Archaeological Archives Forum
Archaeological Archives Forum
Minutes of Meeting
20th February 2007
The 9th meeting of the Archaeological Archives Forum was held at 1.30pm on 20th February at the Society of Antiquaries of London.
In attendance: Philip Wise – SMA (PW), Catherine Hardman - ADS (CH), Gavin Evans – Welsh Museums (GE), Kenneth Aitchison - IFA (KA), James Dinn - ALGAO (JD), Mike Heyworth - CBA (MH), Leslie Ferguson -RCAHMS (LF), Hedley Swain – Museum of London/ SMA (HS), Duncan H. Brown – IFA Finds Group (DB), Kathy Perrin – EH (KP), Jesse Ransley – IFA Maritime Affairs Group (JR), Mike Evans - EH (ME), Julie Satchell – IFA Maritime Affairs Group (JS)
1. Apologies
Hilary Malaws – RCAHMW, Noel Fojut – HS, Vince Devine - CADW, Nick Merriman - MA, Adrian Brown – National Archives, Brian Williams – EHS NI, Declan Hurl – EHS NI
2. Minutes of last meeting
The minutes of the last meeting were accepted as a true record.
2a - Matters arising
Northern Ireland had not asked for a letter of support. MH reported that a NI Archaeological Forum is being formed which will take forward issues of archives and Ulster Museum.
Training – KP has spoken to Bob Hook, there are a number of schemes that can be taken forward. The EPIC scheme could be used for training archives officers if a need is demonstrated. Oxford University one day seminars could be used for initial training in archives.
All agreed that a sub-group was required to take forward training issues. Volunteers for the committee included: DB, PW, KP, HS, CH, KA, JR.
MH – suggested it would be wise to keep in touch with the Archaeology Training Forum.
Action: Training sub-group to communicate via email to establish a meeting
3. Appointment of new chair and secretary
Philip Wise was elected as chair of the group.
Jesse Ransley and Julie Satchell have agreed to act as co-secretaries.
4. Presentation from IFA Maritime Group on priorities for maritime archives
JR gave a presentation outlining the serious challenges faced by maritime archives. A copy of the presentation will be circulated with these minutes. JR summarised the key issues and then outlined a set of priorities that need to be addressed (see last three slides of attached file).
Discussion following the presentation highlighted the following points:
LF - Although in Scotland the Royal Commission collects shipwreck archives there is a problem knowing who is working on which wreck sites.
JR - A severe problem is caused due to the Receiver of Wreck having to report any recoveries of historic wreck to the heritage agencies or local HER’s.
HS - Museums must take some of the blame for the tendency to ‘cherry pick’ items from collections.
EH is developing first aid conservation guidelines aimed at licensee groups of protected wreck sites.
CH – A maritime component is being developed for the OASIS system and marine geophysical data sets are currently being reviewed in the ‘Big Data’ project.
JS – It is vital to see maritime archives as archaeological archives and not separate or different.
JR tabled an outline proposal from the Maritime Affairs Group to address some of the key issues for maritime archives (copy of proposal circulated with these minutes). The group unanimously decided to adopt the proposal and discussed how best to take it forward. It will be a UK wide project, but requires a maritime archaeological specialist to undertake much of the work. A project proposal is needed ASAP to help identify funding partners. Funding can be provided as gifts in kind.
Action: Committee members to email any comments on outline proposal to JS & JR as soon as possible.
Action: JS & JR to write project proposal
5. Update on progress re AAF current agenda
5a - Standards guidance on archive roles, procedures and responsibilities
DB reported that the document required no further substantive changes and was ready to take forward for design and printing.
After discussion it was decided to call the document a guidance document which outlines best practice rather than a standard which should be measurable.
Action: DB to email the final draft of document for information
An example produced by the graphic designer selected for the project was shown. A print run of 1500 will be produced funded by EH. High quality copies of logos are required for inclusion in the document.
Action: DB to find out from designer what format logos are required in.
A launch event for the document was discussed. This raised the issue of having a one day seminar to raise awareness of the work of the AAF. Subjects to be included in the seminar are: completed AAF projects, training issues and maritime archives. A date of late June or early July was suggested using the British Academy as a venue. Barry Cunliffe was identified as a potential keynote speaker.
Action: KP offered administrative support to organise the event.
6. New project proposals
6a – Guidance on resource centres
A copy of the resource centre proposal was circulated with the agenda. KP reported that she had in principle agreement from EH for funding Objectives one and two, but that partnership funding would help secure the project. She asked for comments on the document.
The committee welcomed the clear and helpful document. The following suggestions/ issues were discussed:
Using the term Archaeological Resource Centres as ‘Historic Environment Resource Centres’ sounds to similar to HER’s.
Addition of a paragraph reinforcing the valuable and important role the Resource Centres would play.
The project should be UK wide, it was suggested that DB could undertake the work through the IFA.
Would be beneficial to involve conservators and ICON.
Actions: Any further comments to be emailed to KP, document will be amended and circulated to AAF, Elizabeth Walker and ICON.
Document will then be formally adopted by the AAF as a priority.
Project will then be taken forward through IFA/ Duncan Brown, KA to chase funding partners for the proposal.
6b – Production of policy recommendations from previous completed projects
KP suggested that more should be made of the work completed by the AAF and highlighted the following achievements:
· Valerie Wilson report on archaeological resource centres
· Val Bott report on access to archives
· DB and Val Bott work on resource centres
· EH condition report on temporary storage
· Results of two seminars on resource centres
· HS and PW work with SMA
· Disaster management paper
· Strategies for digital data
After discussion on the best way to take this forward it was suggested that a retrospective could be presented at the seminar proposed for late June/ early July and that it could be used to help reinforce a ‘campaign document’ for the development of archaeological resource centres.
Action: KP offered to take this forward with the help of committee members.
6c – Guidance on selection and retention
KP tabled a document at the meeting that had been drafted several years ago to stimulate debate on the issue of selection and retention. During previous attempts this issue got bogged down in consultation, despite the need for guidance in this area.
DB suggested that this issue is about the archaeological process, not about collections. Each individual site needs its own policy or strategy which considers what is important for answering specific research questions.
KP reiterated that there is a need for a framework which gives archaeologists permission to dispose of materials. This decision making process needs to be accountable, this could be achieved through developing a flow chart advising who needs to be consulted, when and why during the archaeological process.
DB suggested that this could be built into the IFA S&G for archaeological archives, or in a subsequent Technical Paper. This could then be used by curators and put into project briefs.
7. National reports
7a – Scotland
OASIS protocol is being rolled out in Scotland with training for HER’s. The Royal Commission with the HLF are funding a new five year project ‘Scotlands Rural Past’ to involve volunteers in recording and inputting directly into the National Record.
CANMORE is celebrating 10 years next year, new features will be added to it. It is also the Royal Commissions 100th birthday and there will be a host of celebration events. A new archive is being built in Edinburgh.
7b – Wales
The Museums of Wales ‘What’s in Store’ working group has eight recommendations which it has been formed to achieve. A survey of databases and datasets is ongoing and will report later this year. Initiatives to review National standards for museums and archives and the development of a national archaeological resource centre are currently being looked at.
8. European work on archaeological archives, update
KP is organising a European conference on behalf of the EAC an organisation comprising of Heads of State Archaeology in Europe. The EAC is interested in using the AAF archive guidance as a model for up to 15 European countries. KP will be chairing a working party to build an archives standard for the Council for Europe.
The Society for American Archaeologists is also interested in the archives guidance and has invited the AAF to give a presentation to them in Vancouver next March.
DB reported that there has also been interest in the archives document from Cdoc, an organisation dealing with digital standards.
9. AOB
It was suggested that a member of the Higher Education establishment should be on the AAF. John Sheppard, who is currently working on a project considering archives and undergraduate teaching would be a good person to approach. It was suggested that John was approached to provide a presentation about this initiative at the next AAF meeting.
Action: John Sheppard to be contacted by PW to provide presentation
MH highlighted that there is a need to review PPG16 after the White Paper is published to add a paragraph on archives.
KP highlighted that the MLA representative was missing from the meeting. A letter has been sent to the MLA reminding them that they should be providing a representative on the AAF. (Post-meeting note: David Dawson has agreed to represent the MLA).
A big vote of thanks was extended to Hedley Swain, outgoing AAF Chair, and Kathy Perrin, outgoing AAF secretary for their work and commitment to the AAF.
Date of Next Meeting: Tuesday 25 September 2007, venue to be confirmed.
Post-Meeting Note:
LF (via e-mail) suggested that, as the Archaeological Archives Forum has been re-established after a year, it would be useful to revisit the membership organisations and to see if the appropriate bodies are still represented. She also felt that it would be useful to circulate all the contact details for the nominated individuals from the different organisations so that we can communicate with each other and follow up on issues if necessary.
Minutes of meeting 20 Feb 07