix 8 for reference also. An establishment is asked to indicate in the boxes alternative materials they wish to use that are deemed more appropriate to their situation.
TOTAL(maximum 3)
1 / Me, me chaora dhubh...
(Càite a bheil do chlòimh?) / 0 1 2
Tha, tha, ‘ille bhig, a’ fas air mo (dhruim) / 0 1
2 / Chaidh Seoc is Sìne suas an cnoc...
(A dh’ iarraidh cuinneag uisge) / 0 1 2
Thuit Seoc le creag is sgoilt (e cheann) / 0 1
3 / Ennsean, tractor agus bhan...
(Einnsean, tractor, tha iad trang) / 0 1 2
Sìos an rathad, suas an rathad, fad an latha (trang) / 0 1
4 / Uilleam Ordag, Uilleam Ordag...
(Cà bheil thu?) / 0 1 2
Tha mi seo; Tha mi seo; Ciamar a (tha thu?) / 0 1
5 / Ionsaidh Uoinsaidh damhan-allaidh...
(Seall e streap ‘n àird a’ bhalla) / 0 1 2
Sìos, sìos, shil am (fras) / 0 1
6 / Higiridh digiridh doc...
(Ruith an luchag bheag suas an gleoc)
Nuair a’ leum an gleog (uair) / 0 1 2
0 1
© Psychology Consultancy Services, 1997-2009
Child’s Name: DoB:School: Boy Girl
Bilingual learner (please √)
ASN (eg visual impairment)(please √)
Gaelic Immersion Class(please √)
Date of Assessment : Name of Assessor: / Our Ref:
Section 2: Phonological Awareness Task 2: Initial Letter Sounds
Stage (please √): P1: P2:
Show the child the pictures on the sheet. Say: ‘Coimhead air na dealbhan. Dè tha seo.....?’ Go through all of the pictures, making sure that the correct response is given to each. Then say: ‘Coimhead air na dealbhan a-rithist. Cuir do chorrag air rudeigin a’ tòiseachadh le...... ’
Examples: l..... (luch) m.... (muc). Use the sound, not the name of the letter. Give help as necessary with these examples. Tests: Give no further prompts. Score 1 in the box provided for each correct response.
a.... / r.... / c.... / u.... / d.... / i....Section 2: Phonological Awareness Task 3: Rhyme Detection
Stage (please √): P1: P2
Show the child the pictures on the Rhyme Detection Sheet (next page).
Say: ‘Seo dealbh de luch. Agus seo na trì dealbhan eile. Nise, dè am facal aig a bheil an aon fhuaim – leabaidh, fluich, spàin?’
Provide the correct answer if necessary, and explain that spoon rhymes with moon - it sounds the same.
Do the same with the second example (ad, le bus, muc, stad)
Use the same format for the six test items - in each case naming each item, but without providing any more prompts. Score 1 for each correct response
The items are:
òrd: / goc / cearc / bòrdceann: / bò / taigh / peann
sgian: / iasg / grian / ugh
tunnag: / rionnag / losgann / cat
plèana: / làmh / craobh / trèana
buth: / each / sùgh / gleoc
Section 2: Phonological Awareness Pictures for task 3: Rhyme Detection
Reading Initiative
November 2010
Argyll and Bute Council Community Services: Education
Section 2: Phonological Awareness Task 4: Rhyme Production
Stage (please √): P1: P2:
Start with the two examples and then proceed to the six assessment items.
Say: ‘Nise, an innis thu dhomh faclan aig a bheil an aon fhuaim – mar beò, ceò’
‘Can you tell me a word that rhymes with....’
(Supply answers to examples if child cannot respond correctly)
Ex. 1 / saor / daorEx. 2 / dath / math
Say: ‘Now can you tell me a word that rhymes with....’ Score one for each correct response.
Tester writes answer here(accept a non-word if it rhymes)
1 / athair
2 / cluas
3 / each
4 / bochd
5 / làmh
6 / beò
Section 3: Early Reading Skills Task 1: Lower Case Letter Sounds
Stage (please √): P1: P2:
Point to each letter in turn and ask the child to give the sound. (If the child names the letter, ask what the letter says. For responses like ‘Anna Annasach’ say: ‘Seadh, ach dè bhios Anna Annasach ag ràdh?’) Do not prompt, but feel free to give the answers to the first three items (after scoring each a fail) if the child has not grasped the idea of giving the sound.
Place a small mark beside each letter sounded correctly, so that performance on each letter can be identified.
Enter the total correct score in the box.
Total scorea c e t m
o p b d r
n u i l
s f g h
Section 3: Early Reading Skills Task 2: The Alphabet
Stage (please √): P1: P2:
Say: ‘An innis thu dhomh litrichean na h-aibidil – tha iad a’ tòiseachadh le A, B, C? Count the number of letters said (or sung) correctly, ignoring letters which are missed out. Mark one of the boxes with score 1-4 as follows:
5 or less (incl. A,B,C)1 / 6 to 12
2 / 13 to 20
3 / Over 20
Section 3: Early Reading Skills Task 3: Letter Names
Stage (please √): P1: P2:
Say: ‘Tha sinn a-nis a’ dol a choimhead air na litrichean a-rithist. An innis thu dhomh ainmean na litrichean?’ Go through the letters and if the child gives the sound, say: ‘Seadh, ach dè an t-ainm a th’ air?’ Do not prompt, but feel free to give the names of the first three letters (after scoring a fail) if the child has not grasped the idea. Place a small mark beside each letter sounded correctly, so that performance on each letter can be identified.
Enter the total correct score in the box.
Total scorea c e t m
o p b d r
n u i l
s f g h
Reading Initiative
November 2010
Argyll and Bute Council Community Services: Education
Section 3: Early Reading Skills Task 4: Non-word Reading Assessment
Stage (please √): P1: P2:
Tell the child that these are not real words - they’re nonsense words.
Ask the child to read the examples, prompting as necessary: ‘c-a says ca, a-d says ad’. After this give no help with the letter sounds or with blending. However, if the letters are only sounded out, encourage the child to blend them.
Score an item correct if sounded and blended, or if read correctly without sounding.
Do not score if sounded out but not blended.
If the child fails all items on the first line, stop assessing.
Place a small mark beside each item sounded correctly, so that performance on each item can be identified.
Enter the total correct score in the box. Score:
Examples: ca ad ll
id fath aom ig ua bl sg chr fò lc chd ao rd dho ath rag idh
Section 3: Early Reading Skills Task 5: Word Reading
Stage (please √): P1: P2:
Place a small mark beside each word read correctly, so that performance on each word can be identified.
Enter the total correct score in the box. Score:
i e mo do cò na gu ro ri
seo ach ann dol ach air bha tha
agad math agam bùth thog sibh agus
mise a’ cluich a-mach a-steach airson anns
càite chaidh taigh thuirt toilichte
brònach agamsa còmhla ri ag iarraidh a’ dèanamh
an-diugh an-dè chunnaic a’ coimhead fhuair
ruith saoil uabhasach fhathast ri taobh
Diluain piuthar bràthair Dimàirt co-ògha
seanair Diciadain seanmhair Diardaoin màthair
athair Dihaoine a-rithist a-màireach a-raoir
Didòmhnaich caraid a’ faighinn a’ tighinn ‘s docha
an-dràsta dh’ fhosgail dh’ iarr dh’ fhag dh’ fhalbh
dh’ èigh fichead mìle thachair furasta
Faoilleach còir inntineach miorbhailleach mì-fhortanach
onarach misneachd còmhdail tàlantach gu h-obann
a’ deàrrsadh seantansan gu fortanach tlachdmhor gàirdeachas
sònraichte àibheiseach eagalach a’ gealltainn sgòthach
Appendix 4
Argyll and Bute Reading Initiative: Sgoil-àraich Summary Sheet
Date of Assessment:
Group details
Child’s Name / Date of birth / Male / Female / Section 1Concepts of Print
Task 1 score / Section 2
Nursery Rhymes
Task 1 score / Total score
Head of Preschool: / Date:
Appendix 5
Argyll and Bute Reading Initiative: Primary 1 Gaelic Medium Class Summary Sheet
Date of Assessment:
Class details
Child’s Name / Date of birth / Male / Female / Section 2Task 2
score / Section 2
Task 3
score / Section 2
Task 4
score / Section 3
Task 1
score / Section 3
Task 2
score / Section 3
Task 3
score / Total Score
Class teacher: / Date:
Reading Initiative
November 2010
Argyll and Bute Council Community Services: Education
Appendix 6
Argyll and Bute Reading Initiative: Primary 2 Gaelic Medium Class Summary Sheet
Date of Assessment:
Class details
Child’s Name / Date of birth / Male / Female / Section 3Task 4
score / Section 3
Task 5
score / Total
Class teacher; / Date:
Reading Initiative
November 2010
Argyll and Bute Council Community Services: Education
Appendix 7
Argyll and Bute Reading Initiative: Results of Primary 4 Gaelic Medium Reading Assessment
Date of Assessment:
Class details
Pupil Code / Date of birth / Male / Female / Score / CommentHead teacher’s signature / Date
Reading Initiative
November 2010