Birmingham Community Charter School

Spanish for Heritage Speakers 1 and 2

Sra. Acosta

Class Syllabus

Contact Information

Call Birmingham main office:

(818) 758-5200 (Calls will be answered during lunch or after school )

Via email:

(I check my email at school until 4pm)

Office Hours

For questions/make-ups see me in J107

During lunch: 11:40am to 12:10

After school: 3:30-4:00pm

Course Description

This course is conducted entirely in Spanish for fluent speakers of Spanish who are orally proficient in the language, but have had little or no formal language training in a classroom setting. It is meant to provide Spanish language and culture experiences in oral, written communication, word usage, formal vocabulary, and elementary principles of grammar and reading of Spanish and Latin American narrative.


1.  Imagina textbook

2.  Imagina work book (2 options)

3.½ inch 3-ring binder or 1 section in school binder

*Notebook /section should be divided into following sections with tabs:

·  Warm-ups and Class work

  • Vocabulary
  • Notes
  • Homework

4.  A pencil (for quizzes/tests), blue or black pen (for notes/CW/HW), and a red pen for correcting only

*Other color ink will not be accepted


Class work: Students will always have in-class assignments that will be used to practice the day’s lesson. These must be completed in class and will be reviewed as practice.

Homework: Students will also have homework every day. The assignments will usually come from the workbook or from the teacher. Each HW assignment worksheet is worth 1pt. and is expected to be completed, and ready for review/correcting at the beginning of each class period. Students must correct their homework daily with a red pen! HW will be given credit daily during warm-ups (at the beginning of class) and students will keep in it in their binders .If an assignment is incomplete or not out when teacher comes around to check HW, the assignment will receive a “0” and given 1 day to make up for ½ credit.

Assessments and Grading

Class grades are broken up and weighted in the following categories and percentages:

Homework 10% (complete, legible, turning in on time)

Classwork 15% (warm-ups, reading, group work, note taking)

Quizzes 10% (will not be announced to monitor the student progress)

Tests 20% (will be announced ahead of time)

Projects 15% (oral presentation in groups or individual)

Participation 15%(be in your seat when tardy bell rings, homework out ready to learn, have all your material with you every day, raise your hand before talking, use Spanish only)

Final Exam 15% (comprehensive emphasis on grammar structures, reading comprehension, and spelling)

Grades: 100-90% = A, 89-80% = B, 79-70% = C, 69-60% = D, 59% ↓ = F

Progress Reports will be sent home to every student


1.  Be Respectful to everyone and everything at Birmingham

2.  Follow Directions (This includes teachers and other Birmingham staff)

3.  Raise your hand to ask or answer questions

4.  Always be prepared

  • Be in your seat when tardy bell rings (Homework out and ready to learn)

*You will be marked tardy if you are not in your seat even if you are walking in the door when the bell is ringing

·  Have all materials with you every day

5.  Teacher dismisses class, not the bell

6.  You may only drink water in class. NO gum, food, or drinks!

7. All electronic devices should be turned off and out of sight from beginning of the period until teacher dismisses the class

8. Keep the classroom clean

9. No hats, skateboard in the classroom!

10. No restroom the first 10 minutes and last 10 minutes of class


  1. Verbal Warning
  2. Phone call home
  3. Lowered citizenship/work habits marks

4.  Referral to the office

Quiz/Test-taking behavior

Students are to remain silent and in seats when taking a quiz or test. Books and notes are to be put away and out of sight. Talking of any kind is completely prohibited. If students have a question or need something, they must raise their hand and the teacher will assist them. If a student is caught talking or has a notebook/textbook out, the student will receive a “0” on the quiz/test for not following Quiz/Test-taking behavior. Cheating on homework, tests, quizzes, using translating software, etc., will be referred to the office.

Absences/Make-up work/quizzes/tests

Students should not miss class. It is extremely important that a student be in class every day. However, if an excused absence occurs, students are responsible for finding out what was missed on the day(s) of their absences and obtain CW/HW worksheets from designated area. Students have 1 day for each day they are absent to turn in their late assignments for full credit. Taking an extra day will result in half credit. If a student misses a quiz, test, or oral presentation, a make-up must be arranged within 2 days upon their return from an excused absence. This is to be taken within 1 week from the student’s return; otherwise the student will receive a “zero”. Students are responsible for turning in late work and arranging make-up. Teacher’s grade book will reflect a “zero” on a missing assignment/test/quiz/etc. until student makes it up within the set timeline.



------Cut off, sign and return to teacher tomorrow------

Syllabus Agreement

Spanish for Heritage Speaker 1 and 2

Sra. Acosta

Agreement: I have read and understood Sra. Acosta’s Spanish for Heritage Speakers 1 course syllabus in its entirety. I have reviewed each of the class expectations included in the syllabus and agree to follow them.

Student’s Name (Print): ______

Period: _____

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent’s Name (Print): ______

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent’s Email Address: ______

Parent’s Telephone Number: ______CELL: ______