How accessible is University?

Are you a disabled*prospective University student? Do you know someone who is?

*Disabled students include those who have Special Educational Needs;specific learning differences (e.g. dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADD); or chronic medical conditions (e.g. asthma, epilepsy, depression, anxiety, etc.); as well as those with mobility ordexterity impairments and/or sensory impairments.

SOAS, University of London is hosting a FREE event for disabled* pupils who are prospective University students, their parents and other allies. This event is suitable for any pupil over 11 years of age, but is likely to be of particular interest to those in Years 9-11 and at FE College. You do not need to be applying to SOAS, this event is open to all prospective disabled students.

Programme for Tuesday 15th April

10.00Arrival for 10.30 start- tea / coffee / other refreshments will be available
10.30- 10.35am Welcome & Housekeeping – Deb Viney, Diversity Advisor, SOAS

10.35 -11.00amtwo student speakers will discuss their personal experiences in University

Financial issues – general funding & disability support

11.00 – 11.30am Applying to UCAS, general student finance:

student loans, grants, housing benefit and other general maintenance funding
11.30 – 11.45amWhat are the Disabled Students' Allowances?

Roddy Slorach, Disability Advisor, Imperial College

11.45am – 12.15pm how to claim the Disabled Students’ Allowances [DSAs]

(including the Needs Assessment process)

Pauline Melham, Disability Advisor, Roehampton University

12.15 - 1.15pm a) for prospective students

- session with the student ambassadorscovering studying different disciplines; student accommodation and social life; what life skills will I need?, etc.

OR b) for parents / allies

-support services available at University; parents' worries about their offspring living away from home; what life skills will students need?

1.15 - 2.15pmLunch & networking

Assistive Technology displays and demonstrations

Meet some Student Ambassadors

2.15 – 2.45 Student housing issues- DebViney, Diversity Advisor, SOAS

2.45 – 3.15 Applying to Social Services and others(e.g. charitable funds) for additional support for disability related costs such as personal care, domestic assistance, etc. [all] - Deb Viney, Diversity Advisor, SOAS

3.15 – 3.30comfort break (tea, coffee etc.)

3.30 – 4.30Beyond University - Careers, employment and Access to Work funding

3.30 - 3.45 Dr. Claire Irving who completed her first degree and a doctorate (PhD) in Maths and has been working successfully.

3.45 – 4.00 University of London Careers Service

– Gemma Ludgate - disabled graduates getting into employment

4.00 – 4.30 Dr. Nasser Siabi, Chief Exec of Microlink UK plc – employer of many disabled staff; also speaking about the Access to Work funding programme

4.30 End - but while you’re in London, why not explore a bit? The British Museum is 5 minutes away from SOAS; or a bus / taxi can take you to the theatre district (last minute reduced cost tickets are available from various booths in Leicester Square). Plus Bloomsbury has many eating places and some shopping precincts; and of course Oxford Street is just a short walk or ride away.

How accessible is University?

A FREE event for disabled pupils who are prospective University students, their parents and other alliesorganised by the Disability Services of various colleges of the University of London. This event is suitable for any pupil over 11 years of age, but is likely to be of particular interest to those in Years 9-11 and at FE College.
Target Audience:

  1. All disabled pupils who are considering attending any University are welcome, including those with mobility, dexterity and sensory impairments, as well as specific learning differences (e.g. dyslexia), Autism Spectrum conditions and chronic physical or mental health issues, much of the information will be relevant to all.
  1. The parents and other allies (e.g. teachers, Further Education lecturers, Special Needs Co-ordinators, Careers Advisors, Social Workers ) of disabled pupils.

Prospective students over the age of 15 years are welcome to come alone to this event if they so wish, but we anticipate that parents, teachers, Special Needs Co-ordinators, Careers Advisors, Social Workers and other allies may be interested in attending too.

This event will focus primarily on prospective students who are likely to have high disability-related support needs in both the academic and social/residential spheres (e.g. accessible residential accommodation & personal care) though the information provided is also likely to be useful to those with fewer support needs.

When: Tuesday 15th April 2014between 10am and 4.30pm

Where: in the Brunei Suite on the ground floor of the Brunei Gallery building at

SOAS (the School of Oriental & African Studies), University of London,

Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, London, WC1H 0XG.

Attendance is free, but we would appreciate it (for catering purposes) if you could book a place by contacting or returning the booking form overleaf.

The venue: the Brunei Suite has level access throughout and is suitablefor wheelchair users, though you will need to be prepared to use the lift to get to the accessible toilet facilities in the basement. Other toilet facilities are on the ground floor.

Step-free access to the Brunei Gallery building is via an external ramp to a side door which opens into the main foyer. Note: some manual wheelchair users do find the external ramptoo steep to manage unassisted. Assistance can be made available on request. The door is manual but there is a bell which can be used to call the security person to assist.

Sign Language Interpreters and an induction loopcan be provided for this event IF requested in advance.

Please advise us of any dietary needs - lunch will be a finger buffet with a selection sandwiches, bagels and other items with various fillings plus fresh fruit.

To book places: places are limited by the size of the venue. We need to know how many people will attend, soplease either complete the attached Booking Form or contact Deb Viney by email or telephone0207 898 4957 with the name of the prospective student and the number of people who will be attending with him/her.

How to find us:

SOAS is located in Bloomsbury, just off the north-west corner of Russell Square, our two main buildings are in a pedestrian area off Thornhaugh Street. The building closer to Russell Square is the Brunei Gallery Building. Birkbeck College, Senate House and the Institute of Education are our neighbours. There is a map and other information available on the School’s website at .

The Russell Square / Gower Street areas are well supplied with buses including (this is not an exhaustive list) numbers 7, 59, 68, X68, 73, 91, 98, 168, 188 and 10, 29, 73, 134 and 390. Most routes have wheelchair accessible buses but please do check before travelling.

The nearest rail / tube stations are Goodge Street (Northern line) and Russell Square (Piccadilly line) though we regret to say that neither is wheelchair accessible due to both steps and lifts. Holburn, Euston, Euston Square and Kings Cross/St. Pancras are each within a short distance (10 - 15 minutes at a steady walking pace).

All London black taxis (which may be hailed on the street – providing you stand in a suitable place for the cab to stop) are wheelchair accessible– some drivers are less than enthusiastic, others are very helpful.

Accessibility information for all London Transport can be found at:

Booking form: How accessible is University?

When: Tuesday 15th April between 10.30am and 4.15pm

Where: in the Brunei Suite on the ground floor of the Brunei Gallery building at

SOAS (the School of Oriental & African Studies, University of London),

Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, London, WC1H 0XG.

Name of disabled prospective student: …………………………………………………………………………….

School year group ……………………………………… Year of birth: ……………………………………………

Number of people accompanying the prospective student……………………………………………….

Contact email address for further information …………………………………………………………………

Which academic subject area(s) interest you? …………………………………………………………….

It would be helpful to us if you can provide the following information:

Any dietary requirements? ……………………………………………………………………………………………

What impairment(s) does the prospective student experience?

(please tick all that apply)

ОMobilityО Dexterity

О VisualОHearing

О Chronic physical condition / hidden impairment (e.g. epilepsy, diabetes)

О Mental health issue

О Specific learning difference (e.g. dyslexia, dyspraxia)

ОAutism spectrum conditions (e.g. Asperger’s Syndrome)

ОDevelopmental differences (e.g. Attention Deficit &/or Hyperactivity conditions)

ОOther - please describe briefly …………………………………………………………………..


Please return this booking form to:

Deb Viney, Diversity Advisor, SOAS University of London at the above address or by email ().