Meeting of the of Lake Success Planning Board
held in the Board Room at
318 Lakeville Road, Great Neck, NY 11020
At 7:30 pm on September 28, 2017
Present: Ira Levine, Chairman
Elliot Browar, Deputy Chairman
Peter Chang
Alan Mindel, Trustee Liaison
Peter Mineo, Village Attorney
Andrea Tsoukalas
Absent:Joseph Burachio
Marian Lee
Robert Bonnie, Building Inspector
Steve Fellman, Village Architect
Wayne Muller, RMS Engineering
Scott Robin, Nelson, Pope & Voorhis, LLC
Chairman Levine called the meeting to order at 7:30 and informed the audience that since this Board last met, we learned that our former Chairman, Daniel H. Axinn, passed away on August 23, 2017 after an illness.
Dan served the Village in many capacities for more than 30 years, including trustee, Deputy Mayor and Golf Commissioner. The position that I think he derived the most satisfaction was that of Chairman of the Planning Board for a span of more than 14 years from 2002until May 2016 when he resigned because of his ill-health.
Dan had a background in the building trade as both as a supplier of building materials – his family owned a lumber yard – and as a builder himself. With a keen eye for facts, figures, plans, and designs, Dan poured over each applicant’s plans as if they were his own. Often times, when I sat next to him, I noticed that his copy of plans were marked with red and blue pen not only on the outside elevations but also on the interior drawings. I can recount several instances when Dan spotted a design flaw in plans that went beyond the scope of an “architectural review”. Those flaws were instantly corrected at the meeting by the grateful architect and his relieved client.
Several years ago, and at Dan’s urging, I was appointed by Mayor Cooper as his Deputy Chairman, and when Dan retired from this Board last year, he instantly recommended to the Mayor that I succeed him as chairman. I will never forget, and will always remain grateful for the confidence that he showed me.
In keeping with the tradition set by others, this Board will now observe a brief moment of silence in remembrance and tribute to its Chairman, Daniel H. Axinn.
Trustee Alan Mindel shared Chairman Levine’s sentiments and added a few words of his own recalling the importance of Mr. Axinn in his life and in this community.
We’re Associates – 1 Delaware Drive
This application is a continuation of the August 17, 2017 presentation. A short environmental form, elevations, and a site plan were submitted as per the request of Carrie O’Farrell.
Architectural Review
Applicant proposes to convert a portion of the building to a self-storage facility. Architecturally the impact to the building elevation is minimal and should blend in nicely with the building as a whole. The projecting south canopy will be removed and the dryvit façade repaired to match the existing conditions.
On motion of Chairman Levine, seconded by Deputy Chairman Browar, a recommendation was made to the Board of Trustees to approve the application for a change of use for 1 Delaware Drive. The motion was unanimously approved.
On motion of Chairman Levine, seconded by Peter Chang, the plans for this applicantas modified by amendment dated 9/12/2017 were approved upon condition that the specified hours of operation be Monday thru Friday from 7 am to 7 pm and Saturday 8am to 1 pm, no hours on Sunday. The motion was unanimously approved.
On motion of Chairman Levine, seconded by Deputy Chairman Browar, a resolution was made to adopt the SEQRA Negative Declaration.The motion was unanimously approved.
Mr. & Mrs. Sergio Deligiannis – 15 Meadow Woods Road
This applicant came before the board to change the approved trim from AZAK to cement stucco (same profile) and change from brick to stone on the rear elevated patio.
The architect, Len Kurkowski, presented anacrylic stucco substitute product. Chairman Levine explained that it is the policy of this board not to approve stucco substitutes. Therefore the application was tabled until the next meeting when Mr. Bob Bonniewould be present.
On motion of Chairman Levine, seconded by Deputy Chairman Browar changing the brick to cast stone on the north elevation was approved. There was no opposition.
Planning Board Meeting
September 28, 2017
Page three
Mr. Hu Monaco, 14 Meadow Woods Road
This applicant proposes a firstfloor addition and a second floor addition over the garage, a new deck and portico. The board tabled this application pending new a new material list and sample boards.
Architectural Review
Applicant proposes a one story addition to the right side of the house and second story addition to the left side. The proposed massing and fenestration is very well done with a nice sense of balance. Proposed siding is a combination of stone and vinyl siding that strikes an appropriate balance architecturally.
Mr. & Mrs. Garet Azatyan – 31 Old Field Lane
This applicant proposes a new portico and replacement of existing siding with cobblestone Hardi shingles.
Architectural Review
Applicant proposes a new entry portico. The eyebrow style roof is both clever and beautiful in that it is dramatic, but works easily architecturally with the front façade. The copper roof is a nice final touch.
On motion of Deputy Chairman Browar, seconded by Chairman Levine this application was approved as submitted. There was no opposition.
Mr & Mrs. Aronov – 1 University Road
This application is a revision to a previously approved application. The chimney has been eliminated, both fireplaces will be gas and the boiler will be direct vent. The owner would like to push out the rear of the house an additional 4’ into the rear yard. This does not violate the setback requirements.
On motion of Chairman Levine, seconded by Deputy Chairman Browar these revised plans were approved as submitted pending confirmation from Bob Bonnie on the setback requirement. There was no opposition.
Proposed Helipad - Northwell Health
Update on the proposed Helipad application for informational purposes.
The minutes for this application were recorded by Veritex Legal Solutions and a copy is attached to these minutes.
The meeting adjourned at 10:10 pm.
Respectfully submitted, Janet A. Carman, Secretary