Minutes of the

10/3/2016 Regular Council Meeting


The Argonia City Council met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. on 10/3/16 at the City Hall Meeting Room. Mayor Alan Brundage presided. Council members Don Phillips, Bob Randall and Wayne Vineyard were present. Also present were Lonnie Cooper – Auditor, Paul Conklin – Fire Department and Mindy Mages - City Clerk.

A quorum was present.

Mayor Brundage called the Regular Council Meeting to Order at 7:00 p.m.


·  Minutes

Randall moved to accept the regular minutes for 9/6/16, Phillips seconded, motion carried 3-0.

·  Bills

Vineyard moved to pay the bills from, 09/01/2016 thru 09/30/2016, in the amount of $74,721.65, Randall seconded, motion carried 3-0.


·  Lonnie Cooper – 2015 Audit

Cooper talked with the council about the details from the audit.


·  Mindy Mages – City Clerk

Mages talked with the council about the upcoming clerk’s conference. Mages stated this is the 3rd year for the institute conference and would complete her training for the certified clerk status. Mages stated she will be required to stay at the hotel to be able to work with the group. Randall made a motion to approve the 3rd year conference including hotel reservations for Mages, Vineyard seconded, motion carried 3-0. Mages discussed the upcoming bid letting on October 18, 2016. Council discussed whether this needed to be a special meeting and Mages stated she would find out.


Brundage stated that he attended the mayor meeting in Inman, KS. Brundage reported some items that were discussed with council.


Wayne Vineyard

Vineyard asked about the status of arch at the cemetery, the meter from the well house, emailing KLOUDBUSTERS about the advertisement billboard being replaced in Argonia and the notices that were sent regarding mowing, trash, tree trimming and the status of the fines if not completed. Mages stated she would get with McCurley and Lathrom to follow up on these issues. Vineyard made a motion to start having the Police Department clock in/out with a time card to keep track of hours worked, Randall seconded, motion carried 3-0.



A motion to adjourn was made by Randall and seconded by Phillips.

On motion duly made, seconded and carried 3-0, the meeting thereupon adjourned at 8:32 p.m.



Mindy Mages Alan Brundage

City Clerk Mayor