Arees International University in collaboration with International Universities Union
Invite you to the Seventh International Conference
The Role of Scientific Research and Manuscripts in Civilizational Edification.
In Istanbul from 27 to 29 November 2015
The Conference secretary-General: Prof: Mohammed Khair Al-Ghabani "Chancellor of Arees International University".
The Conference president: Dr. Abdullah Assaf.
The Scientific committee president: Prof. Tarek Al-Sa'adi.
-Heritage is thefortune and civilized supply of the nation, it represents the nation'spersonality, uniqueness, and its various sciences. In addition to its spiritual, intellectual and social dimensions. Heritageis the historic transition and presence of the nation on the human levels during the centuries.
-Manuscripts are the most important wealth of the heritage, some of these manuscripts had been opened, taken care of andspreaded their content, so successive generations have benefited from.And many others are still waiting for efforts to revive it.
-All concerned of heritage agree that our nation has a huge traditional supply, which represents major scientific treasures in all domains,some investigators estimate these treasures of three or four millions to fine millions except what wasn't reached. It's speculated that what had printed of the Arabic Heritage since the beginning of printing is not more than 1%; that is, 99%
of Arabic manuscripts need detection, identification and investigation. "
-The benefit of this huge wealth which cover all the fields of knowledge wouldn't be Active and influential without revive it by sober Scientificinvestigation. this investigation is a great matter and a wide entrance for reviving, Scientifically studying and employing the heritage to serve present and future.
-The concerted efforts of researchers, Science institutions, research centers, governments and the private sector contribute to make the heritage investigationa scientific and effective act.
-The investigation should base on strong bases with strict rules through the scientific research.
-The investigation needs both support and scientific research. The weakness of scientific research will cause investigation's weakness, because this last would never exist without the other.
-Today, Academic departments are invited to direct the scientific research towards investigating the heritage books and to increase The establishment of specialized centers of heritage. This This will be achievedThrough official support and building serious partnerships with the private sector.
The Conference Problem:
- the problem of the Conference is all about the following questions:
-What is the reality of the Arab manuscripts investigation?
-what is the allocated space today to achieve manuscripts by the Scientific Research?
-How do official institutions deal with manuscripts and scientific research?
-What is the role of manuscripts and scientific research in Civilizational Edification?
- Is there any new scientific approaches can be used in making the manuscripts more accuracy and effectiveness?
-whydon't we search hard (official and academically for millions of lost manuscripts? Isn't it time to restore migratory manuscripts?
-Do problems that afflict our scientific research have relationship with neglecting manuscripts investigation and weakness some of what has been achieved?
-How can employ modern technology means in the manuscripts?
The Conference Goals:
- Scientific Research and manuscripts have a main role in Civilizational Edification.
- Invitation to strengthen the relationship between Scientific Research and manuscripts.
- Inviting researchers, scientific institutions, research centers, governments and private sector to increase
supporting the Scientific Research and manuscripts' investigation.
- setting up centers for scientific research and manuscripts' investigation.
- Direct the scientific research of Post-Graduate studies in Arabic Universities towards investigating the heritage books.
- the need for a serious investigation committed to scientific conditions, implemented by specialists and supervised by academic institutions within scientific environmentwhich is Dedicated to that.
The Conference Themes:
The First Theme:
Scientific Research and Manuscripts "visions and concepts".
The Second Theme:
The Role of Scientific Research and Manuscripts' investigation in Civilizational Edification.
-The Role of Scientific Research and Manuscripts in Civilizational Edification.
-The Role of Scientific Research and Manuscripts insustainable development.
-The role of scientific research and manuscripts in community service.
-investment in scientific research and manuscripts.
-The role of scientific research and manuscripts in the outlook for future.
-The role of scientific research and manuscripts in the restoration the cultural scene.
-Manuscripts investigation between hope and reality.
-The role of academic institutions and research centers in supporting scientific research and manuscripts investigation.
The Third Theme: Techniques of writing the scientific research:
-Scientific research "Planning, preparing and implementing"
-Assets of writing scientific research.
-Assets of preparing the collective scientific research.
-Scientific research methods.
-Assets of writing the practical scientific research.
-The role of research centers in providing an incubator environment for the scientific research production.
-Techniques of preparing scientific research between yesterday and today.
-The Arabic scientific research and governmental sector.
-The Arabic scientific research and private sector.
-The scientific research and Social media.
-The scientific research and internet.
-common mistakes in the scientific research.
-Arabic Universities and the scientific research.
The Forth Theme: Techniques of Manuscripts investigation:
-The academic assets for Manuscripts investigation.
-Schools of Manuscripts investigation.
-The manuscripts protectioninthe time ofwars and disasters.
-new techniques to achieve the manuscripts.
-Techniques of conservation, restoration and digital indexing.
-Techniques of manuscriptsinvestigation of forensic science.
-Techniques of manuscriptsinvestigation of medical and engineering sciences.
-Techniques of manuscriptsinvestigation of Humanities.
-Heritage investigation between Ancient and modern.
-The reality of Arabic manuscriptsinvestigation.
-The future of manuscriptsinvestigation.
-Electronic conferencing of manuscripts.
-Maps of the distribution of Arabic lost manuscripts.
-Saudi Arabia : Dr. Abdullah Assaf.
-Sultanate ofOman: Dr. Salem bin Khlfan bin Hameed Al Khayfy.
-Lebanon: Dr. Tareq al Saedi/ Dr. HilalDarwish/ Dr. Sa'adAldin Al-Kbbi/ Dr. Mahmoud Akla/ Dr. Bassam Al-tarras.
-Bosnia and Herzegovina: Dr. Amir Damir.
-Germany: Dr. Ala'a Al-din Al rashi.
-Turkey: Dr. ShamelShahin/ Dr. Adab Al-hmesh.
-Syria: Dr. Ahmed Shehada.
-Iraq: Dr. Saleh Khedr Mohammed.
-Algeria: Dr. AbdAlkader Al-sakari/ Dr. Fares Masdour/ Dr.AzzouziAbdelmalek.
-Kuwait: Dr. Moussa Al-ineezi.
-United Arab Emirates: Dr. Mohammed Abu Al FarajSadiq
-Denmark: Dr. Mohammad Fouad Albarazi
Terms and standards of the presented research :
- The research should be in one of the main conference themes.
- The research shouldn’t be published before in any other seminars or conferences or scientific magazine.
- The research should take into consideration the standards of the scientific method and it should be characterized by originality and seriousness in analysis .
- Binary interventions aren’t acceptable.
- Research is acceptable in Arabic, French and English.
- The first page in conference includes the conference name, the organizer, the full research name and researcher’s name with his scientific grade and his calling information.
- The research shouldn’t exceed 25 A4 pages including all references and supplements.
- Margins and comments should be in the end of every page. the end of the research includes references, indexes and appendixes.
- Arabic interventions should be presented via Microsoft word in Traditional Arabic size 16, 11 for margins. for foreign interventions use Time New Roman size 11, 10 for margins.
- Attach the registration form with summary about the research in Arabic and translation to English or French in one page with 150 words with the researcher’s biography in also one page as well.
- The acceptable interventions are programmed after the submission of the full text within the specified date.
Conference fees: 630 €.
Including conference documents, subsistence expenses, breakfast, lunch, breaks and transfers during the conference’s days in addition to the entertainment – cultural Trip.
Key Dates:
-the deadline to receive summaries ofresearches is 1/6/2015.
-The summaries acceptance: 1/7/2015.
-the deadline to send the full research is: 1/8/2015.
-The Research acceptance: 1/9/2015.
-the deadline to send the research after editing is: 1/10/2015.
Conference Days:
-Friday 27 November: Opening, entertaining guests, registration, receipting the conference bag.
-The conference sessions: 28-29 November 2015.
-The entertainment – cultural Trip: Monday 30 November 2015.
To register in conference please contact the organizer via:
-Mobiles: Dr. Mohammed Khair Al-Ghabani: 0096170080319
Dr. Abdullah Assaf: 00966503870020
To connect with Arees International University:
-Address: Lebanon – Beirut – DawhetAramoun – Dominoz Pizza Building 3rd floor.
-Mobile: 0096170080319