The Hadley School for the Blind

700 Elm Street

Winnetka, IL 60093-0299 USA

Toll-free 800-323-4238


Table of Contents

Note To Applicants, Page 3

Enrollment Application, Page 5

Catalog, Page 11


We are pleased to offer you this diskette version of our Course

Catalog and Enrollment Application. To speed up the enrollment

process, follow these procedures:

1. Carefully read the catalog for details on courses and enrollment


2. To apply for enrollment in General Education courses, open the

file ENROLLAP.ASC. Complete the application in its entirety to the

best of your ability. For questions that have options to choose

from, place an X on the line to the left of your choice.

Example: How do you want the Hadley School to correspond with you?

(Check one)

___Grade 2 braille


X__Large print

3. Print a hard copy of your completed application. If possible,

ask a sighted person to check your pages to be sure they are

legible. Sign your name in the signature space of the printout.

4. (For applicants who are blind or visually impaired only.) If you

do not have a current eye report on file with the School, take or

mail the Eye Report (the last page of the ENROLLAP.ASC file) to

your physician for completion and signature.

5. Fax or mail your Enrollment Application (and Eye Report, if

applicable) to The Hadley School for the Blind at the address

above. If you prefer, you may e-mail your application to the


Send General Education applications to:

Thank you.

General Education Program Enrollment Application

Please Type or Print in Ink Clearly

The Hadley School for the Blind

Tuition-Free Distance Education

700 Elm Street, Winnetka, IL 60093-0299 U.S.A.

Toll-free in the U.S. and Canada 1-800-526-9909

Telephone 1-847-446-8111 Fax 1-847-446-0855



Mr. Ms. Mrs. Miss:

Last Name:

First Name:

Middle Initial:

Street Address:



Zip Code:

Area Code and Telephone Number:

U.S. Applicant's Social Security Number:

Have you been a Hadley student before? __Yes __No

If yes, when?

Name used:

Courses Requested

Before completing this section, consult the Course Catalog for

course titles and media. Indicate B (braille), C (cassette), or

LP (large print) for the medium you prefer.

Most students are enrolled in one course at a time. Please list

in order of preference.

Enter course No. (if known), course title, and medium you prefer.




How do you plan to submit lessons?




__Recorded on cassette



Personal and Educational Information

1. Date of birth:

2. Sex: __Male __Female

3. Place of birth:

4. Cause of blindness:

5. Age at onset of legal blindness:

Your answers to the next two questions provide information which

will enable us to accommodate your special needs.

6. Are you hearing impaired? __Yes __No

If yes, please explain:

Age at onset of hearing impairment:

7. Do you have any physical disability that would affect your

ability to read braille, operate recording equipment, or prepare

lesson reports?

8. Are you presently employed? __Yes __No

If yes, best time of day to reach you: __a.m. __p.m.

Business telephone number:

Area Code and Telephone Number:

9. How did you learn about the Hadley School?






10. How do you want the Hadley School to correspond with you?

(check one)

__Grade 2 braille


__Large print

11. How do you want the Hadley newsletter sent to you?

(check one)

__Grade 2 braille


__Large print

12. Last grade level completed in school (give grade, years in

college, or degrees attained):

13. Name of last or current school attended:

14. U.S. residents only: If you are enrolling for academic

goals, do you plan to achieve:

__Hadley high school diploma

__High school credit


NOTE: For a Hadley high school diploma, please arrange to

have your high school transcripts sent to the Hadley School.

15. Optional: What is your ethnic background? (for statistical

information only)





__American Indian


16. Is English your native language? __Yes __No

If not, do you read and write it fluently? __Yes __No

17. Do you read grade 2 (contracted) English braille?

__Yes __No

Fluently? __Yes __No

18. Do you read the Nemeth braille code for mathematics?

__Yes __No

Fluently? __Yes __No

19. Do you write English braille? __Yes __No

Do you use a slate and stylus? __Yes __No

Do you use a braillewriter? __Yes __No

Do you own or have access to a braillewriter? __Yes __No

20. Do you type? __Yes __No

Do you own or have access to a typewriter? __Yes __No

21. Check equipment available to you for Hadley study:

__Cassette player/recorder



__Cassette player only



__Personal computer

__Compact disc player

__Other reading equipment (please specify):

22. Do you have sighted help? __Yes __No

If yes, how often? __Regularly __Occasionally

23. Are you receiving rehabilitation services? __Yes __No

If yes, please give name and phone number of agency and

contact person:

24. U.S. residents only: Do you have an eye report on file at

Hadley that reflects your current visual functioning?

__Yes __No

If not, we need a new report from a physician or eye

specialist. Are you making arrangements for one to be sent?

__Yes __No

If no, please explain:

25. In this space, write or dictate a brief statement about

yourself and your goal as a Hadley student. (50 words or fewer)

Student Agreement: Indicate that you accept the following

policies by signing below.

I understand that I am required to communicate with the Hadley

School at least once a month. (Foreign students, due to added

mailing time, are required to communicate at least once every

three months.) This communication can be either my assignment or

other correspondence. Failure to start a course or remain active

in it will result in cancellation.

Applicant's Signature

Please review entire form for completeness before mailing.

EYE REPORT for The Hadley School for the Blind

To the U.S. student/applicant:

Please mail or take this form to your physician or eye


Patient's name:





To the physician or eye specialist:

Please indicate patient's visual acuity and/or peripheral field

and answer the questions at right.

O.D. O.S.

Visual acuity (best corrected, for distance)

Visual field

Totally blind

Light perception

Object perception

Hand movements

Counts fingers

1. Does this patient meet the standard definition of legal


__Yes __No

2. Condition is considered to be:



__Capable of improvement


3. Diagnosis (each eye):

Name, address, and phone number of physician or eye specialist:

Phone ( )

Physician's or eye specialist's signature



The Hadley School for the Blind

Student Services Department

700 Elm Street

Winnetka, IL 60093-0299

Telephone 1-847-446-8111

Fax 1-847-446-0855

Hadley Course Catalog

Tuition-Free Distance Education

The Hadley School for the Blind

Course Catalog

1999-2001 Large Print Edition

This catalog is also available in large print, braille, on

audiocassette, and online at

A Message from Hadley's President

Welcome to The Hadley School for the Blind! We offer courses

for many different people, including the parents of blind

children, high school students preparing for college, blind

persons and their families, and professionals in the field of

blindness. Knowledge, information, and skills are

critical to succeed in whatever season of life you face:

childhood, adolescence, adulthood, or retirement.

Hadley's accredited distance education programs allow

students to study at their own pace in the convenience of their

own homes. For blind and visually impaired people, the Hadley

School is the only resource that provides an educational

curriculum throughout a lifetime--completely free of charge.

Our dedicated, talented instructors are not only experienced

in a wide variety of subjects, but also understand the personal

effects of blindness, many from their own experience. We are

committed to providing educational services to assist you and

your family. We hope that you will benefit from

taking Hadley courses through every stage of your life.

Dr. Robert J. Winn with his dog guide, Virgil


3 Why Distance Education?

3 Faculty

4 Admissions Information

5 Four Programs Serving Distinct Audiences

6 Who Can Enroll

7 How to Apply

10 What's Next

11 Enrollment Options

12 We're Here to Help

13 Telephone Communication

14 Website

15 E-mail

15 Written Communication

16 School Policies

20 Course Descriptions

23 Academic and High School Studies

35 Braille and Other Communication Skills

41 Technology

43 Independent Living and Life Adjustment

49 Recreation and Leisure Time

55 Parent/Family Programs

61 Professional Program

63 Index of Courses and Departments

65 Our History--A Dream Realized

Why Distance Education?

You may have been surprised to learn that all of Hadley's

thousands of students learn through distance education, which

allows students to study individually and at a different location

from their instructor. Here are some of the advantages of our

distance education programs:

You study courses in your own home completely free of

charge. Course materials and teachers' comments on your

assignments come to you through the mail.

You can study at any time, at your own pace. Since you

decide when to study, you can choose a time when you're most

alert and least likely to be interrupted. No two people learn at

exactly the same speed. Distance education allows you to study at

your own pace.

You receive specially designed course materials in the

medium of your choice. We do our best to offer study materials in

the medium you can use most easily--braille, large print, or


You are a class of one. When you prepare and mail or e-mail

your assignments to your Hadley instructor, he or she will check,

grade, and respond to them individually, as if you were sitting

together in a classroom.

You can always call or write your instructor with questions.

If you have a question about what you are studying, you can call

our toll-free number or write or e-mail your teacher.


Hadley School instructors meet the quality standards set by

the School and its accreditors, the Distance Education and

Training Council and the North Central Association of Colleges

and Schools.

The academic and professional accomplishments of our faculty and

the many years of its collective teaching experience (over 300

years in distance education alone) provide the School and its

students with top-notch instruction. Most instructors hold

master's degrees or beyond. The reputation the Hadley School has

earned is due in large part to the faculty's love of teaching and

dedication to students.

Admissions Information

"It was simple for me to sign up for my first Hadley course. It's

a big decision to enroll in the first place, so the easier it was

for me, the better!"

Polly Ayers


Four Programs Serving Distinct Audiences

The Hadley School for the Blind offers over 90 courses in

four programs. Courses relevant to the needs of blind individuals

and their families are continually being developed or updated.

General Education Program

People who are blind and meet our eligibility requirements

can choose courses from any of these core course areas:

1. Academic and High School Studies

2. Braille and Other Communication Skills

3. Technology

4. Independent Living and Life Adjustment

5. Recreation and Leisure Time

6. Parent/Family

(Course descriptions start on page 23.)

Parent/Family Programs

The Parent/Child Program and the Parent/Family Program offer

courses to the family members of people who are blind and

visually impaired. (Course descriptions start on page 55.)

Professional Program

Hadley offers courses to professionals and paraprofessionals

working with blind people so they can become familiar with

Hadley's distance education programs and sharpen their own

skills. (Course descriptions start on page 61.)

Who Can Enroll

General Education Program

You are welcome to apply for enrollment in Hadley's general

education courses if

You are 14 years old or older and

You are legally blind or can supply a medical report showing

a prognosis of legal blindness and

You are able to read and understand courses written in

English at the high school level

Parent/Family Programs

You are welcome to apply for enrollment in Parent/Family

courses if

You are the parent or grandparent of a blind or severely

visually impaired child or

You are the spouse, parent, adult daughter or son, or adult

sibling of a blind or severely visually impaired adult

Professional Program

You are welcome to apply for enrollment in Professional

Program courses if

You are a professional or paraprofessional in the field of

blindness who wants to better serve your clients or students

Not sure if you are eligible to enroll?

If you are visually impaired, call Student Services or send

an application and eye report so we can evaluate your eligibility

for the General Education Program. Student Services is available:

Weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Central Time

1-800-526-9909 or 1-847-446-8111, extension 508


If you are a family member or professional who wants to be a

better support to a blind person, call the Parent/Family


Weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Central Time

1-800-323-4238 or 1-847-446-8111, extension 231


How to Apply

Before applying, ask yourself, "How much time can I devote

to my studies?" To study effectively through distance education,

plan to study an average of at least six hours a week for each


General Education Program

1. Select Your Course

After reading the overview of our core course areas on page

21 and deciding which interests you, read the course descriptions

for that area. Choose the specific course or courses you want to

take and write your choice on the enrollment application.

Each course listing includes course title, a brief

description, course number, media, number of lessons, and credit.

Note any prerequisites for the courses you are considering. If

after reading the course listings you need more detailed

information, call Student Services or read course details on the

School's website.

Media: The code after the course number indicates the media

in which the course is available. B stands for grade 2 braille, C

is cassette, LP is large print, and P is regular print. Many

courses are available in more than one medium. For example, a

course available in braille and cassette is listed as "B or C." A

few courses use two media, such as braille and cassette, both of

which you must be able to use effectively to take the course. If

a course uses braille and cassette, it is coded "B with C."

Credits: Two types of credit are offered by Hadley: Carnegie

Units and Continuing Education Units (CEUs). Carnegie Units

(designated "units") are of interest to students in either the Hadley High School Program or in other high schools who want to earn extra or

make-up credit through distance education. CEUs are available for

some Hadley courses. See the Enrollment Options section which

follows for more information on the High School and CEU programs.

2. Fill Out Your Application

A General Education Program enrollment application is

enclosed with this catalog. Using a typewriter or a pen (please