Summer 1 – Changes
Communication and Language
- Sharing Easter holiday news
- Creating a fashion parade, listening to others as they present their outfits (to show how we can change)
- Introducing chicks – caring for living things.
- How do we ensure the chicks are safe?
- Talking about safety on the school grounds.
- Safety away from the school grounds
- Spot the difference with the caterpillars at the beginning and the butterflies.
Physical Development
- Using apparatus in the hall
- Using big climbing equipment outside
- Being safe at school
- Control of balls, using cones
- Playing games in small groups
- Dancing like a chicken or a duck
- Dancing like butterflies
- Invasion games (basketball, football)
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- 8 personal goals
- How can we be a good citizen at school?
- How to be kind to our friends
- How do we be kind to animals?
- Are we kind to all animals? Do we treat some differently?
- Talking about their own abilities
- How to be thoughtful towards our friends and family.
- To recognise different feelings
- Who can we talk to when we have a problem?
- How boys and girls are different
- What adults can we trust?
- Toilets and Privacy.
- Reading the Very Hungry Caterpillar, the Tiny Seed, and Egg to Chicken and Egg to Duck.
- Newspaper reports
- Creating a TV broadcast for our fashion show
- Writing sentences about our holidays
- Chick and Duck diaries
- Chick and duck fact files
- Decay diaries
- Story Maps
- Using drama to act out a story
- Measuring
- Ordering by weight
- Counting and number recognition
- 3D shapes
- Time
- Halving
- Subtraction
- Money problems
Understanding the world
- Making playdough
- E-safety
- How to be responsible on the internet
- Drawing caterpillars and their changes
- Drawing chicks and their changes
- Using IWB to paint chicks
- Decaying fruit experiment
- Matching baby animals to their parents
- Life cycle of a chick and duck
- Life cycle of a butterfly
- Mentos experiments
Expressive arts and design
- Blot paintingbutterflies
- Painting chicks
- Holiday collages
- Making medals for what we are proud of
- Singing fischy music songs
- Experimenting with instruments
- Dancing and moving like different animals
Outdoor Learning
- Climbing equipment in playground
- Fashion show for changes
- Bug hunt walk
- Making natural mobiles
- Clipboards – writing opportunity related to holidays
- Making homes and nests for the chicks and ducks
- Bug hotel
- Chick and duck swimming lessons
- Explore weather effects as they occur / puddle painting
- Visiting the orchard
- Setting up a garden centre outside