Archaeology Training Forum, 17 November 2017 Minutes (cont.)

Archaeology Training Forum

Meetingon 17 November 2017

CBA Office, Beatrice de Cardi House,

66 Bootham, York, YO30 7BZ


Present: Peter Connelly (FAME), Rebecca Jones (HES), Amanda Feather (Historic England), Debbie Frearson (CBA); Kate Geary (CIfA), Mike Heyworth (CBA), Rob Lennox [observing] (CIfA), Eila Macqueen (Archaeology Scotland), Norman Redhead (ALGAO),Robin Turner (Historic Environment Scotland), Anna Welch (CIfA).

  1. Apologies:

Duncan Brown (Archaeological Archives Forum), Maybelline Gormley (Department for Communities, Historic Environment, NI), Chris Jones (ALGAO), Jacqui Mulville (UAUK), Johanna Vuolteenaho (Department for Communities, Historic Environment, NI).

Maybelline Gormley has recently been moved to a different department and will not be able to attend ATF in her present role. Johanna Vuolteenaho will be the new rep.

  1. Minutes of last meeting (3May 2017)

RT welcomed Eila, and also Debbie Frearson. Minutes agreed to be correct. Matters arising were dealt with during or towards the end of the meeting.

  1. ATF forward plan progress.

NOTE: In addition to the following note, the Forward Plan table was updated following the meeting.

Initiative 1: Career path

1.1 Training needs audit for community archaeology - Debbie Frearson will be re-running the training survey done by Suzie Thomas. By Easter 2018 there should be a series of survey results. Headley Trust money is supporting this.

Initiative 2: Degrees

2.1 Building History initiative(Scotland) – this was an opportunity for both perspectives (archaeology and construction) to gain a practical understanding of what archaeology and construction sectors do and an opportunity for colleges to talk about skills. HES and NTS supplied sites for practical training.

FAME forum met in June with various university reps and discussions held over the graduate level apprenticeships. Some good links between individual departments and units are developing, often based on existing relationships.

KG has a meeting with steering group from UAUK at end of month. An outline has been approved for a scheme to jointly accredit courses and a pilot scheme will be run. UAUK are now overwhelmingly backing the scheme. Employers will be approached for input. AF to send a link for university engagement – AW to circulate to group. MH said that statistics on archaeology will soon be easier to access as ‘archaeological science’ is to be separated into ‘archaeology’ and ‘forensic science’.

Action 01: AF to provide link re university engagement and AW to circulate to group.

CIfA has now pulled together all the ways that they accredit various sorts of training courses. The website now has links to CPD opportunities

Initiative 3: CPD

3.1 CPD promotion and support - CIfA has started to look atways of mentoring. Icon have a mentoring scheme so may have ideas that can be further investigated.

3.2 Training programmes within archaeological organisations– CIfA are continuing to approve employer training schemes from Registered Organisations where they meet the criteria. Eight are approved with two pending.

Initiative 4: Capacity

4.1 Discussion with the National College of High Speed Rail, to provide management, leadership and professional skills to the sector – the latest information from HS2 is that there will be some expectations around training although the responsibility for this will be passed down the supply change. Skills Education training targets still have to be met.

The HE national infrastructure and capacity working group met recently and the hope is that HS2 type initiatives will be included in other future large-scale infrastructure projects. Housing development is often quite small scale and statistics/information is hard to come by.

CIRIA are running a project looking at management of archaeological projects within construction with the aim of collating case studies. CIfA found it late having not been initially included and will be kept informed. HE also found it after the fact.

Initiative5: Demand

5.1 Promoting careers for those with archaeology skills, including demonstrating career paths and structures - Bob Hook was creating a careers diagram which will be pursued. RL produced a diagram which was circulated. It is now out of date but could be used as a template.

HE are about to commission a project to develop information, advice and guidance for young people aged 14+, and careers advisers. Products will include a set of webpages and short films. This might involve mapping career paths through case studies. FAME have also got an outline diagram – PC will circulate. UAUK are also keen on developing a careers diagram. Deadline to create a draft - meeting in February.

Action 02: KG to circulate qualifications pathways diagram.

Action 03: PC to circulate FAME outline diagram.

  • An entry level training plan from Headland is being assessed.
  • Archaeology Scotland had been discussing developing acareers web resource co-created withyoung people, however funding to take this forward has still to be found.
  • There is no ATF twitter account but HE uses@HE_Archaeology (Hugh Corley and Brian Kerr post) and they might be prepared to tweet things on behalf of ATF.
  • CBA have an embedded UAUK member of staff (Dr ClaireCorkill) who has been a positive addition. It can be difficult to get statistics from university departments but there is now a separate REF panel for archaeology. UAUK are keen to gather these statistics so hopefully it will become easier.
  • UCL Archaeology Day – went well but seeking bigger attendance. There are plans to repeat the day.

Initiative 6: Vocational qualifications

6.1 NVQin Archaeological Practice level 3, development of level 2 and/or 4 and Professional Development Awards – there have been problems with finding funding for the PDA level 4. There is a £16-20,000 development cost. HES use a PDA for building skills; AF interested to look at how this works. KG to forward progress so far.

NVQ - still very small numbers but a couple of candidates going through at the moment.

BTechs – colleges not as keen on them as a replacement for A-levels and would take 2-3 years to develop.

Action 04: AF to investigate PDA level 4 (international award)

Action 05: KG to forward progress on PDA level 4 (archaeology)

Action 06: KG to investigate getting qualifications into FE colleges with SQA.

6.2 Qualifications/Apprenticeships. Level 3-Level 7 Apprenticeship Standards, including Degree Apprenticeships are being developed, recruiting late 2018 if on schedule.

6.3 Heritage Apprenticeships in Scotland

Action 07: KG to contact employers re Scottish Apprenticeships.

6.4 BAJR Skills passport (potential for accreditation at Level 2 within the Qualification Credit Framework), plus possible Careers Passport.

Action 08: BAJR to be asked for an update.[Now integrated into the updated Forward Plan table.]

6.5 – NOS to be reviewed.

Action 09: AF to send date of nextTrailblazer archaeology working group (for apprenticeships standards) meeting. Anyone wishing to participate in the group to contact Liz Long atHE.

Initiative 7: Research and analysis

7.1 Labour market intelligence - Two Labour market intelligence surveys one focussing on archaeological specialists and the other on buildings and garden history skills have been undertaken. Five new HE specialist workplace training placements have been created.

HE’sResearch Agenda – two sections have been included to persuade higher education to consider research which looks at include heritage and to shows what HE will fund – including career development. HE wants to be more targeted in future surveys so ‘Profiling the Profession’ will be approached differently. At present survey reports can’t be easily compared so an Excel workbook will be created and information will be in there by subsection. They will be putting funding into planting particular questions into other organisation’s surveys.

Scotland’s Archaeology Strategy – In Scotland, as part of the Archaeology Strategy, Cara Jones and Phil Richardson are investigating training and the labour market and a report is due.

Brexit - Labour Market UK are looking at heritage skills abroad. HE did some work for the Migration Board – through the state of the market report (due out soon) which suggested that 15% of the workforce is European. Today’s Heritage Alliance update concerns requests for freedom of movement, etc.

PC will be retiring from the FAME committee in June and someone else will be taking over at ATF.

  1. Sector capacity issues and responses.

Already discussed.

[3pm Pete Connelly left the meeting]

5.Apprenticeship update

There is a route available for those who pay the levy to get management and leadership skills via an apprenticeship. Better fit for the industry than CLORE which tends to be arts based. AF to circulate info for employers about apprenticeships.

Action 10: AF to circulate info for employers about apprenticeships.

Qualifications for the Trailblazer apprenticeships are optional below degree apprenticeships. It will be recommended that a qualification is attached, such as the NVQ3 in archaeological practice for the level 3 apprenticeships.

AF & KG will give a presentation on apprenticeships at the next ATF meeting.

60-70 apprentices should start by September 2018.

ALGAO are keen to become involved in the advisory apprenticeship group.

6.Industry strategy sector deal – Rob Lennox

RL outlined the industry strategy sector deal. May not have much impact in Scotland & Wales but all language is ‘UK’. Taken on through Heritage 2020. [See Rob’s handout.] A meeting will be held soon. RL & KG have supplied details of training that’s happening at the moment.

Action 11: RL to advise Deborah Lamb that ATF wants to engage.

7.ATF training award 2017

As there is more interest from Registered Organisations in providing high quality training for new staff it is hoped that there will be more entrants this year.

Action 12: AW & ALL – publicise the ATF training award before the end of the year and advertise as widely as possible.

  1. Forum members’ updates

Historic England research agenda

Action 13 – AF to pursue the possibility of HE courses being made more widely available.

HE’s training program partnership with Leicester Uni has come to an end. HE will be designing a new external training strategy next year.

HES– An Archaeological Science Manager has been appointed. ScARF has been looking at science training and there will be a consideration of what can be delivered in Scotland.

CBA - Looking to see how they can engage with other parts of the sector and what has and is being offered. They are looking at ways to make accessing training and its delivery easier. Kick the Dust is a promising initiative.

Archaeology Scotland - Heritage Heroes award scheme for young people – is looking into being an accredited scheme.

CIFA – the Chartered Archaeologist project is moving onto the next stage, investigating delivering/assessing ethical competence and will discuss at the next meeting.

9.3-year forward plan 2018-21

Work needs to be done on this and should be prioritised at the next meeting. Ideas are to be submitted before the next meeting

10. Matters arising and action points from last meeting

  • Welsh member – Welsh trusts to be asked to send a rep
  • ICON – Patrick Whife or Susan Bradshaw to be asked.
  • HLF – Norman Redhead to ask for a rep.
  • SMA - Gail Boyle, if she is still their Chair.

Action 14: KG to invite new members.

11. Any other business

DF – asked how can shecould get involved with CIfA’s Voluntary and Community group in her new role.

Action 15: AW to send Debbie’s e-mail address to the V&C committee.

12. Dates of future meetings

Late February in London

Action 16 – AW doodle poll

Meeting finished 15.45pm

Action points following 17 Nov meeting. Grey = completed or removed

Action Point / Who / Details / By when / Status after
17Nov 17
22Feb16 / 03 / PC / Re-run survey of FAME members re which offer placement opportunities / Sep 2017 meeting / Closed
30Jun16 / 03 / KG / Contact UKCES to check the process for updating NOS. KG to check with CC Skills / Feb 2018 meeting / Active
30Jun16 / 06 / RT & KG / Update HS2 skills and capacity actions list following discussion / Sep
Feb 2018 meeting / Active
03May17 / 02 / AF / Forward the information about the finds training workshops / Asap / Closed
03May17 / 03 / AF & KG / AF to approach CLORE and chase about HE money plus further funding
KG to pursue the possibility of courses being made available. / Sep 2017 meeting / Closed
03May17 / 04 / MH and KG / Produce a draft careers diagram (cf. ‘spider diagram’). / Sep 2017 meeting / See
17Nov17 02
03May17 / 05 / MH and KH / Discuss developing a BTec, possibly with Pearsons / Sep 2017 meeting / See
17Nov17 06
03May17 / 06 / KG / Talk to SQA re Archaeology A-level / Feb 2018 meeting / Active
03May17 / 08 / DB / Contact Society of Museum Archaeology about joining ATF / Sep 2017 meeting / See
17Nov17 14
03May17 / 09 / KG / Contact ICON via Susan Bradshaw about joining ATF / Sep 2017 meeting / See
17Nov17 14
03May17 / 11 / KG / Contact CADW about joining ATF / Sep 2017 meeting / See
17Nov17 14
03May17 / 12 / KG / Invite HLF to send representative to attend the Forum. KG has invited but no-one available. She will contact again. / Sep 2017 meeting / See
17Nov17 14
17Nov 17 / 01 / AF / Provide link re university engagement and AW to circulate to group. / ASAP / Active
17Nov 17 / 02 / KG / Circulate qualifications pathways diagram. / ASAP / Active
17Nov 17 / 03 / PC / Circulate FAME outline diagram. / ASAP / Active
17Nov 17 / 04 / AF / Investigate PDA level 4 / Feb 2017 meeting / Active
17Nov 17 / 05 / KG / Forward progress on PDA level 4 (archaeology) / Feb 2017 meeting / Active
17Nov 17 / 06 / KG / Investigate getting qualifications into FE colleges with SQA. / Feb 2017 meeting / Active
17Nov 17 / 07 / KG / Contact employers re Scottish Apprenticeships. / Feb 2017 meeting / Active
17Nov 17 / 08 / RT / BAJR to be asked for an update. / ASAP / Completed
17Nov 17 / 09 / AF / Date of next apprenticeships meeting to be circulated. / ASAP / Active
17Nov 17 / 10 / AF / Circulate info for employers about apprenticeships. / ASAP / Active
17Nov 17 / 11 / RL / Advise Deborah Lamb that ATF wishesto engage. / ASAP / Active
17Nov 17 / 12 / AW
ALL / Publicise the ATF training award before the end of the year and advertise as widely as possible. / End Dec 2017 / Active
17Nov 17 / 13 / AF / Pursue the possibility of HE courses being made available / Feb 2018 meeting / Active
17Nov 17 / 14 / KG / Invite new members from: Wales; ICON; HLF; SMA / Feb 2018 meeting / Active
17Nov 17 / 15 / AW / Debbie’s e-mail address to be sent to the V&C committee. / ASAP / Active
17Nov 17 / 16 / AW / Circulate doodle poll for date of next meeting / ASAP / Active