
Year 1

Recognise, reflect and respect

Recognise a memory that is important to them.

Recognise some special times, places and people that they and their families remember and their most special memory.

Describe the importance of special memories.

Suggested activities


Make a class memory box of things that have happened throughout the year- visitors, trips, concerts etc Add photos, pictures, objects, pieces of work to help them remember. / Make individual memory boxes- Home school link. Decorate a shoe box and add photos, pictures, objects to help them remember special people, times, events, achievements in their lives.
Continuous Provision
  • Make/decorate a photo frame to place a photo of a special time to remember.
  • Illustrate a special memory and write captions to go with them.
  • Make memory cards. Children to make cards to celebrate their most special memory of someone in their family and give them the cards.
/ Learn songs –‘Things to remember’ Rejoice One.
Read ‘Memory bottles’ Beth Shoshan
What would you put in your memory bottle? / Outside opportunities to develop memory- learn a route, sequence of movements, hide objects with the children come back later- can we remember where to find them? What would help us?
Read ‘The Memory String’ – use beads and items from home to make a memory string. / Journey sticks- tie on objects to help remember a journey taken.
Make a class book of memories- include photos, drawings, paintings, ICT pictures, captions etc. / Circletime sessions- pass around a special memory object (stone, crystal etc) ‘I remember when....’
Play memory games- pairs, Kim’s game, I went to the shops.... / Write poems. I remember ......
Look back at special memories this year and use photos to talk about the school trip, the Christmas play, party etc. Children choose one to write about. Make notes using headings: person, place, and thing.
Use a digital recorder to find out about special memories of people in the school e.g. talk to a nursery member of staff. / Make a questionnaire about special memories at home. Invite some of the parents or priest or parishioners in to share their special memories e.g. a wedding, a birth, a birthday, a holiday.
(Encourage the children to write their own questions to ask their special visitors)
  • Make a special memory board which the children can add to as the topic progresses.
  • Describe and illustrate their favourite memory.
  • Share their memories with their class members. Choose some children to talk about a special memory each day.
Write a thank you litany for their memories share in a prayer session. / Books
Grandma’s Bill
A Christmas memory
When Gran was a child
Dear child of mine a mom’s memory book

Books - ‘Mr Bump loses his memory’ – Roger Hargreaves

‘My Childhood Memories: A Keepsake Journal’ – Thomas Kinkade

‘Granny's Cozy Quilt of Memories: Remembering Grandmother's Love Through

Her Lasting Gift’- Pamela Kennedy

‘The Memory String’- Eve Bunting


Recognise that people remember Jesus at Mass and recognise some songs or stories about Jesus.

Recognise that Mass is the parish family’s special memory of Jesus and be able to talk of the Last Supper.

Describe how the parish family remembers Jesus at Mass on Sunday.

Describe the story of the Last Supper and that Jesus said ‘Do this in memory of me’. (AT1 strand ii)

Suggested activitiesUse in conjunction with the Here I Am file

Bubble map of things that remind us of Jesus in church or in school. E.g. cross, bible, sign of the cross.
Remember ways and times that we remember Jesus at Mass, at Easter, at Christmas etc. / Read story of the Last Supper.
Luke 22:19-20 The Last Supper
God’s Story 2 p. 77 (notes p. 100)
  • Role play events- provide artefacts to support
  • Learn hymn ‘This is my Body’
Jesus said, ‘Do this is memory of me’.
Church’s Story 2 p. 38-43 (notes p. 91-92)
  • Visit the church or invite priest to visit to talk about how we remember Jesus at church. (See also Church’s Story 1 p24-29 and also notes p53-54) Prepare a simple liturgy for him to celebrate with the children, include the key elements:
GATHER: gathering
WORD: reading from the Bible
RESPONSE: saying prayers
singing / Mission
  • IDEA FOR RESPONSE: Pupils to pray spontaneously or listen and join in e.g. Let’s remember our mums. Dear God, help them to look after us. Let’s remember our dads. Dear God, help them to take care of us. Let’s remember our brothers and sisters. Dear God, help us to be kind to one another. Let’s remember...who is sick. Dear God, be with... and help...
  • Encourage pupils to take part in Liturgy of the Word if this is offered in your church. Give thanks for God’s gifts (the Liturgy of the Eucharist) (p. 26-27) The Eucharist-Mass is an act of thanksgiving and the presentation of the gifts is symbolic in several ways. We offer bread and wine, symbolic of life, death and resurrection. The spirit of God transforms our gifts to become for us the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. After the presentation of the gifts is the collection of money, symbolic of care and support for all those in need. Look at where this is happening. (church) Who can you see? (Priest, people). What is happening? (Procession of people carrying bread, wine, collection).

Use photographs/video clips of role play to make slide show for the children to add voice clips, singing, narration. /
  • Retell the story of the Last Supper. Children to sequence the main parts of the story (Level 2)
  • Write a letter to tell a friend about the events of the Last Supper or what happens at Mass. (Level 2)
  • Sorting activity- looking at images and artefacts from Mass and the Last Supper. How are they used? (Level 1)
  • Use feely bag with images of artefacts used in Mass. What are they used for? (Level 1)

Read ‘Jesus welcomes the children’. Mark 10:13-16 Jesus and the children God’s Story 1 p. 30-31 (notes p. 48)
Children to act out the story and then write the story and draw themselves in the picture of the children.
  • Invite children to share their favourite words and phrases from the story. Make captions from the answers and place these around the pictures.
/ Sequence parts of the Mass
Use some parts of the Eucharistic Prayer in daily acts of worship.
Learn some responses to simple prayers

Year 2

AT 1 Strand (ii) Celebration and ritual

Level 1: Recognise some religious signs and symbols and use some religious words and phrases

Level 2: Use religious words and phrases to describe some religious actions and symbols

Level 3; Use a developing religious vocabulary to give reasons for religious actions and symbols

AT 2: Strand (i) Learning from religion: Engagement with own and others’ beliefs and values

Level 1: Talk about their own experiences and feelings

Level 2: Ask and respond to questions about their own and others experiences and feelings.

Level 3: Make links to show how feelings and beliefs affect their behaviour and that of others

AT 2: Strand (ii) Learning from religion: Engagement with questions of meaning and purpose

Level 1: Say what they wonder about

Level2: Ask questions about what they and others wonder about and realize that some of these questions are difficult to answer

Level 3: Compare their own and other people’s ideas about questions that are difficult to answer

Topic Expectations

Describesome of their special memories. Describe howJesus shared the Last Supper with his friends and asked them to remember him. / L2
Describehow they and their families remember special times, places and people. Describe the story of the Last Supper and how Jesus asked his friends to remember him. Describe some words or phrases from the Eucharistic Prayer for Children II. / L2
Give reasons to make links between the story of the Last Supper and the Eucharistic Prayer for Children II which they explored. / L3

Recognise, reflect and respect

Describe some of their special memories.

Describe how they and their families remember special times, places and people.

Suggested activities


HIA stories p.208 and key questions / In circle time/talking partners discuss any special memories that they have got. Include adults in the discussion
Home/school link – bring in items from home that link to a special memory and show them to the class / Questionnaire-(use ICT) parents/staff/grandparents on their special memories
Creative writing – I remember when…… Remember to include details of where the event took place and who was there with you / Make a photo montage of memories and display it with key words
Ask parents to make a ‘memory’, box with them at home (shoe box). Fill it with mementoes of them such as baby clothes, first shoes etc. / Make a timeline about their memories in school, when I was in Nursery I can remember……. Include any special trips/assemblies etc, that they may have taken part in
Find out from staff what helps them to remember things e.g. writing on hand/ things to do list etc. / Play ‘Kim’s Game – remove artefacts from the tray, can they work out what’s missing?
Learn their phone number/address/ a tongue twister – can they remember it a week later? / Make a time capsule and bury it – discuss what to put in it, what will people remember us by?


Describe howJesus shared the Last Supper with his friends and asked them to remember him. (L2)

Describe the story of the Last Supper and how Jesus asked his friends to remember him. Describe some words or phrases from the Eucharistic Prayer for Children II. (L2)

Give reasons to make links between the story of the Last Supper and the Eucharistic Prayer for Children II which they explored. (L3)

Suggested activities

HIA file p.210 Remember Me (Luke 22:14-20) and discuss key questions / Guided Meditation ‘The Last Supper’ from Guided Meditations by Jane Reehorst
Re-enact the Last Supper – allocate roles and use props for the artefacts.
Illustrate the Last Supper – as a whole class display, add each individual part to recreate the scene / In circle time talk about special meals that they themselves have with their family. What do they have for supper?
Jesus invited 12 special friends to the Last Supper, who would you invite to a special meal? / Pretend you were at the Last Supper – what do you remember about it?
Invite the parish priest in-to talk to us about how we remember Jesus in the Mass.
Celebrate a class Mass together.
Read the Eucharistic Prayer for children II – cut it up and sequence it by putting it back together. / Investigate words/phrases from the prayer-which do they like? Use a glossary to investigate unknown words.
Prepare a liturgy entitled ‘Remembering Jesus’ – use the ‘Jesus Remember Me when you come into your kingdom….’ line as a response. / Have the story of The Last Supper (HIA p210) on one side of their pageand the Eucharistic Prayer on the other. Using highlighter pens mark similarities between them both focusing on key words (Level 3)
Focused activity/assessment opportunity
Describe the story of the Last Supper in your own words and describe what happens in the Eucharistic prayer II when the priest consecrates the bread and wine. Give reasons to explain why the Church remembers the Last Supper every time we celebrate Mass e.g. Jesus said ‘Do this in memory of me’ (AT1 (ii) Level 3)
Describe the story of the Last Supper and how Jesus asked his friends to remember him (storyboard of events/characters etc,) and describe some words or phrases from the Eucharistic Prayer for Children II – write these on flashcards/illustrate them and describe their meaning (AT1 ii Level 2)
Describe how Jesus shared the Last Supper with his friends and asked them to remember him. (Using a ‘prop box’ or puppets re-enact The Last Supper using some of the correct language e.g. This is my body and do this in memory of me etc) Use a video camera or field notes to record this activity. (AT1 ii Level 2)
Sorting activity- looking at images and artefacts from Mass and the Last Supper. How are they used? (AT 1 ii Level 1)
Use feely bag with images of artefacts used in Mass. What are they used for? (AT 1 ii Level 1)

Year 3 and 4

Give reasons to explain which memories that are outstanding for themselves and their families. Give reasons to link the story of the Last Supper and what happens at the Eucharist. / 3
Give reasonstoexplain why some memories are outstanding for them and their families. Give reasons to explain that, at the Last Supper, Jesus gave his friends a special way of remembering him and how Christians do this at the Eucharist. / 3
Show understanding of how the life, death and resurrection of Jesus are remembered and celebrated at the Eucharist. / 4

AT1 strand ii

Level 1: Recognise some religious signs and symbols and use some religious words and phrases

Level 2: Use religious words and phrases to describe some religious actions and symbols

Level 3: Use a developing religious vocabulary to give reasons for religious actions and symbols

Level 4: Use religious terms to show an understanding of different liturgies

AT2 strand i & ii

Level 1 strand (i) Talk about their own experiences and feelings

Level 1 strand (ii) Say what they wonder about

Level 2 strand (i) Ask and respond to questions about their own and others’ experiences and feelings

Level 2 strand (ii) Ask questions about what they and others wonder about and realize that some of these questions are difficult to answer

Level 3 strand (i) Make links to show how feelings and beliefs affect their behaviour and that of others

Level 3 strand (ii) Compare their own and other people’s ideas about questions that are difficult to answer

Level 4 strand (i) Show how own and others’ decision are informed by beliefs and values

Level 4 strand (ii) Engage with and respond to questions of life in the light of religious teaching

Recognise/ Reflect/ Respect

Give reasonstoexplain why some memories are outstanding for them and their families.

Use in conjunction with the Here I Am file

Read Here I Am page 294 Mum’s surprise.
Why was that day special for Peter and for his mum? How would Peter’s mum remember it? How would Peter remember it? Why would the day always be one of Mum’s outstanding memories?
Recall some memories which are outstanding for you. Memories of special places, special times and special people in your lives. Are there any memories which really stand out from the others?
L/A Name a special place, time and person and illustrate. / Discuss outstanding memories and why they are so special using circle time.
Record in a table: 2 columns: My Outstanding Memory and It is so special because...
Provide a questionnaire to allow children to find out from 2 family members their most outstanding memory and why it is so special (e.g. because it brought joy and happiness or because it was frightening or sad)
Children could bring in a photograph/artefact to share the special memory.
Make a memory box – pictures, photos, events that have been important to you and that you want to remember. (AT2 i,ii Level 1) / Interview each other about their favourite memory – Who or what do you remember? How do you remember it? (e.g. we wear a poppy on Remembrance day, we look at our photo album of our summer holiday etc)
(AT2 i,ii Level 2)


Give reasons to link the story of the Last Supper and what happens at the Eucharist. (3)

Give reasons to explain that, at the Last Supper, Jesus gave his friends a special way of remembering him and how Christians do this at the Eucharist. (3)

Show understanding of how the life, death and resurrection of Jesus are remembered and celebrated at the Eucharist. (4)

(Choose sufficient activities to prepare for the focused activity)

Use in conjunction with the Here I Am File

Read page HIA file p296 The Last Supper (God’s Story3 page 114) What was Jesus celebrating with his disciples? What did Jesus say and do while they were eating? How do you think Jesus felt? How do you think the disciples felt? Was there anything that surprised you or made you stop and think? Why do you think this would be an outstanding memory for the twelve? / The Last Supper –
-Here I Am Page 296- 297 recall the Book topic, gather round the Bible display, read the Luke 22: 7-23 again
-Role play
-Guided meditation of the Last Supper (See Guided Meditations by Jane Reehorst)
-Retell from Jesus/ disciples point of view
-Imagine you are one of the 12 and write your own account of what happened. (AT1 Level 2)
-L/A Sequence the story of the last supper
-Ext: Research about Passover in Jesus’ time (ICT)
-LA: In a template of a host and chalice write the words Jesus said.
The Last Supper is an outstanding memory and has never been forgotten. We remember it in the Eucharistic Prayer.
Explain the context of the Eucharistic Prayer using Here I Am file page 297.
Identify, discuss and note how the Eucharistic prayer recalls the death life and resurrection of Jesus.
In groups, use photocopies of the Eucharistic prayer to highlight words and phrases which recall the outstanding memories about Jesus – his life, death and resurrection, what he said and what he did. (Use 4/5 coloured highlighter pens) / Read the Last Supper and the Eucharistic Prayer and discuss the sequence of the story.
Refer to p297 and put 1-13 into random order asking children to reorder the list into the correct sequence.
A for Last Supper, B for Mass
L/A Just B
In the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John (Copymaster B) outstanding memories of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus are recorded.
Chn to use Copymaster B to study the references noting what each outstanding memory recorded is about e.g. his life, his death, his resurrection.
Design a pamphlet/ leaflet/ PowerPoint/ letter to a non-Christian to include….. (see appropriate level)
Show understanding of how the life, death and resurrection of Jesus are remembered and celebrated at the Eucharist using work recorded in the previous steeping stone activity when these aspects were highlighted in groups (AT1 (ii) Level 4)
Retell the story of the Last Supper in your own words and describe what happens in the Eucharistic prayer at Mass when the priest consecrates the bread and wine and give reasons to explain why the Church remembers the Last Supper every time we celebrate Mass e.g. that Jesus gave his friends a special way of remembering him and that Christians do this at the Eucharist (AT1 (ii) Level 3)
Retell the story of the Last Supper in your own words and describe what happens in the Eucharistic prayer at Mass when the priest consecrates the bread and wine (AT1 (ii) Level 2)
Draw two pictures with captions of the Last Supper and of the priest consecrating the Eucharist to recognise
what happened at the Last Supper and what happens in Church (AT1 (ii) Level 1)

Year 5 and 6