Arabic IV Fall 2012
4 Units
LING 252- Arabic IV
M-Tues-Wed-Thu-Fr 11:00-11:50
Instructor: LinaKholaki
Office location: Taper Hall 449 B
Office hours: 1-2pm Tuesdays-Wednesdays and Thursdays,or by appointment
Telephone: 312-821-2375
This course aims at moving students from the intermediate level towards the advanced level of proficiency. It offers training in the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing within realistic contexts. The learning of vocabulary and grammar in this course seeks to enhance the ability of students to comprehend a broader range of topics of a factual nature including current events, newspaper articles on familiar topics, as well as description and narration of events in different time frames. The course integrates culture patterns through the use of the four skills.
Expected Student Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course, the student’s proficiency will be at the high intermediate level approaching the advanced level (ACTFL Arabic proficiency guidelines). The student will be able to:
- Read newspaper articles and materials of factual nature on familiar topics including current events, food, music and travel at the multi-paragraph level.
- Have increased control over structural and morphological patterns which will lead to better comprehension and communication.
- Write summaries, narratives and descriptions on concrete topics.
- Understand connected discourse of native speakers on everyday topics albeit with repetitions, re-wording, or slower speed and in controlled contexts
- Get basic understanding of some TV and radio broadcasts
- Communicate using connected sentences at the paragraph length using different time references.
- Communicate on everyday situations and routine requirements with some detail
Required Texts
Brustad, Kristen, Al-Tonsi, Abbas and Al-Batal, Mahmoud (2005). Al-KitaabfiiTa’allum al-‘Arabiyya, With DVDs: A textbook for Arabic, Part one .Georgetown University Press.
Brustad, Kristen, Al-Tonsi, Abbas and Al-Batal, Mahmoud (2005). Al-KitaabfiiTa’allum al-‘Arabiyya, With DVDs: A textbook for Arabic, Part Two .Georgetown University Press.
Sah-la-way-hi Level 2 Graded stories by Ahmad Khorshid
Optional Texts
Arabic-English Dictionary: The Hans-Wehr Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic.
Recommended web sites
Assignments and Quizzes
Students will be assigned homework and will be given quizzes. The homework assignments and their due dates will be assigned in class by the instructor. Some of the quizzes will be pop quizzes. The instructor will also assign reading and listening activities from different resources. The student is responsible to know what is given and said in class by the instructor. If urgent circumstances call you away, it is your responsibility to find out about the assigned homework by contacting your instructor ahead of time or on the day of your absence.
Expected Time Required (Approximate)
On average, you should plan to dedicate at least 2-3 hours of outside time and effort per hour spent in class. This includes preparation before coming to class and reviewing what you learned in class. The preparation involves reviewing the vocabulary, reading the assigned texts and grammar sections as well as solving the accompanying exercises (oral, aural, and written) before coming to class.
Student Responsibilities
1. Participating in class activities. Most of the language skills to be developed cannot be acquired without effective participation and interaction with other students and with the instructor. My expectation is that we can build an Arabic-speaking community through teamwork.
2. Doing homework assignments. Please check the blackboard for daily or weekly assignments. Also discussion board weekly, in addition to weekly journal. This out-of-class practice is essential for reinforcement of classroom learning, reading, and writing. Homework is due the day after being assigned. Homework will be submitted at the beginning of class—simply place it on my desk after you arrive.
3. Taking classroom quizzes, the mid-term, and the written final. A make-up quiz will be given for documented medical emergencies.
4. Reading assigned pages from reading stories (Sah-la-wayhi), prepare to discuss it in class and write your reflection in writing journal booklet.
5. Taking oral exams during the fifth and tenth week of classes. They will be related to what is covered in class. Pronunciation, fluency, breadth of vocabulary, and appropriate, functional usage will be taken into account. The oral midterm is in the form of a conversation between instructor and student. The final oral test is either a skit designed and acted out by one to three students (one group at a time), or a one-on-one oral examination with the instructor. The skit should integrate most of the material covered and reflect the students’ creative and imaginative abilities. The skit will not be read off of cards.
This schedule is tentative and subject to change. Changes will be announced in class and/or by e-mail.
SyllabusWeek 1 / Lesson 19Review syllabus and previous chapters / ماذا يقصدان بكلمة مناسبة؟
Week 1 / Sah-la-way-hi
Conversations in MSA / Lesson 1&2
Week 3 / Lesson 20 quiz 1 / Conversations in MSA
Lesson 3&4
Lesson 20 / يا الله ما أحلى القدس!
Week 5 / Lesson 1
Week 6 / Lesson 1/Alkitaab part 2 / إبن بطوطة وأطول رحلة في التاريخ
Week 7 / Lesson 1/Alkitaab part 2
1st Written midterm / دمشق أقدم مدينة في التاريخ
Week 8 / Lesson 1 / قراءة
Week 9 / Lesson 2 / أعياد واحتفالات
Week 10 / Lesson 2
2nd midterm / ذكريات رمضانية من الشام
Week 11 / Lesson 3 / الصحافة العربية
Week 12 / Lesson 3 / الصحافة النسائية في العالم العربي
Week 13 / Lesson 4 / مهمة الجامعة
Week 14 / Lesson 4 / ندوة عالمية عن تاريخ الجزيرة العربية
Week 15 / Lesson4 /Review / Oral finals/skits
Final Exam: Wednesday December 12th-2012
Grading scale:
GradingParticipation / 15
Quizzes / 10
Homework / 20
Midterms (1 oral, 2 written) / 10 each = 30
Oral final or skit / 10
Written final / 15
Total / 100
Letter grades will be assigned by the following scale:
A 95.0-100 C+ 77.0-79.9
A- 90.0-94.9 C 74.0-76.9
B+ 87.0-89.9 C- 70.0-73.9
B 84.0-86.9D 60.0-69.9
B- 80.0-83.9 F ≤ 59.9
Academic Integrity
USC seeks t maintain an optimal learning environment. General principles of academic honesty include the concept of respect for the intellectual property of others, the expectation that individual work will be submitted unless otherwise allowed by an instructor, and the obligations both to protect one’s own academic work from misuse by others as well as to avoid using another’s work as one’s own. All students are expected to understand and abide by these principles. Scampus, the student guidebook, contains the Student Conduct Code in Section 11.00, while the recommended sanctions are located in Appendix A:
Disability policy
Any student requesting accommodations based on disability is required to register with Disability Services and Programs (DSP) each semester. A letter of verification for approved accommodations can be obtained from DSP. Please be sure the letter is delivered to me as early in the semester as possible. DSP offices are located in STU 301, and are open from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday. Their phone number is (213) 740-0776