Information Pack

Post: Head of Computer Science and ICT

(2 Management Allowances)

Dear Applicant

Thank you for your interest in the position of Head of Computer Science and ICT (2 Management Allowances) at Aquinas Diocesan Grammar School.

This pack includes the following information which you should refer to when completing your application:

  1. Introduction and information about the School;
  2. Schedule of key dates;
  3. Guidance notes for completing your application;
  4. Job description;
  5. Personnel Specification.

Completed application forms should be returned FAO Secretary to the Board of Governors,

Aquinas Diocesan Grammar School, 518 Ravenhill Road, Belfast, BT6 0BY by 11:30am on Wednesday 25th April 2018.


The Governors of Aquinas Diocesan Grammar School wish to appoint a Permanent Head of Computer Science and ICT (2 Management Allowances) to start 1st September 2018. Detailed duties are set out in the job description.

Information about the school

Aquinas Diocesan Grammar School is a Catholic School Community of 820 pupils with an intake of 110 pupils in year 8.

We are an inclusive school whose aim is to provide opportunities for all our pupils, enabling them to realise their true potential, academically, socially, spiritually and personally. We seek to foster a spirit of respect and understanding in each child in an environment which in turn is secure, supportive and caring, in which our pupils feel valued and esteemed. We are a learning school where the learning experience is effective, enjoyable and empowering and where our students are encouraged to aim high and to work hard. Their time here will, we believe, enable them to go out into the world as confident, mature young adults, well prepared for all the challenges of the 21st century. We are committed to working in partnership with our parents, constantly aware of the value of their support and the importance of their role. Above all we are a school which recognises the uniqueness of each child, the wonder of each child and their potential for greatness

The Computer Science andICT Department

The department delivers coding at KS3 with Digital Technology CCEA and Computer Science WJEC offered at GCSE. At A level currently Digital Technology CCEA is offered but Computer Science is to be offered as soon as possible. There will be two teaching staff supported by the ICT Technician. Classes are delivered in computer suites and some classrooms. Periods last for 35 minutes but are mostly double periods.

Key dates in the appointment process

Applicants are asked to note the following important dates:

Post Advertised:Thursday 12th April 2018

Closing date for application:Wednesday 25th April 2018

Interviews:Week Beginning 30th April 2018

Guidance notes for completing your application:

Please read the following carefully:

  1. The form should be completed in typescript or black ink.
  2. E-mailed or faxed applications will not be accepted.
  3. Posts involving working in Educational Establishments are subject to the Provisions ofthe Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults (NI) Order 2003.
  4. On taking up a post, the applicant must be a Registered Teacher with the GTCNI.
  5. Only applications which contain all the information which has been sought will be considered.
  6. Canvassing will disqualify.
  7. Completed applications must be returned by 11:30am on Wednesday 25th April 2018.
  8. Applications received after this time will not be considered.
  9. Completed application forms should be sent to:

Secretary to the Board of Governors

Aquinas Diocesan Grammar School

518 Ravenhill Road



The content and format of this form must not be changed in any way

Additional pages must not be added

Curriculum Vitae will not be accepted

Failure to adhere to these rules will result in disqualification

Job Description


In Aquinas Diocesan Grammar School, the Head of Department has a pivotal role to play as an effective and enthusiastic team leader, ensuring that the pastoral and curricular needs of each individual pupil are realised. He/she articulates the School Mission Statement, School Development Plan and School policies within the Department.

Whole School Perspective

He/she brings a whole school perspective to the teaching and learning within the department through

  • actively participating in the work of the HoD forum
  • promoting, in a planned and structured way, the implementation of all school policies including the monitoring and evaluation of them,
  • implementing all aspects of the School Development Plan relevant to the Department
  • ensuring that the Department adopts, supports and encourages the ethos espoused in the School Mission Statement particularly the emphasis placed on promoting caring, supportive and positive relationships within the school community.

Strategic direction and development of the subject

  • develop and implement policies and practices for the subject with reflect the School’s commitment to high achievement and effective teaching and learning.
  • Create a climate which enables other staff to develop and maintain positive attitudes towards the subject and confidence in teaching it
  • establish a clear, shared understanding of the importance and role of the subject in contributing to the pupils’ spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development, and in preparing the pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life
  • use data effectively to identify pupils who are underachieving in the subject and, where necessary, create and implement plans of action to support those pupils
  • establish, with the involvement of the relevant staff, short, medium and long term plans for the development and resourcing of the subject
  • monitor the progress made in achieving subject plans and targets, evaluate the effects on teaching and learning, and use this analysis to guide further development.

Teaching and learning

  • ensure curriculum coverage, continuity and progression in the subject for all pupils, including those of high ability and those with special educational needs
  • ensure that teachers are clear about the teaching objectives in lessons, understand the sequence of teaching and learning in the subject and communicate such information to the pupils
  • provide guidance on the choice of appropriate teaching and learning methods to meet the needs of the subject and of different pupils
  • ensure effective development of pupils’ literacy, numeracy and information technology skills through the subject
  • establish and implement clear policies and practices for assessing, recording and reporting on pupil achievement, and for using this information to recognise achievement and to assist pupils in setting targets for further improvement
  • ensure that information about pupils’ achievements in previous classes and schools is used effectively to secure good progress in the subject
  • set expectations and targets for staff and pupils in relation to standards of pupil achievement and the quality of teaching; establish clear targets for pupil achievement, and evaluate progress and achievement in the subject by all pupils, including those with special needs
  • review pupils’ written work on a regular basis
  • evaluate the teaching of the subject in the school, use this analysis to identify effective practice and areas for improvement and take action to improve further the quality of teaching
  • ensure effective development of pupils’ individual and collaborative study skills necessary for them to become increasingly independent in their work and to complete tasks independently when out of school
  • develop effective links with the local community, including business and industry, in order to extend the subject curriculum, enhance teaching and develop pupils’ wider understanding

Leading and managing staff

  • help staff to achieve constructive working relationships with pupils
  • seek to develop and enhance communication and dialogue within the department
  • establish clear expectations and constructive working relationships among staff involved with the subject, including through team working and mutual support; developing responsibilities and delegating tasks as appropriate; evaluating practice; and developing an acceptance of accountability
  • sustain their own motivation and that of other staff involved in the subject
  • audit training needs of subject staff
  • lead professional development of subject staff through example and support, and co-ordinate the provision of high quality professional development by methods such as coaching, class visitations, identification and dissemination of good practice, strategies and approaches both within the department and to and from other departments and drawing on other sources of expertise as necessary
  • encourage and promote a reflective attitude to their teaching in all members of the department
  • ensure that student and newly qualified teachers are appropriately trained, monitored, supported and assessed in conjunction with CLT
  • enable teachers to achieve expertise in their subject teaching
  • work with SEN staff to ensure that individual education plans are used to set subject-specific targets and match work well to pupils’ needs
  • ensure that the principal, CLT and governors are well informed about subject policies, plans and priorities, the success in meeting objectives and targets

Efficient and effective deployment of staff and resources

  • involvement in the selection of teaching (including long-term substitute teachers) and support staff, their induction and their professional development
  • establish staff and resource needs for the subject and advise the principal and vice principal of likely priorities for expenditure, and allocate available subject resources with maximum efficiency to meet the objectives of the school, and achieve value for money
  • advise the timetabling team on the deployment of staff involved in the subject to ensure that best use of subject, technical and other expertise
  • ensure the effective and efficient management and organisation of learning resources, including information and communication technology
  • maintain existing resources and explore opportunities to develop or incorporate new resources from a wide range of sources inside and outside the school
  • use accommodation to create an effective and stimulating environment for the teaching and learning of the subject
  • ensure that there is a safe working and learning environment in which risks are properly assessed

Organisation and administration

  • co-ordination of subject related aspects with regard to internal examinations eg. Preparation and production of exam papers, mark schemes, moderation, orals practicals etc. and liaising with the examinations officer
  • co-ordination of the subject related aspects with regard to external examinations e.g. coursework, orals, practicals, moderation, syllabi etc and liaison with the examinations officer
  • awareness of and implementation of procedures as outlined in the school’s Organisation and Administration Booklet as they relate to departmental activities
  • co-ordination of all matters relating to school visits, field work, competitions and other subject related out of school activities
  • provision of work for classes covered by other staff due to unplanned absence of departmental colleague
  • preparation of the departmental section of the Annual General Report in September
  • development, maintenance and regular review of Department Schemes of Work and Department Handbook.
  • development of links, where feasible and possible, with other schools locally, nationally and internationally
  • organise regular department meetings which should be minuted and follow a previously circulated agenda

Personnel Specification

POSTHead of Computer Science and ICT (2 Management allowances)

Permanent position to take effect from 1 September 2018

Qualification/Training / Qualified Teacher.
Honours (2:2 Minimum) Degree in Computing / ICT or one in which Computing / ICT is a major component. / Attended relevant training courses.
Experience/Knowledge /
  1. Experience of teaching from KS3 to A Level
  2. Have a minimum of 3 years’ experience teaching Computing / ICT to GCSE and A2 level.
  3. Knowledge of and experience in teaching high level computing languages.
  4. Have evidence of successfully leading and managing staff in curricular or professional development.
  5. Have a clear vision for leading Computing / ICT across the whole school.
/ Involvement in training courses and activities to promote Computing / ICT.
Have qualification / experience of being able to teach another subject to at least GCSE level which is relevant to the NI KS3 and KS4 curriculum.
Willingness to lead extra-curricular activities.
Skills / Effective communicator with the ability to provide concise and clear information.
Have proficiency in using ICT, including the use of iPad technology to enhance learning. Have effective interpersonal skills Evidence of ability to evaluate and plan the provision of work to match the needs of all pupils. / Demonstrate ability to monitor, evaluate and improve teaching and learning. Demonstrate ability to work as a member of a team.
Team building skills.
Ability to develop policies.
Personal Qualities / High standards of personal and professional presentation.
Ability to communicate and liaise effectively.
Ability to lead a team and to motivate staff.
Ability to self-evaluate. Be able to seek and take advice
Demonstrate a consistent child-centred approach to major issues.
Commitment to the aims and values of a Catholic School.
Demonstrate dynamism and drive.
Able to adapt to change. / Clear display of innovative thinking when addressing major tasks/issues.


Conditions of Appointment

Before a successful candidate can be regarded as confirmed in the appointment, he or she will be required to:

Provide certificates (or acceptable evidence) to authenticate the qualifications claimed;

Complete and receive a satisfactory Disclosure Certificate from Access NI;

It is a condition of appointment that references should be acceptable to the Board of Governors of the School;

Provide written confirmation of acceptance of the post.

This post carries two management points.

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