Banking Services 8.0
August 2000October 2014
Accounting for Deposits with General Ledger preparation (L85)
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SAP Best Practices Accounting for Deposits with General Ledger preparation (L85): BPD


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Icon / Meaning
/ Caution
/ Example
/ Note
/ Recommendation
/ Syntax
/ External Process
/ Business Process Alternative/Decision Choice

Typographic Conventions

Type Style / Description
Example text / Words or characters that appear on the screen. These include field names, screen titles, pushbuttons as well as menu names, paths and options.
Cross-references to other documentation.
Example text / Emphasized words or phrases in body text, titles of graphics and tables.
EXAMPLE TEXT / Names of elements in the system. These include report names, program names, transaction codes, table names, and individual key words of a programming language, when surrounded by body text, for example, SELECT and INCLUDE.
Example text / Screen output. This includes file and directory names and their paths, messages, source code, names of variables and parameters as well as names of installation, upgrade and database tools.
EXAMPLE TEXT / Keys on the keyboard, for example, function keys (such as F2) or the ENTER key.
Example text / Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they appear in the documentation.
<Example text> / Variable user entry. Pointed brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters with appropriate entries.


Accounting for Deposits with General Ledger preparation 5

1 Purpose 5

2 Prerequisites 5

2.1 Master Data and Organizational Data 5

2.2 Business Conditions 5

2.3 Multiple Entities – Independent Testing 5

3 Process Overview table 7

4 Data Distribution from Deposit Management System to Bank Analyzer System 11

4.1 Replication of Business Partner to Bank Analyzer in the Deposits Management System 11

4.2 Monitoring of Data Transfer in the Deposits Management System (Informational) 12

4.3 Displaying Business Partner in Bank Analyzer (Informational) 13

4.4 Replication of Account Master Data in the Deposit Management System 14

4.5 Displaying Financial Transaction (Informational) 16

4.6 Executing an Accrual/Deferral in the Deposit Management System 17

4.7 Replication of Flow Data to Bank Analyzer in the Deposits Management System 19

Use 19

4.7.1 Replication of Payment Items to Bank Analyzer in the Deposits Management System 19

4.7.2 Replication of Accrual/Deferral Data to Bank Analyzer in the Deposits Management System 20

4.7.3 Replication of Settlement Data to Bank Analyzer in the Deposits Management System 21

4.8 Displaying Business Transactions and Events (Informational) 22

5 Process Analytics and Accounting Steps (Day End Processing) 26

5.1 Setting SDL Timestamp 26

5.2 Accounting Event Processing (Operational Events) 28

5.3 Posting External Business Transactions 29

5.4 Updating Secondary Business Transactions 30

5.5 Displaying Results Data (Informational) 32

5.6 Displaying Financial Position Balances (Informational) 33

5.7 Preparing GL Documents 34

6 Process Analytics and Accounting Steps (Period End Processing) 35

6.1 Setting SDL Timestamp 35

6.2 Starting Key Date Valuation for All Financial Positions 37

6.3 Perform Year-End Closing (Start of Fiscal Year) 40

6.4 Displaying Financial Position (optional) 41

6.5 Displaying Documents in Subledger View (optional) 42

6.6 Displaying Financial Position Balances (optional) 43

6.7 Preparing General Ledger Document 44

6.8 Sending General Ledger Documents to General Ledger 45

Accounting for Deposits with General Ledger preparation

1  Purpose

This document describes the enhancements that are required to existing RDSes to be able to integrate the products and processes in scope of the Deposits RDS with Accounting for Financial Instruments (AFI) and further downstream applications like General Ledger and Business Warehouse (for Financial Reporting).

2  Prerequisites

2.1  Master Data and Organizational Data

Default Values

The organizational structure and master data of your company was created in your Banking Services, ERP and Process Integration system during implementation as far as it is required to execute the SAP Deposit Management rapid-deployment solution V2.800.

The organizational structure reflects the structure of your company with regard to certain specific settings, such as the name, currency, and so on.

2.2  Business Conditions

The business process described in this Business Process Documentation is not a stand-alone scenario. Therefore, it is necessary to complete other processes or business conditions before you can start this scenario.

This Business Process Documentation needs to be integrated with one of the following Business Process Documentations at least:

·  L34_BS80_BPD_EN_XX – Current Account Life Cycle

·  L35_BS80_BPD_EN_XX – Saving Account Life Cycle

·  L36_BS80_BPD_EN_XX – Time Deposit Account Life Cycle

2.3  Multiple Entities – Independent Testing

Once the content of the SAP Deposit Management rapid-deployment solution V2.800 has been implemented, it will provide:

·  One CMU (contract managing unit) with associated Bank Posting Area (0001) which is described in all details in this Business Process Documentation.

·  Up to 20 additional CMUs with the associated Bank Posting Areas, which can be used to represent a kind of branch structure and to test the Business Processes independently (the posting date is set per Legal Entity (Bank Posting Area) and this might differ per tester).

The scope of the SAP Deposit Management rapid-deployment solution V2.800 is to provide one Contract Managing Unit with associated Bank Posting Area to run through the defined Deposit life-cycle as described. It may, however, be necessary to have several independent entities for using / testing the processes within the Deposit life-cycle.

Therefore, in addition to the entity described in detail in this Business Process Documentation, the possibility of using several additional entities is also mentioned.

These can be used:

·  to represent a type of branch structure

·  to test the business processes independently

Independent testing with several entities might be necessary due to the following reasons:

·  In LM, the posting date is set per Bank Posting Area and has to be changed to simulate a complete Deposit life-cycle.

·  If several people are testing independently, the posting date might differ for each tester.

For this reason, in addition to the example mentioned within the following sections for the entity:

Bank Key (*) / Bank Name (*) / Bank Posting Area (BPA) / Contract Manager (CMU) (*) / Initial Posting Date for the BPA (*) / Legal Entity /
12345678 / RDS Bank / 0001 / RDS Bank / 03.01.2000 / YLE00

20 additional entities are provided as follows:

Bank Key (*) / Bank Name (*) / Bank Posting Area (BPA) / Contract Manager (CMU) (*) / Initial Posting Date for the BPA (*) / Legal Entity /
11111111 / Bank Branch 1 / BR01 / RDS Bnk BR01 / 03.01.2000 / YLE01
22222222 / Bank Branch 2 / BR02 / RDS Bnk BR02 / 03.01.2000 / YLE02
33333333 / Bank Branch 3 / BR03 / RDS Bnk BR03 / 03.01.2000 / YLE03
44444444 / Bank Branch 4 / BR04 / RDS Bnk BR04 / 03.01.2000 / YLE04
55555555 / Bank Branch 5 / BR05 / RDS Bnk BR05 / 03.01.2000 / YLE05
66666666 / Bank Branch 6 / BR06 / RDS Bnk BR06 / 03.01.2000 / YLE06
77777777 / Bank Branch 7 / BR07 / RDS Bnk BR07 / 03.01.2000 / YLE07
88888888 / Bank Branch 8 / BR08 / RDS Bnk BR08 / 03.01.2000 / YLE08
99999999 / Bank Branch 9 / BR09 / RDS Bnk BR09 / 03.01.2000 / YLE09
11112222 / Bank Branch 10 / BR10 / RDS Bnk BR10 / 03.01.2000 / YLE10
11113333 / Bank Branch 11 / BR11 / RDS Bnk BR11 / 03.01.2000 / YLE11
11114444 / Bank Branch 12 / BR12 / RDS Bnk BR12 / 03.01.2000 / YLE12
11115555 / Bank Branch 13 / BR13 / RDS Bnk BR13 / 03.01.2000 / YLE13
11116666 / Bank Branch 14 / BR14 / RDS Bnk BR14 / 03.01.2000 / YLE14
11117777 / Bank Branch 15 / BR15 / RDS Bnk BR15 / 03.01.2000 / YLE15
11118888 / Bank Branch 16 / BR16 / RDS Bnk BR16 / 03.01.2000 / YLE16
11119999 / Bank Branch 17 / BR17 / RDS Bnk BR17 / 03.01.2000 / YLE17
22221111 / Bank Branch 18 / BR18 / RDS Bnk BR18 / 03.01.2000 / YLE18
22223333 / Bank Branch 19 / BR19 / RDS Bnk BR19 / 03.01.2000 / YLE19
22224444 / Bank Branch 20 / BR20 / RDS Bnk BR20 / 03.01.2000 / YLE20

If the entities have been personalized when the solution was implemented, the values for testing are adjusted accordingly.

3  Process Overview table

The process overview table specifies all the relevant steps within the IOA scenario of Deposit life-cycle for different products. Steps are listed in the order they are to be executed.

Certain steps in the process are “optional”, whereby optional can have three different meanings:

·  Optional change steps: Only needed for changes made after the process step has already been stored.

·  Optional step: Only needed in case a special process variant is processed (for example, the Deposit is not repaid on a regular basis as per agreement, but instead, an early full payoff is to be processed – only in this case the payoff functionality is required).

·  Optional for the process: Provides additional information but does not create any additional data or process steps.

Certain steps are executed automatically by the system without any interaction from the customer or job. They are triggered when another step is executed.

Furthermore, certain steps in this process are periodical, which means that they have to run several times during the life cycle of the Deposit.

These process steps are normally processed automatically during the end-of-day procedure. The EoD procedure then processes the steps for all Deposits in the relevant portfolio (if a Deposit is not due for one of the process steps on this particular day, it is simply ignored).

There are two possibilities for the SAP Deposit Management rapid-deployment solution V2.800 :

·  Process these steps manually (In the following sections all relevant steps and instructions for the manual processing are described in the order of execution for one cycle-)

·  Job automation

The above-mentioned are highlighted as follows in the table:

·  Optional (in case of changes after process step have already been stored) O

·  Optional (special process variants - for example, only if Bank Analyzer integration is used) S

·  Information / optional (additional information / checks) I

·  Automated A

·  Periodic and part of job automation P

Furthermore, the process described in this Business Process Documentation is covered within different components (in different systems / clients). In addition to the transaction code, the component that is to execute the respective transaction is, therefore, always mentioned in square parentheses:

·  [TB]: Banking Services system – Transactional Banking

·  [FI-CAx]: ERP: Open Item Management system

·  [AB]: Banking Services system – Analytical Banking

/ Process Step / Business Condition / Business Role / Transaction code / Expected Results /
Data Distribution from Deposit Management System to Bank Analyzer System
S / Replication of Business Partner to Bank Analyzer in the Deposits Management System / Business Partner available in Transactional Banking. / OAFT_PP_RUN_AGENTS
[TB] / Business Partner is transferred to Analytical Banking client in the roles created in Transactional Banking.
S, I / Monitoring of Data Transfer in the Deposits Management System (Informational) / Data transfer successfully processed. / SXMB_MONI
[TB], [AB] / The monitoring shows that the messages are successfully processed via PI (Process Integration).
S, I / Display Business Partner in Bank Analyzer (Informational) / Business partner creation completed successfully in correct roles. / BPV3
[AB] / Business Partner is available and can be displayed
S,P / Replication of Account Master Data in the Deposits Management System / Account Master data available in Transactional Banking. / BCA_ACC_MST_RUN
[TB] / The account information is transferred to the Bank Analyzer client and the related contract- and Deposit account is created in the SDL.
S, I / Display Financial Transaction (Informational) / Data transfer successfully processed to Analytical Banking. / /n/BA1/F1_CF_00_03
[AB] / The financial transactions related to the Deposit account in Transactional Banking can be displayed.
P / Executing an Accrual/Deferral in the Deposit Management System / BCA_ACBAL_ACCRUAL
[TB] / Accrual/deferral data created.
S, P / Replication of Flow Data in the Deposits Management System / Flow data from payment distribution, accrual/deferral and settlement available in Transactional Banking. / BCA_ITEM_EX_RUN
[TB] / The flow data information is transferred to the Bank Analyzer system.
S, I / Display Business Transactions (Informational) / Data transfer successfully processed to Analytical Banking. / /n/BA1/F2_BT_SHOW
[AB] / The business transactions related to the Deposit account in Transactional Banking can be displayed.
Process Analytics and Accounting Steps(Day End Processing)
S, P / Set SDL Timestamp / Make sure data is read consistently. / /n/BA1/B0_SDL_CLOSE
[AB] / Time stamp is set to insure consistent data reading.
S, P / Post External Business Transactions / SDL Timestamp set successfully. / /n/BA1/B1_PBTP_FDB_SL
[AB] / It is the first step of Accounting.
S, P / Update Secondary Business Transactions / Updated the external posting. / /n/BA1/B1__US_SL
[AB] / Derived the external BT to the relevant key figure.
I, S / Display Results Data (Informational) / Check the posting results. / /n/BA1/HW_RESULTVIEWER
[AB] / See all the postings for your legal entity.
I, S / Display Financial Position Balances (Informational) / Check the balances per key figure. / /n/BA1/B1_FP_BAL_SHOW
[AB] / See all the postings for your legal entity per key figure and date.
S, P / Prepare GL Documents / Postings are available in the result data. / /n/BA1/B8_BAGLDOC_PREP
[AB] / All the postings are compressed at GL Account.
Process Analytics and Accounting Steps(Period End Processing)
S, P / Set SDL Timestamp / Make sure data is read consistently. / /n/BA1/B0_SDL_CLOSE
[AB] / Time stamp is set to insure consistent data reading.
S, P / Start Key Date Valuation for All Financial Positions / Run Key Date Valuation. / /n/BA1/B1_KDV
[AB] / It is the first step of Accounting.
S, P / Perform Year-End Closing (Start of Fiscal Year) / Beginning of the Financial Year / /n/BA1/B1_YEC_SL
[AB] / Derived the external BT to the relevant key figure.
I, S / Display Financial Position (Optional) / Check the financial position. / /n/BA1/B1_FP_SHOW
[AB] / See all the postings for your legal entity.
I, S / Display Documents in Subledger View (Optional) / Check the documents in subledger. / /n/BA1/B1_FLOWS
[AB] / See all the postings for your legal entity per key figure and date.
S, P / Display Financial Position Balances (Optional) / Check the balances per key figure. / /n/BA1/B1_FP_BAL_SHOW
[AB] / See all the postings for your legal entity per key figure and date.
S, P / Prepare GL Documents / Postings are available in the result data. / /n/BA1/B8_BAGLDOC_PREP
[AB] / All the postings are compressed at GL Account.
S, P / Send General Ledger Documents to General Ledger / GL documents have been generated. / /n/BA1/B8_BAGLDOC_SEND
[AB] / GL documents are sent to PI (Process Integration).