ANTH 445: Seminar in Anthropology
Fall 2012: Applied Anthropology
Dr. Bruce Roberts
Research paper guidelines
As stated on the syllabus all students will research and write a paper on an issue within the larger context of applied anthropology. The particular topic you select is up to you but I need to be consulted before you get too far into your research.
Some possible “domains of application” include:
Cultural resource management
Forensic anthropology
Medical anthropology
nutritional anthropology
Business anthropology
Educational anthropology
Development anthropology
Environmental anthropology
Urban anthropology
As you can see from the list above your topic may overlap with some of the issues we’re covering in the reading assignments or something you’re doing for another class; however, if it is an issue represented on our syllabus then you must go well beyondthe readings assigned! I want to be very clear about that right now before there’s any misunderstanding later in the semester. The readings I’ve assigned can be used to give you a kick start but you must find and use considerably more than the few articles I’ve assigned.
Outline & preliminary bibliography (due October 11)
I expect a topic and outline as well as a preliminary list of sources by the midterm, October 11th.You must find and use scholarly, not popular, resources. The friendly reference librarians are waiting to help you in Livingston Lord Library. You can chat with them right from the library’s webpage:
It’s also possible to schedule a face-to-face individual consultation with a reference librarian at
Please note that these individualized sessions must be scheduled 5 days in advance. I highly recommend that you do this! That is precisely what these people get paid for and you are paying their salary!
Furthermore, if you go to you’ll see lots of help available right at your fingertips! Please pay particular attention to the tabs “How do I?”, “Scholarly vs. popular journals”, and “evaluating information.” The tab for citation styles is also good but I strongly recommend you use the American Anthropological Association Style Guide
Rough draft (due November 20)
I want to see a rough draft of your paper and bibliography by November 20, which is right before Fall Break. That will give me time to look through them and provide you with feedback when we return on November 27.
Oral Presentation (December 4, 6, 11)
Oral presentationssummarizing your research project will be delivered in class beginning December 4 and continuing on December 6 and 11. Naturally I will be more sympathetic to people who present earlier since they will have less time to prepare. These presentations should last no more than 15 minutes each and can be PowerPoint based but do not have to be. Just remember, PowerPoint does not substitute for content. I’ll have evaluation sheetsfor you to use when listening to other people’s presentations. You’ll turn those in to me and I’ll use them to ensure that people are actually coming to class and paying attention to others’ presentations. After removing your name I will then give these sheets to the presenters. Failure to do a presentation results in a 25 point deduction from the 100 point value of the paper.
Final paper (due December 11)
I hate to specify length but your final paper should probably somewhere in the neighborhood of 15-25 pages. It is due in class on the last day of class, December 11. You must submit a hard/paper copy. Late papers will be penalized 10 points per half day late. This project will constitute 25% of your final grade.
If you would like more guidance regarding the elements of a research proposal/paper, I recommend:
Kenyon College Department of Anthropology Guidelines for Writing Research Papers
University of Florida Anthropology Library Guide
University of North Carolina Writing Center, Anthropology
Harvard University Student’s Guide to Reading and Writing in Social Anthropology