
Claudia Goldman

Argentine Sworn Translator & Court Interpreter

Work and Experience:

Enc. 1 brief containing career highlights.

Post-graduate Courses

* CETI Court Interpretation 2007/2008.

* A full year course on Normativa Lingüística held atFundación Litterae, 2003.

* Court Interpretation at University of Arizona,July1999. 120 hours:Lab, Critique

Labs,Lectures,Consecutive, Simultaneous, First Sighttranslations.Subjects related to: Drugs, Weapons,Forensic Medicine. Goal: Court Interpretation in Argentina.

* Latest developments in technical translation incharge of Daniel Reznik (General Supervisor ofCultural Inglesa de Buenos Aires).

1.- Banking and finance. August 1992 to May 1993.

2.- Documents on financial issues. April 1993 toDecember 1993.

3.- Markets. Pension funds. Balance sheets. April 1994to December 1996.

4.- English in the 90´s. 5.- Marketing. Team Management.

* Procedural Course. Mandatory exam passed at the BarAssociation of San Isidro, Province of Buenos Aires,1997 to appear before the Court as an experttranslator according to the Colegio de laMagistratura.

* Interpretation course given by Dianne Merchant(Member of Asociación de Intérpretes de Conferenciasde Argentina),1991 to 1993.

Relevant previous translations:

Translation Revision on Books: 1) Misiones: Religion,2) Misiones: Birds, Orchids, Butterflies. 2006/2008. Golden Company. 3) The Jesuit Missions,March 2009.

Translations on website for APSA ( Alto Palermo, Patio Bullrich, Abasto, Noa Shopping Avellaneda, Paseo Alcorta, etc) 2005.

*New York.July, 1994 Bankruptcy proceedings. Interpretation of legalmatters on behalf of Caja de Crédito in different lawfirms Marshall Beil.Attorney at law.

* Canadá : October, 1994. Bankruptcy proceedings.Interpretation of legalmatters in Fasken Campbell Godfrey. TorontoDominionBankTower. Tel : 416/865-4447. ( Ronald J.Walker).

* Dr. Roberto Churba. Attorney at Law.

 Kors, Noviks. Intellectual Property office. Licence contracts and Training for lawyers. 1999/2010.

* Registro del Estado Civil y Capacidad de lasPersonas.

Uruguay 753. ( Dra. Luisa Noemi Tripaldi).Interpretation of civil marriages .October 1994, March1998 and at Beruti and Juncal, Martínez. December,1998.

Translationsmade as an expert court translator. Official matters.

* Schmukler Case 1769. Tax Evasion 250 pages. October 2008.

* Official matter related to Sarlenga on Arms.Case Nº 326. Letters Rogatory. Letters to the U.S Department of Justice.pp.42. August 2009.

* Expert court translatorand interpreter. Court onCriminal and Economic Matters Nº 2 Court Clerk 5 Drug-trafficking 2006/2008.p.p 9. February, March 2009.

* T.O.P.E 3 Industrias Spar San Luis on Smuggling.Nov. 2007. Case 12,552. pp. 15.

* National court on Economic matters Nº2 Court office.59. Disseisin. October, 2005.

*Court of Preliminary Investigation Nº 4 Court office 113. Contracts: Warner 1) pp 44, Fox 2) pp.33 and Walt Disney 3) pp.49.

* Criminal and Economic Court Nº 1 Court office Nº 105. Case: Itzcovici on Smuggling, April 2005.

* Commercial Court Nº 19.Ceteco on bankruptcy proceedings. July, 2001.

*Court 49 Court Office 169 NN on Infringement 11,723. Letters Rogatory. February and May, 2001.

*Extradition of Diego Emilio Palleros .Case:10,338. August, 1998.pp) 93.

* Cases on smuggling from July, 1992 till August 2008.* Registro del Estado Civil y Capacidad de las Personas.(Civil Registry)Uruguay 753. (Dra. Luisa Noemi Tripaldi). Interpretation of civil marriages .October 1994, March 1998 and at Beruti and Juncal, Martínez..David Charles Key and María del Rosario Ciaburri. December, 1998.

* Registro del Estado Civil y Capacidad de las Personas. Uruguay 753. Interpretation of civil marriages 1) Rabbi Hirsch Hendel and Sara Lapidus.March, 1998. and 2) Gastón Medrano y Elizabeth Ann Wessling. October ,1994.

* T.O.P.E Nº 2. File 208. Andreani on Smuggling. July,1998.

* File 357 Elasar on smuggling. February, 1998.

* Court on Preliminary Investigation° 33 Sec.170 case 49319/96 on embezzlement.. May. 1998.

* LettersRogatory directed to New Yorkand Los Angeles. November 1996, October 1997. Matters related to diversion of funds.

* Court interpreter.Case:Al Kassar Monzer M. onforgery of documents. Nov, 1995.

* Case: Banco Extrader. August, 1995. pp.8

Referees: 1)Susana Stein at tellectual Property Office (1999/2010) Translation of contracts, training courses, etc.

Tomás Ramsfelder at

Cristina Graziano at


*Balance sheets and papers (Simko S.A, Torbelar SA.Olega S.A)

*Translations on website for APSA ( Alto Palermo, Patio Bullrich, Abasto, Noa Shopping Avellaneda, Paseo Alcorta, etc) 2005.

* Manuli Packaging. Contracts, brochures,etc.1999/2002. * Pribokaar.S.A “Redacción Económica” (bimonthly economic magazine). * Mármoles Antón S.A

* Universal Cutting S.A. August, 1999. * Case de Argentina S.A.

* Thyseen. * Unilever de Argentina. Training Course on Plastics. June 1999.

* Sojnut. . Universidad de Buenos Aires. School of Economic Science. Accounting .

* Mc Key Argentina S.A for Mc Donald´s. * Pinocho.

* Diseño Perfecto S.A. Interpretation at First Sight. January 1998. * Air Control S.A

* CEI Interconnection Bill. Interconnection Contract. * Valvoline.

* Lingo S.A * Braunco Talar S.A * Pedro Weinstock y Cía.

* Bunny S.R.L Export Co.

* Emimar S.A.Simultaneous translation of faxes from China.Market: Toys.

* Kocuer S.A. * Renos S.A * C & M International.

*Mundo Diesel S.A Export documents.2000//2009.

* Mr. Eduardo Ruggiero.Economic overview of merger of Amurol México to Silikon