Arcola Intermediate School
Home & School Association
Monthly Meeting
February 22, 2016
In Attendance:
Jill Nicholson Nicole Drake Janet Bolendz
Sarah Spletzer Cindy Rhoads
1. Welcome (Call to order and Time) Jill Nicholson called the meeting to order at 7:13 p.m.
2. Janet Bolendz – High School Post Prom committee person came to speak about Post Prom and the upcoming walkthrough. She discussed the importance of getting parents signed up as Post Prom volunteers as early as possible to keep the Post Prom going strong. We discussed a H&S donation to Post Prom, as it is traditional for the schools in the district to make a donation.
3. Approval of outstanding minutes – November minutes have been reviewed. Sarah moved for approval of the minutes; Cindy seconded, passed and minutes approved.
4. Principal’s report – Ryan Creeden not in attendance.
5. Officers’ Reports
a. President's Report – Jill Nicholson reported:
1. Budget – information from MCC – name both of our grant programs under one name: “Arcola Cares Mini-Grants;” The following amounts have been given under this program: Coding Club - $252.78, Homemade gift club - $250.00; Art Club - $200.00; French Club - $150.00; Jill’s plan, do another mini-grant that goes April or May that they can roll over into next year – not do as much. This matter will be discussed with Mr. Creeden in terms of what the school needs versus rolling it over for next year. We declined to provide the money requested by Science Fair to feed the judges, as it did not benefit the students or the whole school. We voted to approve a donation for post prom of $150. MCC recommends carrying no more than a year’s worth of overall budget, can carry over whatever, does not need to be earmarked.
2. STEAM – upcoming, we will be asked to provide volunteers, but this is a school run program.
b. Treasurer's Report – discussed above within budget.
c. Secretary's Report – Sarah Spletzer and Nicole Drake. Sarah had no report. Nicole reported that Coordinating Council is still working on trying to get everything together. Discussed the events that we have here: 8th grade social, Long Walk to Water, Staff Appreciation Luncheon. Nicole will handle getting a request out for volunteers for the Luncheon.
6. Old/New Business – none
7. Questions/concerns – none
8. Next meeting: March 8, 2016, 9:15 a.m., The May meeting will be held at the Tech School. Parents who are interested in the Tech School are encouraged to attend the meeting and learn more about this opportunity for students.
9. Meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m.