The Gateway Area Panel:
11th May 2010 / AGENDA ITEM 8


1.0Matter for consideration

1.1The Area Panel to consider funding requests to support community projects.


2.1To consider the Area Panel funding requests received.


3.1On 1st April 2010, the Area Panels received their budget allocation for 2010-2011 equivalent to £7,500 per ward, which includes £2,500 that has been ring fenced for Clean and Green initiatives. The overall budgets for each Ward are:




3.2During 2009 the Area Panel had agreed to support the following projects:

  • Blackpool Pride Festival, £2,000 (£500 – Brunswick and Talbot and £1,000 Claremont)
  • Illuminating Charnley Road Group, £1,500 (Talbot)
  • Octagonal Gazebo for QueensPark Residents Association, £497.99 (Brunswick)
  • St Thomas’ Church Basketball Training Camp, £2,000 (Brunswick)
  • Equipment for vegetable/ fruit allotment at ClaremontPrimary School and Children’s Centre, £500 (Claremont)
  • Alley gates in Westwood Avenue, schemes 1 and 2, £6978.58 (Talbot)
  • Claremont First Steps Community Centre, suspended ceiling, £2,242.50 (Claremont).
  • Police Football Training Sessions £500 (Brunswick)
  • Smartwater kits £2,000 (£500 Claremont and £1,500 Talbot)
  • Claremont Heritage Group, Claremont Gala £1,000 (Claremont)
  • The Horan Shukokai Centre, safety mats and trolley £1,857.02 (Brunswick)
  • Refurbishment and replacement of the existing CCTV system at Claremont Park Community Centre, £1,713.50 (Claremont)
  • 360 degree CCTV camera to monitor play area and Claremont Community Centre, £3,347 (Claremont)
  • Claremont First Step Community Centre Open Day in June 2010, £1,300 (Claremont) *1
  • Alley gate and fencing at the rear of Milbourne Street/ Charles Street, £2, 670 (Brunswick) *2

*1 This has been approved in principle subject to an Executive decision being taken post 1st April 2010, when further funds become available.

*2 This has been approved subject to receipt of a contribution of £1,400 from a local landowner.

3.3The available amounts for each ward to spend on community projects is detailed below, including details of the monies that must be used to support the ‘clean up Blackpool’ initiative.



Ward Budget

April 2010 – March 2011
(£) / Amount Spent to date
(£) / Remaining Funds for Clean and Green Initiatives / Remaining Ward budget
(£) / Total Available Funds (£)
Brunswick / 6,582.67 / 0 / 2,500 / 6,582.67 / 9,082.67
Claremont / 5,086 / 0 / 2,500 / 5,086 / 7,586
Talbot / 5,000 / 0 / 2,500 / 5,000 / 2,500

3.4The Area Panel will consider proposals made by community groups, voluntary organisations and partnerships by way of a completed application form, which can be found on the Council’s website. Each successful grant applicant must provide the Area Panel with a proper account of the outcome of the scheme once the project or activity is completed and financial records of how the grant is spent. The report must be provided within one year of when the grant was awarded.

3.5One requestfor funding has been received from the Claremont Park Bowling Club for a contribution of £1452.48 (inc VAT) towards the installation of hot water hand washing facilities in the toilets. Further details are provided in the attached application form, which can be found at Appendix 8(a). (Claremontward).

3.6Any funding requests received after the despatch of the agenda, subject to approval of the Chairman, may be circulated separately.

4.0Financial considerations


5.0Legal considerations


Relevant officer:

Yvonne Ablett, Democratic Services Project Officer

Tel: (01253) 47 7034, e-mail:

Appendices attached:


Background papers:


Websites and e-mail links for further information:

