ARCP - Assessment / ES review timelines
for GPST3 trainees (2016-17)
By 30 month ES Review: / By 34 month (Final) ES Review/ARCP:6 x COT / 6 further COT
6 x CBD / 6 further CBD
1 x MSF (5 clinical and 5 non-clinical) / 1 x MSF (5 clinical and 5 non-clinical)
Evidence for CEPS
Successful passes in both AKT and CSA
31st January 2017 / 30 month ES Review due + assessments
31stMay 2017 / 34 month ES Review due + the full year of assessments. CSA & AKT need to be complete. In addition, you are required to have an up-to-date learning log (at least two entries a week), a PDP, an audit and demonstrated OOH competence. Please also note you are required to have an up-to-date CPR Certificate, and have evidence of valid (in date) Level 3 Child Safeguarding training.
From 12th June 2017 / HEKSS will contact all trainees who need to attend an Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP) panel for feedback.
Week beginning
19thJune 2017 / ARCP panels take place during this week. All trainees need to keep this week free as trainees will be expected to attend the panel if any part of their e-portfolio is incomplete.
ST3 Timelines – Full time trainees starting in August
August / Find out about, and start regular VTS sessions;Ensure you start putting entries into your learning logs;
Start videoing yourself consulting;
Attend induction session and book OOH sessions;
Find local learning set for CSA preparation / Learning log running total
September / Start workplace based assessments (WPBA);
Add a Personal Development Plan (PDP) to your eportfolio - minimum 3 PDP entries required for year;
Choose audit topic and start collecting data
October / Start doing 1st Multi Source Feedback – 10 replies required;
Look carefully at your consultation style and skills
November / If didn’t complete PSQ during ST1/2 then complete now;
Attend CSA sessions at VTS / End Nov - 32
December / Attend HEKSS CSA workshops (invitations to this will be sent out in October)
January / Early Jan – Do self-assessment for ES Review in eportfolio;
By 31st Jan – Meet and complete ES Review;
Accept and sign off review
February / Carry on with log entries/ WPBAs
March / Start PSQ / End Mar - 64
April / Check you are up-to-date with assessments, and have planned to complete OOHs, Audit, Leadership
May / Continue adding log entries and completing assessments – all assessments need to be complete for end of year review by end of May;
By 31st May – Do your own self-rating on the Educational Supervisor Review (ESR) then meet with your ES to complete this;
Accept and sign off review;
Complete and submit online Form R – needed before every ARCP for revalidation purposes / 80 in time for ARCP
June / ARCP (week of 19th June 2017)– keep dates free to attend if you have received an Unsatisfactory/Panel Opinion ES Review and/or you have not passed either CSA or AKT or both
July / Have NHS appraisal with ES, complete any outstanding OOHs / End July - 96
ST3 – General
Be very aware when you have to apply for CSA. Apply for AKT (if not already passed). Check RCGP website for dates and book accordingly. You must put yourself in a position to have sat these exams and received the resultsbefore the end of your training.
Confirm VTS timetable with Programme Directors.
Ensure you have booked up a minimum 72 hours of OOHs before the end of ST3.
Audit (or Quality Improvement Project), demonstration of leadership, and evidence of Child Safeguarding Level 3 training need to be documented in your e-portfolio.
Ensure your CPR and AED training is current with evidence uploaded to the e-portfolio.
WPBA required: 12 COT, 12 CbD, PSQ, 2 MSF each with 10 replies. Minimum 2 log entries per week and 3 PDP entries.