MATCHMAKING (12.27.06)


If you would like to be listed here, please send an informational email to with the subject line: “RFP matchmaking.” Your email will be uploaded as written to the matchmaking service. Attachments will not be uploaded, neither will CVs. Messages must be shorter than 300 words. If you wish to be dropped from this service, please send an email to the above address. Changes to the service will be posted fortnightly.

At present no Lead Universities have asked to be listed in the service. Lead US Universities looking for partners are encouraged to use this service.

Individuals and institutions are listed by broad geographic region and not by area of interest or expertise. If you are interested in contacting someone, please do so independently of the CRSP Management Office at Oregon State University.

Disclaimer: This service is supplied for your convenience. By being mentioned in the service, this does not guarantee any commitment on the part of OSU or USAID to match you with a Lead or other collaborators.

Eligible US Lead Universities

At present no Lead Universities have asked to be listed in the Service.




We, in Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Aquaculture Department (SEAFDEC AQD) in Tigbauan, Iloilo, the Philippines, would like to be considered as partners for any lead PI in the new PDA/CRSP Program. SEAFDEC AQD is an International Research Institution that deals mainly on Aquaculture and Fisheries. Through scientific research, we have developed technologies for breeding, seed production, nursery and grow-out cultures in ponds and cages of many fish species that include marine species (milkfish, rabbitfish, Asian sea bass, groupers, mangrove red snapper), freshwater species (tilapia, carps, native catfish, freshwater shrimp), crustaceans (tiger prawn, white shrimp, mud crab), molluscs (abalone, top shells, mussels, oysters, kapiz shells) and seaweeds. A very strong multi-disciplinary team of scientists with expertise in breeding, hatchery, fish nutrition, fish health and socio-economics support all the research activities of the Department. The Department also has programs on stock enhancement, coastal resource management, aquatic ecology, and recently on aquaculture biotechnology. Within the Department, we have a Training Division that takes care of the dissemination of the developed technologies through regular training courses, production of brochures and manuals, and other forms of information materials that can be used by the fish farmers and interested individuals.

For more information about SEAFDEC AQD, please visit our website at Interested PI may contact Dr. Felix G. Ayson at or .


Dear sir
I am Dr.M.Muralidhar, Senior Scientist in Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture, Chennai, India.
Recently I was selected for International Norman Borlaug Fellowship and undergone training at Dept. of Fisheries & Allied Aquacultures, Auburn University under the guidance of Dr.C.E.Boyd and Dr.D.B.Rouse.
My Institute is interested to collaborate in the field of Soil and water quality management research, Environmental issues and impact studies, carrying capacity assessment of source water bodies in brackishwater (shrimp/finfish) aquaculculture.
with regards
Moturi Muralidhar
Senior Scientist
Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture
75, Santhome high Road, Chennai
E.mail :


Firstly, I should like to introduce myself. I am working in

the Department of Aquaculture at the Bogor Agricultural

University (IPB), Indonesia. I have recently received your

e-mail address and a forward pre-RFP notice of CRSP project

from Dr. Bambang Purwoko (), a staff member

of IPB who has first obtained the information from

as e-mail attached below.

As CRSP project is on Aquaculture, our departement was very

interested in and should like to take this opportunity to join

CRSP Research Collaboration 2007-2009. However, we don’t have

any detail information of the project. Therefore, if you could

give us information including how to link the CRSP project, I

should be most grateful.

We look forward to hearing from you and thank you in advance.

Yours Sincerely,

Dedi Jusadi, Ph.D.

Head of Department of Aquaculture

Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences

Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)

Bogor 16680, Indonesia

Tel. 62-251-421039

Fax 62-251-622941



Murali Krishna <>
Can,I submit the proposals for the Aquaculture Collaborative Research Support Programme
Looking forward to hear from you
With regards
SAVALLA Murali Krishna
Research Scholar
Department of Zoology
Osmania University


"Dr. Stan Swerdloff" <>

I read with interest your Pre-RFP Release Notification for the Aquaculture CRSP, relative to a program which is currently underway in the Philippines. Our company, Louis Berger Group International, is the contractor for the USAID-funded Growth with Equity in Mindanao (GEM) Program. GEM 1 operated from 1996-2002, followed by GEM 2 (2003-2007). GEM 1&2 have focused on macro-economic and infrastructure development, but have also included aquaculture development and fisheries sustainability components (which I have been managing). There will be a 5-year GEM 3 commencing next year, and I believe Louis Berger Group will include continued aquaculture and fisheries activities in its proposal.
Our current aquaculture focus is on development of high-value mariculture in Western Mindanao (including the Sulu Archipelago) with China as the target market. While our primary objective is economic development in this impoverished area, a second objective is reducing fishing pressure on the coastal resources which have been depleted by a combination of overfishing, explosives, and poisons. Our program has already trained close to one thousand island fishermen in grouper and abalone growout techniques, but we recognize that natural stocks cannot support the growout efforts. Thus, we are working closely with the Philippine Bureau of Fisheries & Aquatic Resources and the TawiTawi Provincial Government to establish a multi-species hatchery in TawiTawi for the production of groupers and abalone. The hatchery should be operating in mid-2007, and is the first of a network of hatcheries to be established throughout the Philippines. This is a novel approach in the Philippines, which has a well-developed "traditional" aquaculture industry producing tilapia, milkfish, and prawns, but lags behind Taiwan and China in high-value mariculture.
The hatchery technology we are adopting has been developed by the SouthEast Asian Fisheries Development Center (Philippines) and the Gondol Institute of Mariculture (Indonesia), but is limited to only three grouper species and one tropical abalone species. There is obviously a need to develop hatchery technology for numerous other finfish and shellfish which command a high price in the Asian markets (and whose natural stocks are being depleted throughout the tropics). A great deal of work remains to be done on larval feeds and growout feeds, disease detection and prevention, optimal growout systems, processing and product forms, pharmaceutical derivatives, polyculture systems, and environmental impact mitigation.
It would seem that a fruitful collaborative partnership could be developed between Oregon State's CRSP and the GEM 3 Program. We have good working relationships with the pertinent Philippine government agencies and leading local universities, and I'm sure they would be interested in joining an integrated aquaculture project. I would appreciate your reaction to the concept presented herein, and perhaps put us in touch with one of the eligible US universities that might be interested.
I'll look forward to hearing from you.
Stanley N. Swerdloff
Sr. Fisheries/Aquaculture Advisor
GEM Program


Imad Saoud <>

First of all I would like to congratulate you on the CRSP grant that OSU just got awarded. I am writing to introduce myself and sort of get involved in some of the CRSP research projects if possible. My name is Imad Patrick Saoud. I used to work at Auburn University. I am now assistant professor of aquatic science and aquaculture at the American University of Beirut in Lebanon. My CV is in the link to my web page below. I have experience working in sub-saharan Africa as well as the middle east and the USA. I have also done some work in Mexico. I do not know how the CRSP projects are going to be distributed but I would gladly collaborate with anybody wanting to do research in the area. I have labs and space available here for research and workshops if necessary. Please keep me in mind and if possible add me to your mailing list when RFPs are sent out. I would also like to submit a proposal when the time comes.
Thanks and best regards.
Imad Patrick Saoud, PhD
Aquaculture and Aquatic Science
Dept. of Biology
American University of Beirut, Bliss St., Beirut, Lebanon


From IIFET (International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade) e-mail, I came to know that you have awarded US$ 8.9 million research grant to do research on poverty alleviation through aquaculture in developing countries. As a developing country (Bangladesh) research, I am highly interested to do collaborative research project with you if you wish to work in Bangladesh.
I would like to introduce myself with you that I am a teacher and researcher, have been working in the Department of Fisheries Management, Bangladesh Agricultural University, since 1996. Since 2001 after completion PhD from the Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling, UK I have been doing research on ‘Socio-economic aspects of aquatic resource development’ and ‘rural aquaculture’. I attached herewith my CV for your kind information.
If you need help, assistance or collaborative partner in Bangladesh please let me know so that I can help you. Also if you are going to provide small research projects to the researchers from developing countries, please let me know so that I can apply proper way.
Yours Sincerely
Dr Nesar Ahmed (PhD,Stirling, UK)
Associate Professor
Department of Fisheries Management
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
Fax: 880-91-55810
Telephone: 880-1716-093440


"Alyne Delaney" <
Anne Shriver recently forwarded information on your fisheries and aquaculture CRSP to me. I have worked for some time with IFReDI—the Inland fisheries Research and Development Institute, a part of the Cambodian Fisheries Administration (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries)—and I know they are interested in your program.
They don’t know, however, researchers in the US who could serve as a lead institution. Though I am American, I am currently based in Denmark and only have research associate status with a US institution. Would you be able to provide some suggestions of potential partners for IFReDI.
Thank you very much,
Alyne E. Delaney, Ph.D.
Editor, The Commons Digest
Institute for Fisheries Management and Coastal Community Development
North Sea Centre
Postboks 104
9850 Hirtshals
TEL +45 98 94 2855
FAX +45 98 94 4268


To whom it may concern:
I am still living / working in Indonesia and would be interested collaborative work on the CRSP. My fisheries background is varied and I also have an interest in modeling as a tool to look at larger picture policy questions.
My resume and publications are available on my web site (see below).
regards, Richard
Richard G. Dudley
Bogor, Indonesia / Portland, Oregon, USA
please reply to


I also got a call a couple of months ago from an Albert Santoli who

works for an NGO called the Asia America Initiative (AAI). AAI is doing some community level aquaculture

and fisheries work on Mindanao in the Philippines. A local university

that has a school of fisheries is involved in that activity. Albert

thinks a link with some US universities would greatly benefit the

activity. He can be reached at 202-232-7020 or .



tunde emmanuel <>

I am a lecturer in the Department of Marine

Sciences, University of Lagos, Akoka,Lagos,Nigeria,

West Africa.I have been recieving your Aquanews since

2005 and it geared me up to want to be among your

researchers for ACRSP.I will want to know how to go

about it.I specialized in fishing gear design and

construction;fisheries management.

A copy of my Cv is attached for clarification.I will

be grateful to hear from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Babatunde Emmanuel.



This is a follow-up response to Ann's further email to IIFET members that

I wish to explore the possibility of a linkage with my Institution

( The linkage will provide Rural Communities with the

opportunities for fisheries and aquaculture development for food security

and poverty alleviation as well as economic growth through aquaculture


I would wish to us this venue to invite you to visit my Institution to

meet with staff members that will form the Consortium for the

collaboration in Research and training under this linkage.

I thank you very much for your kind consideration.

Stella Williams, Ph.D.


Department of Agricultural Economics.

Obafemi Awolowo University

Ile-Ife, osun State


PS: I have a very good relationship with the Public Affairs Section of teh

US Embassy in Nigeria both in the office in Lagos as well as in Abuja


Imad Saoud <>

First of all I would like to congratulate you on the CRSP grant that OSU just got awarded. I am writing to introduce myself and sort of get involved in some of the CRSP research projects if possible. My name is Imad Patrick Saoud. I used to work at Auburn University. I am now assistant professor of aquatic science and aquaculture at the American University of Beirut in Lebanon. My CV is in the link to my web page below. I have experience working in sub-saharan Africa as well as the middle east and the USA. I have also done some work in Mexico. I do not know how the CRSP projects are going to be distributed but I would gladly collaborate with anybody wanting to do research in the area. I have labs and space available here for research and workshops if necessary. Please keep me in mind and if possible add me to your mailing list when RFPs are sent out. I would also like to submit a proposal when the time comes.
Thanks and best regards.
Imad Patrick Saoud, PhD
Aquaculture and Aquatic Science
Dept. of Biology
American University of Beirut, Bliss St., Beirut, Lebanon


Thank you very much for responding to my request. The easiest for us to

do will be, firstly, to bear in mind the NEPAD Action Plan when

evaluating proposals which target Africa. The aim being that whatever

CRSP is going to do in African countries will be of relevance to the

African vision of Aquaculture Development; and hence CRSP's work will

add value to the NEPAD Goals. Secondly, wherever possible, encourage

researchers to share their findings with other African institution

through the NEPAD framework (my office). This will help us to

disseminate technologies as quickly as possible, to those who might need

them. I have attached some aquaculture research/training institutions

for your reference. Under the joint NEPAD FISH and Science & Technology,

we are setting up Aquatic Biodiversity Nodes, which are also critical

for aquaculture research and dissemination.

Please note that NEPAD does not wish to create parallel institutions,

but rather ensure that current processes (including CRSP) are visible

and valuable to the African science agenda.

Best regards,

Sloans K. Chimatiro, PhD

Senior Fisheries Advisor to NEPAD

NEPAD Secretariat

Development Bank of Southern Africa Offices

1258 Lever Road

Headway Hill

P.O. Box 1234, Halfway House

Midrand 1685

South Africa

Tel. +27 11 313 3824

Fax. +27 11 313 3450

Mobile: +27 83 380 8512

I am a Tanzanian woman, i work with Tanzania Fisheries Research institute as a Research officer on aquaculture Department. I would like to receive further information on the aquaculture and fisheries collaborative research support program and the upcoming RFP for grant.
my contacts are as follows:
Gloria Yona,
TAFIRI Dar es salaam Centre,
P.O. Box 9750,
Dar es salaam
Phone: +255 755 264150
I thank you in advance

Latin America and the Caribbean


Hello, my name is Giovana Patricia Tang, I am Peruvian, I have just seen your web page, and I am very interested in the projects in the Amazon. I have a bachellor's degree in aquaculture from the Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, in Lima. I am now studying here in Taiwan ROC, to get my master's degree in aquaculture, came here by an ICDF scholarship from the government of Taiwan. I have traveled to many parts of the coast and sierra of Peru, and always wanted to return with a great experience and new techniques in aquaculture to implement them in communities that don't know about the aquaculture developments now a days.
I would like to know if I can participate or become a constant member in your projects related to aquaculture, not only in my home country, but in any part of the world were I can just give a hand with things I may know, or I am now learning.
I know that maybe I may not be an expert, but i have the entusiasm to go and help with your project missions. There are lots of new concerns about aquaculture and the environment, and I know that the Amazon is a good starting point to create good environmental aquaculture.
Well, maybe I am getting too deep into this matter, but I am just very delighted to know that there are people that dedicate their lives to not only help, but to teach far away communities what can be of great help to them, in the means of environment, aquaculture, social, and even economical issues.
Giovana Patricia Tang.
Aquaculture Master Student
National Taiwan Ocean University
Taiwan ROC.
Ms. Giovana Patricia Tang
Department of Aquaculture
National Taiwan Ocean University


I wonder you have been able to establish whether Chile might be eligible to participating in your recently approved US-AID grant.
As I mentioned to you this is an area in which we are most interested in and would like to know where we might stand as country in this regard.
I look forward to your comments.
Best regards,

I am writing on behalf of the National Aquaculture Association of Guyana (NAAG), a Partner in the USAID Guyana Trade and Investment and Support (GTIS) Project, implemented by CARANA Corporation. Together we are working on an initiative to support the growth of the aquaculture industry as a source of export income. Already, we have been in touch with Harry Rae to discuss the potential for leveraging CRSP funding. Last year, I spoke to Mr. Bridger about working with the previous CRSP. We are currently looking for more information on how to proceed, as well as identify a University willing to work with us to submit a proposal for a CRSP activity covering the following areas:
+Improving the efficiency of aquaculture systems in Guyana
+Assistance in the areas of fish nutrition and feed technology
+Assistance in fingerling production and the use of supermale technologies
+Looking at the potential to improve the nutrition of indigenous peoples by increasing their protein supply. There is an interest in assistance related to feeds, stocking rates and cage construction for Freshwater Pacu
+Assistance in environmental, economic, and social impact analysis.
We hope with CRSP assistance the emerging aquaculture sector will be able to access new markets, expand exports and opportunities for income generation and improve food security.
If you are aware of any Universities interested in working with us please let me know. If you have any ideas of Universities to approach, please provide me with appropriate contact information.
Best Regards,
Brett Johnson
Trade and Investment Economist
CARANA Corporation
4350 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 900
Arlington, VA 22203
Office: 703-243-1700
Direct: 703-778-3217
Fax: 703-243-0471
Skype: brett_carana