Large Branch with Greatest % Increase in Wings / Waddington
Small Branch with Greatest % Increase in Wings / City& Central London
Large Branch with Greatest increase in Membership / Grimsby& Cleethorpes
Small Branch with Greatest Increase in Membership / Armourers
Large Branch Efficiency / Bognor Regis
Small Branch Efficiency / Abbots & Kings Langley
Branch Newsletter Competition Winner / Basingstoke

Membership Renewal

Branches and members are reminded that membership renewals were due on 1 January. If any member has not yet renewed they are requested do so before 31st March to avoid their membership becoming lapsed. Membership renewal can be done via post, by phone (0116 268 8785) or on-line via the Association’s website. If you have not already done so, why not arrange to renew your membership via Direct Debit.

New Branches

I am pleased to report that two new branches have been formed. The Whitehall Branch formed on 4 February 2015 and the RAF Personnel Officers Alumni Branch (a virtual Branch) formed on 21 February 2015. Both Branches will be administered by South East & Eastern Area.

Branch & Branch Club Accounts

In accordance with Branch Regulation (BR) 32, Branch and Branch Club accounts as at 31st December 2014, including a report from the Auditor or Independent Examiner, are to be received at Area offices by 31st March 2015.

Your attention is also drawn to Byelaw 24(1) b, which states that a Branch shall be entitled to be represented at a conference of the Association, providing that its audited Accounts for the preceding year have been submitted to Area Headquarters, not less than 10 days before the first day of Conference.

Form 1056 & 1056A

Branch and Branch Club Secretaries are reminded that the Form 1056 (Branch) and 1056A (Branch Club) should be returned as soon as possible, following their Annual General Meeting. An early return of these Forms ensures that the correspondence goes to the correct addressee, rather than annoying or embarrassing those that have given up their Committee appointments. I thank those Secretaries that have already submitted their Forms.

Honours & Awards

To improve the chances of more of our members being successful, the President requested a new form be developed and, following recent consultation with the Area Chairmen, a copy of this revised form is attached. Please ensure that you use this new form for all future nominations for both State Awards and National Presidential Certificates. The Honours Committee meet twice each year, usually in February and August, to consider nominations. Therefore, any nominations for the next round will need to be submitted by the end of July.

Nominations for Area Presidential Certificates (APCs) can be made on the proforma which can be obtained from the Area Director. Closing dates for nominations for APCs are 30 April.

Annual Conference 2015 - Eastbourne – 15 - 17 May 2015

The letter giving details of Conference was despatched to Branch Secretaries in December, by E-mail or hard copy (where required). It is important that the pro forma is returned direct to the Conference Organiser (Kelly Brotherhood) at CHQ, 117.5 Loughborough Road, Leicester, LE4 5ND ( ) and not via Area offices. It is also imperative that it is returned by the due date (Friday 17th April 2015). In recent years many Branches have not made contact until as late as the week prior to Conference. It is necessary to complete and return the form even if accommodation has been booked, either direct, or through Area HQ - again in recent years many Delegates have assumed that as they had booked their accommodation there was no need to return the pro forma.

Annual Conference 2015 - Resolutions

Branches are reminded that Resolutions for Annual Conference must be received at CHQ by mid-day on 23rd March 2015.

Battle of Britain 75th Anniversary – Area Event

As part of the ceremonies to commemorate the 75th Anniversary to commemorate the Battle of Britain, the Area Council has agreed that a sunset ceremony will be held at North Weald airfield in the late afternoon of 12 July 2015. Whilst it is appreciated that some of our Branch Standard Bearers will be attending the ceremony at Capel le Ferne on that day, the Area Council would like as many as possible of those Branch Standards not attending Capel le Ferne to parade at North Weald. Further details on the event at North Weald will follow but in the meantime Branches should note the event and plan accordingly.

Volunteering Update

We are very much looking forward to Annual Conference, in May, where we will celebrate the work of our current volunteers and share with you the work we have been developing to recruit and welcome new volunteers to the RAF Association.

We are planning on having an interactive stand with some information that we are providing to new volunteers and an opportunity for you to find out more about our online fundraising training for volunteers that we’re excited about delivering. If you are going to Annual Conference, come and see us on our stand. We will be around to answer your questions about how we can support you with recruiting new volunteers.

To ensure that we deliver the best service to our beneficiaries and our volunteers, we’ve been working on plans for the new database system and how this will support volunteer recruitment. The system will allow us to manage the various training aspects for new volunteers, including ensuring they are fully inducted and informed about the Association, as well as train them for the roles they will be undertaking. This will complement the existing accredited face-to-face training that currently exists.

We’ve been really fortunate to have been working with Area and Branch volunteers as part of a group looking at how we introduce a national volunteering programme and they have been heavily involved throughout. Within this group we’ve been discussing how to best recognise the amazing work all our volunteers do. We plan to use the inspiration from what branches currently do to motivate and recognise volunteers, to help us shape our plans to celebrate the work of our new volunteers.

If you are going to Annual Conference, we look forward to meeting you. If not or you would like to speak to us sooner you can contact, Katharine Montgomery, Volunteer Manager, on or on 0116 268 8794.

Phantomeers Reunion

The McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II aircraft was in service for 26 years with the RAF from August 1968 with 228 OCU at RAF Coningsby to October 1994 with 74 Sqn at RAF Wattisham. This was an amazing aircraft which served the RAF as an excellent truly multi-role combat aircraft, big, ugly (to most), brawny and frightening. Most of the aircrew that flew this beast of an aircraft loved it, the ground crew had a love hate relationship with an aircraft that was demanding and difficult to work on, in fact she was a pig to work on. The vast majority of Phantom Engineers (Phantomeers) loved the beast and because of the overlapping of trade boundaries much rivalry and camaraderie was born producing a common bond and dedication that has been rarely witnessed before or since.

We, the "Phantomeers" have a reunion every two or three years, our next is being held at the Holiday Inn Bridgefoot Stratford upon Avon Warickshire on Saturday 23 May 2015. Full information is available at our web site www.f4phantomeers.org.uk

Royal International Air Tattoo RAF Fairford 17th-19th July 2015

Between 1st February and 31st May, Earlybird tickets will be available priced at £31 for the Friday ticket, £41 for a Saturday ticket and £41 for the Sunday ticket.

The standard advance ticket will go on sale 1st June, priced at £36 for the Friday ticket £46 for the Saturday ticket and £46 for a Sunday ticket.

For full admission ticket details and to see the wide range of optional upgrades designed to enhance your enjoyment of the Royal International Air Tattoo 2015, visit www.airtattoo.com.

Paul C. J. Brickhill

Writer Bob Good is seeking reminiscences, advice, and access to any writings or photographs pertaining to the life of the late Australian author Paul Brickhill who penned the 1950s bestsellers The Great Escape, The Dam Busters and Reach for the Sky. Brickhill was a POW in Stalag Luft III and lived in and about London for long periods after the war. This help is requested to facilitate a biographical work of his time from his birth in 1916 to when he became a best-selling author. Anyone who can help is asked to contact Bob Good, 16 Timperley Drive, Highfields, Queensland, 4352, Australia, Tel +07-46968620 or email

Donations For February 2015

Area Welfare
In Memory of C E Parsons / £100.00
In Memory of Mr D Mabey / £20.00
In Memory of Mr A Roberts / £142.40
Stamford Branch RAFA / £12500.00
TOTAL / £12762.40
Respite Care Fund
Stamford Branch RAFA / £12500.00
TOTAL / £ 12500.00

Hemsby Chalets

Stamford Branch RAFA / £25000.00
Lincoln Branch RAFA / £400.00
TOTAL / £25400.00
Selsey Holiday Home
Hampshire Region / £660.00
TOTAL / £660.00

GRAND TOTAL £ 51322.40

Ken Clarke

South East & Eastern Area Director

Enclosures (1):

1.  New Honours & Awards Form

Patron: Her Majesty The Queen

Registered Charity 226686 in England & Wales. SCO37673 in Scotland
