
PRESS RELEASE: Powell County School District shows growth at the district level.

The Powell County School District did show growth and improvement in the fourth year of Unbridled Learning and Accountability. The Powell County School District increased on the overall score from 57.8 (19th Percentile rank) in 2013 to 65.5(63rdPercentile rank) in 2014 to 65.8 (65th Percentile ranking in 2015, showing a growth of 8.0points and +46 percentile rank change over the past two school years. The Powell County School District has a classification of “Needs Improvement”. Bowen Elementary and Clay City Elementary had a classification of Proficientwith both schools showing tremendous growth from 2012-2013 school year to the 2014-2015 school year. This is a tremendous feat to accomplish. Bowen and Clay City Elementary are both listed as Proficient schools, with this being the second year in a row for Clay City Elementary to be listed as a Proficient School. Bowen Elementary and Powell County High School showed the most growth within the district. The Powell County District with a score of 65.8 missed being listed as a Proficient district by 0.4 points with the cut score for proficient being at 66.2.

The following represents Powell County District/Schools profile:

School/District / Overall Score
2013-2014 / Overall Score
2014-2015 / Growth
Overall Score / Percentile Rank
2012-2013 / Percentile Rank
2013-2014 / Percentile Rank
2014-2015 / Percentile Rank
Two Year / Percentile Rank
One Year / Classification
Bowen Elem. / 68.7 / 70.8 / +2.1 / 33 / 76 / 83 / +50 / +7 / Proficient
Clay City Elem. / 68.0 / 67.9 / -0.1 / 8 / 73 / 73 / +65 / +0 / Proficient
Stanton Elem. / 66.7 / 65.0 / -1.7 / 16 / 67 / 60 / +44 / -7 / Needs Improvement
PCMS / 63.3 / 63.0 / -0.3 / 28 / 58 / 58 / +30 / +0 / Needs Improvement
PCHS / 65.5 / 66.7 / +1.2 / 21 / 43 / 50 / +29 / +7 / Needs Improvement
Powell (District) / 65.5 / 65.8 / +0.3 / 19 / 63 / 65 / +46 / +2 / Needs Improvement

The DATA reflects growth across the district during the past two years. As the data shows,the Powell County School District showed growth for the 2014-2015 school year. District and school leadership will be utilizing the data in developing strategies and activities targeting student achievement. Goals will continue to be developed for the district, schools, staff, and each student. In the future ALL work will be focused and intentional on student achievement and meeting goalsestablished on targeting student needs. A strong focus this upcoming year will be attendance, reducing the novice rate and equity; all three are top priorities for the district and the Kentucky Department of Education. As superintendent, I am extremely proud of the body of work over the past two years. A special “THANK YOU” goes out to students,teachers, staff, cooks, bus drivers, parents, board members, community partners, business partners, and ALL who helped achieve these scores. Powell County is a district on the move and will continue to move forward in the years to come. As superintendent, I will continue to focus the work on student achievement and meeting goals within the district. The district, schools, staff and students can and will meet targets and goals in the future focusing on being Proficient. If the hard work continues in the district, I truly believe that ALL schools and the District can be Proficient for the 2015-2016 school year.

Michael Tate

Michael Tate


Powell County Schools

691 Breckinridge Street

P.O. BOX 430

Stanton, KY 40380

Office 606-663-3300

Cell 606-359-3950

Cell 859-582-9389

Home 606-723-2010

Fax 606-663-3303

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