Clerks please circulate this bulletin to only councillors and members of staff or email members the weblink at

Are you ready for PAYE in real time?

In April 2013 employers will have to start sending PAYE returns electronically, using RTI-enabled payroll software, to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) each time they pay their employees as part of routine payroll processes.

The returns will include details of all employees’ pay, tax and deductions. This new process will replace sending a separate return at the end of the year. There are a number of things all employers should be doing to prepare for this.


Make sure your payroll software is up to date. If necessary acquire new software or appoint a payroll provider to process your payroll for you

• Ensure your employee data is complete and correct. Some details will be essential for the new system to work, such as full name, date of birth and National Insurance number

• Start to develop new payroll procedures

• Changes to employee working patterns will need to be recorded

• Payroll information will need to be reported electronically to HMRC on or before each pay day

• Starter and leaver processes will need to be revised

• There will be changes to year end payroll procedures

• Register for PAYE online if you are not already registered

• Look out for updates on the HMRC website

• Use the HMRC Business Readiness Checklist

As Soon As Possible

• Include new information in your payroll records as soon as your software is up to date. This should include hours worked and details of all lower paid, temporary, casual or irregular staff.

April 2013

• Send HMRC details relating to employees so that their data can be aligned with yours

• Start to send your information in real time.

Cambridgeshire County CouncilCommunity Transport Fund Open

Organisations within Cambridgeshire, or operating in Cambridgeshire, that are are formally constituted group interested in transport and accessibility can submit an application for funds.

The Community Transport Fund is open to new and existing community transport providers such as charities, social enterprises, community groups and parish councils.

The Community Transport Team will be happy to discuss any ideas prior to receiving applications, including assisting with any queries. The team are also happy to assist groups complete application forms.

If you have any queries about the Cambridgeshire Future Transport programme, please contact either Dan Clarke (CFT Progamme Manager) on 01223 729079 or Gavin Moulton (Community Transport Officer) on 01223 715606.

Grant Funding Workshop

Event - Completing an ‘Awards for All Application’ workshop

Date - 21 March 2013

Time - 09:30 - 12:30

Location - March Town Hall, Market Place, March PE15 9JF

Awards for All, England is a Lottery funding programme and offers grants of between £300 and £10,000 for projects that improve communities and the lives of people within them. Voluntary and community groups, schools, health organisations, parish and town councils can apply. If your group is interested in applying to Awards for All then come along to this session, taken by Ed Hickman from the Big Lottery Fund.

The session will cover:

• What can and can’t be funded

• Identifying and evidencing need for the project and setting outcomes

• How to improve your chances of getting an award

To book a place please email: to request a booking form or call 01223 464696.

NALC Lobbies Hard On Sector Impact Of Council Tax Benefit Changes

After a recent meeting of the NALC Larger Councils’ Committee and the intensive lobbying to December, 2012, the National Association continues to lobby hard on the impact of the Government’s controversial Localisation of Council Tax Support Scheme (LCTSS).

The Association engaged in a survey with all Direct Access councils and County Associations in January, 2013 in an attempt to gauge the share of the available discretionary parish grant local councils would receive in 2013-14; the percentage change between 2012-13 and 2013-14 in council tax bases, and the impact on service delivery beyond 2013-14. The main research findings were that;

· Most local council respondents stated that their councils are currently receiving the maximum share of the discretionary grant from Billing Authorities required to partly shore-up their loss of council tax base for the 2013-14 financial year;

· The average reduction (in %) to respondent local councils between the 2012-13 and 2013-14 financial years to council tax bases seems to be around 10-12%; and

· Overall, the actual loss of council tax base has created uncertainty for service delivery in 2013-14 and beyond – though most local councils seem to be partly re-couping such a loss of council tax base through the grant in 2013-14, but probably not beyond that.

The National Association has sent the final research report to Communities and Local Government, Direct Access councils, and all County Associations. It has also written to the Local Government Association and all Members of Parliament to update them on the research findings.

Recent NALC Briefings, Consultations, Consultation Responses and Legal Topic Notes

Below are briefings, which have been issued by NALC, since 15th February 2013 and are avialable through the NALC website at Please remember to use your NALC Username and password to log I to the national site.

Policy and Parliamentary Affairs

· Sustainable Communities Act - PR57-13

· Community Learning In Rural Areas - PC56-13


· LTN 09 - Handling Complaints (England)

· L01-13 - S.137 Expenditure Limit for 2013-2013

My Community Rights advice service

The My Community Rights online hub gives information, inspiration, resources and ideas on how you can make a difference in your community as well as providing access to grants. Do you have plans to run a local service, transfer assets or use the Rights contained in the Localism Act? The advice service supports you whatever stage of the journey you are at whether getting started, looking for legal guidance or if you have a specific question for an expert. The support service is run by Locality with partners and delivery specialists, and funded by the Department for Communities and Local Government.

Visit call 0845 345 4564 for free help

Openness and transparency on Personal Interests

A guide for councilors is available on personal interests and gives basic practical information about how to be open and transparent about your personal interests. It is designed to help councillors, including parish councillors, now that new standards arrangements have been introduced by the Localism Act 2011.

A copy of the guide can be downloaded from the documents download section of the CAPALC website at

Absence from Council meetings

An absence from council should be accompanied by an apology from the councillor with a reason for the absence.

That reason needs to be accepted and approved by council.

Where a councillor has persistent absence i.e. absence at parish council meetings without acceptable apologies for a period of six consecutive calendar months then the member looses their seat.

Unless a dispensation has been given by the council for the absences the loss of the seat is automatic.

A notice of election is called as soon as practical.

If 10 residents do not call for an election by signing the form the council can then follow the co-option procedure to replace the councillor.

Valuation of Assets

Last year a question was raised during an Accounting training session as to how land should be valued in an Asset Register or for the Annual Return.

The advice received from NALC in this respect is shown below for information

Asset valuation for Annual Return is now "historic cost" or best estimate thereof. The practice of using Insurance valuation suggested a change of assets when all that had happened in fact was a change in valuation.

No change in physical assets is no change in the value on the face of the Return. The Asset Register may show other information (location of deeds, values, insurance etc) but these are not relevant to the Return.

Spring Photography contest

The Environment Agency is running a photography competition that is open to everyone in the east of England.The only rules for entry are that the image must be a landscape photograph taken in the east of England, from North Lincolnshire to Essex, and as far west as Northampton.

Environmental enthusiasts have been urged to get their thinking caps on and their lens caps off to capture an image that reflects the upcoming season.

To celebrate the Spring Equinox on Wednesday, March 20, one photograph submitted for the contest will be selected to serve as the banner photograph on their regional Twitter account (@EnvAgencyAnglia) during the season. Anyone wishing to enter can submit their photographs by sending them with the hashtag #springcountdown on Twitter or email them to .


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Shape Your Place

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