Name: ______Period: _____


Unit Two: 600 BCE to 600 CE

Due Date: ______Score: ____/30

This packet will guide you through the first unit in AP World History and prepare you for the reading quiz, vocabulary quiz, first essay, and first unit test on September ___.

You must complete ALL of the pages in the packet by yourself to get credit; incomplete or incorrect work will result in a zero for the whole packet.

Memorize and Know the Meaning of these Words for Vocabulary Quiz #2

  1. Celibacy
  2. Afterlife
  3. Reincarnation
  4. Missionaries
  5. Pilgrims
  6. Filial
  7. Conversion
  8. Sacred Texts
  9. Feudal

Memorize and Know the Meaning of these Words for Vocabulary Quiz #3

  1. Empire
  2. Ideology
  3. Bureaucracy; civil service
  4. Social hierarchy, stratification, inequality
  5. Patriarchy
  6. Slavery
  7. Urban
  8. Tax revenue
  9. Nobility
  10. Elites
  11. Autonomy
  12. Citizen



The human relationship with the sacred, with forces in and beyond nature


  1. Protection and support or security in an uncertain world
  2. Desire for a deeper sense of the significance of life
  3. Hope for existence after death
  4. Provides answers to eternal questions about existence
  5. Where do we come from?
  6. Why are we here?
  7. What happens to us when we die?
  8. What is our relationship to the environment?


  1. Sacred calendar and rituals
  2. Sacred spaces
  3. Sacred teachings and writings
  4. Sacred symbols
  5. Religious organization or hierarchy

Seminar on Belief Systems:

  1. How do the ancient belief systems address gender? (Hint: patriarchy, gender of deities, and roles of women and children)
  2. Why are sacred calendars and sacred spaces prominent in all ancient belief systems?
  3. Why are the sacred texts important in ancient times?
  4. What did priests do?
  5. Why are the rituals so different?

Write one question and one answer about the effects of each belief system on social and gender structures.


Confucianism / Daoism
Time/Place of Founding / Master Kung 551 - 479 BCE / Master Lao (c. 604 - c. 517 BCE)
Deity(s) / Popular Confucianism -- city god, kitchen god who report to the Jade Emperor / Popular Daoism -- 8 Immortals, Queen Mother of the West, Jade Emperor
Leaders / Mencius, Han Yu / Daoist priests -- geomancers and chemists
Key Texts / Analects, Five Classics / Daodejing, I Ching
Rituals / Major belief emphasizes the moral goodness of human beings that can be achieved through correct teachings; practices are emphasis on education for boys and ancestor worship / Major belief is that harmony can be achieved from balance of human activities and the natural world; practices are meditation, martial arts, herbs and acupuncture to prolong life
Women’s Role / subservience to father, husband, son / some priestesses
Influence / East Asia (Korea, Japan, Vietnam)/merit civil service based on examinations of Confucian learning / East Asia/development of gunpowder, medicine, geography, compass

Answer these questions:

How did Confucianism support a system of social inequality? (Hint: who had power? Who had to be obedient?)

How did Daoism encourage scientific innovation? (p. 144)


Hinduisms / Buddhisms
Time/Place of Founding / IndusValley
1500 BCE (caste system) / 5th century BCE; northern India
many local deities as well / Brahma (oversoul)
Vishnu (Krishna) [consorts: Lakshmi and Saraswati]
Shiva [consort: Kali]
Ganesh, elephant-headed
Rama [consort: Sita]
Sitala, goddess / Originally prohibited, but around the 2nd century C.E., statues of the Buddha and bodhisattvas proliferated. Then, local gods remade into Buddhist gods.
Leaders / no recorded beginning
mixture of local subcontinent religion with Aryan war gods / Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama -- 563 - 483 BCE)
Mahayana Buddhism reveres bodhisattvas
Holy Book(s)
written in Sanskrit / Rigveda (1500 - 1200 BCE) 1028 verses compiled by Aryan brahmins
Upanishads (800 - 500 BCE) philosophical treatises
Mahabharata (300 - 300 CE) prayers and stories, incl. Bhagavad-gita
Ramayana (300 - 300 CE) epic poem about Rama / many sutras (sermons), e.g. Lotus Sutra
Architecture / ritual purity needed for puja (daily, individual prayer); pilgrimage centers near sacred rivers and mountains
flexibility for puja
Purusha’s body sacrificed to create caste system: priests, warriors, merchants, peasants [Untouchables excluded from caste system.]
reincarnation (samsara): soul (atman) seeks to unite with Brahman (moksha)
dharma: rules for each atman
karma: effects of following or disobeying dharma on the atman
sexual passion in sculptures metaphor represent passion for union with gods
ornate temples / Accepting the Four Noble Truths to achieve nirvana:
1. Life is suffering
2. Suffering comes from desire.
3. Eliminate desire.
4. Follow the Eight-Fold Path (Living life w/moderation)
  • Right Understanding
  • Right Aims
  • Right Speech
  • Right Action
  • Proper Work
  • Right Thinking
  • Proper Awareness
  • Meditation

Women’s Roles / goddesses and female force important though subservient role of wife emphasized
prayers by women like Mirabai accepted / nuns, bodhisattvas
Hinduisms / Buddhisms
Influence / Southeast Asia through trade or importing brahmins for legitimacy and principles of administration, art and architecture / Mauryan King Ashoka about 260 BCE after his war with the Kalinga spread Buddhism throughout India and to Sri Lanka (Missionaries spread Buddhism from there to Southeast Asia) and Bactria (Missionaries spread Buddhism from there to Central Asia and East Asia.)

How did Hinduism support a system of social inequality? (varna or caste system)

How was Buddhism similar to Christianity in using missionaries and monasteries to give men and women at the bottom of their social hierarchies a different role in life?


Judaism / Christianity
Time/Place of Founding / 2000 BCE/
Canaan or Israel (later called Palestine under the Romans) / first century/
Roman Palestine
many local deities as well / “God” (Jews do not have a name for God) / Jesus Christ, Trinity
Leaders / Abraham, Moses,
Hebrew prophets, temple priests including a High Priest / Mary, Apostles and Disciples,
Hebrew prophets, the Pope (for Catholics), Patriarchs (for Eastern Orthodox)
Holy Book(s)
written / Torah (The Five Books of Moses), Mishnah, Talmud / Gospels, Old and New Testaments
Architecture / The Hebrews made a covenant or agreement with God to obey the Ten Commandments and the 613 laws for daily life including required charity, day of rest, and restrictions on food; reverence for the Torah (The Five Books of Moses) and Jerusalem where the Temples stood. Jews believe that the Messiah will come and bring peace to the world. They also believe in an afterlife. / Christians accept the divinity of Jesus Christ and that his resurrection offers salvation for all who believe in him. Christians follow the Ten Commandments -- especially the day of rest; reverence for the New and Old Testaments (The Bible) and the sacred cities of Jerusalem, Bethlehem,
Rome (for Roman Catholics) and other cities with special shrines.
They believe in an afterlife and hell for sinners.
Women’s Roles / Matriarchs, Judges, educators in the home, some rituals related to the home are only done by women / nuns, saints
Influence / Forced migrations created diaspora communities of Jews throughout the Mediterranean, Middle East, most of Europe, India, Central Asia, Western China; idea of a day of rest; Ten Commandments / Missionaries spread Christianity throughout the Mediterranean, Middle East, Ethiopia, most of Europe, India, Central Asia, Western China; canon (church) law

List three similarities between Judaism and Christianity:




Reading Questions for the story of Ruth

1)Why did Naomi decide to return to Judah?

2)What did she tell her daughters-in-law?

3)Why did Ruth insist on going with Naomi?

4)What was the family relationship between Boaz and Naomi?

5)Why was Ruth gleaning in Boaz’s field?

6)What Jewish values does the story show?

Reading Questions for Mira Bai

  1. How does she do puja (Hindu prayer)?
  2. Why does she pick Gopala as her lord?
  3. Why was her husband’s family upset with her?
  4. What did they do?
  5. What did the other Hindus think about Mira Bai?
  6. What does the story tell us about Hinduisms?

Reading Questions for Isidasi

  1. Why did Isidasi have so many reincarnations? (Hint: what dharma did s/he disobey?)
  2. How did her husbands know about her karma?
  3. Why does she become a Buddhist?
  4. How does she practice Buddhism?
  5. What does her father think about her conversion?
  6. What Buddhist values does the story emphasize?

Reading Questions for “Mary the Harlot”

  1. Why did Mary become a harlot (prostitute)?
  2. What Christian beliefs and practices did her uncle use to convince her to return to the monastery?
  3. What ancient Christian beliefs and practices does her life represent?
  4. Why would this story help convert people to Christianity?
  5. What kind of people would the story attract?
  6. What Christian values does the story emphasize?

Reading Questions for Ban Zhao [need more]

  1. Why does Ban Zhao write her book?
  2. What are the Confucian principles she lists?
  3. What does she say are the roles that Confucian women should have?

Score: ___/10 Summative Grade

Comparative Essay Question

On another piece of paper, write a thesis paragraph that answers the following question:

  • Compare how TWO of the following major belief systems affected social hierarchies and gender roles in their regions from about 2,000 B.C.E. up to 600 C.E. The different belief systems are:Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Buddhism, or Judaism.


Here’s some questions to consider before you begin writing:


  • Identify which two belief systems you are comparing
  • What regions they were in
  • What kind of social hierarchies and gender systems existed in those regions (rigid/loose; many levels or not?)
  • What part of the time period from 2,000 B.C.E. to 600 C.E. you will analyze
  • Will your essay show changes over the time period?


Were they more similar or more different in the ways they affected social hierarchies and gender roles?


What ways did the two belief systems affect social hierarchies and gender roles? (Did they become more rigid or looser? Were there more or fewer levels of social classes? Did gender roles become more defined or more flexible for men and/or women?)



PART ONE: Identify the political and/or cultural values presented in each source, and then place them in groups according to the values they represent. You must put each source in at least one group, but you may put any source in more than one group. There must be at least TWO sources in each grouping.

Political Values (identify at least TWO political values and list the sources that show those values)

Political Value #1: ______Sources:

Political Value #2: ______Sources:

Cultural Values (identify at least TWO cultural values and list the sources that show those values)

Cultural Value #1: ______Sources:

Cultural Value #2: ______Sources:


Identify at least TWO other types of primary sources from ancient Greece that would help you answer the question. (Hint: official documents, more art, personal writings, etc.)

And, then explain how those types of sources would help you analyze the political and cultural values in ancient Greece

1. ______


2. ______


  1. Predict the values.
  2. Read the sources.
  3. Group the sources by values identified.
  4. Notice any conflicts among the values.
  5. Analyze point of view.

Sample Analysis of Sources

Document 1

Socrates, philosopher and teacher in the Greek city-state of Athens, 470 – 399 BCE

The unexamined life is not worth living.


SPEAKER – Socrates, philosopher and teacher

OCCASION – 470 – 399 BCE

AUDIENCE – Greek city-state of Athens

PURPOSE – teach philosophy

SUBJECT – purpose of life

TONE -- didactic, preachy “not worth”

Socrates POV (point of view): As a philosopher, Socrates argues that philosophy (examining the world) gives a purpose to life.

Point of View Analysis of Primary Sources

See the world through others’ eyes . . .

P = purpose

What is the source supposed to do? What is it about? Who would gain or lose from the information in the source?

O = origin

Who created the source? When? Where? What kind of source is it (letter, official document, personal photograph, etc.)

V = value

How can the source help answer the question? What other questions does the source raise for historians? How does the tone of the text affect the reader?


(Suggested writing time – 40 minutes)

You should spend at least 10 minutes reading, analyzing, and grouping the sources.

Directions: The following question is based on the accompanying Sources 1 - 8. (The sources have been edited for the purpose of this exercise).

The question is designed to test your ability to work with and understand historical sources. Write an essay that:

  • Has a relevant thesis and supports that thesis with evidence from the sources.
  • Uses all of the sources.
  • Analyzes the sources by grouping them in at least three ways as possible. Does not simply summarize the sources individually.
  • Takes into account both the sources of the documents and the authors’ points of view.
  • Explains the need for at least two additional types of source.

You may refer to relevant historical information not mentioned in the sources.

1. On the basis of the sources given, analyze the political and cultural values of Greek civilization. What other kinds of primary sources would help you analyze the political and cultural values of Greek civilization?

Historical Background

In ancient Greek civilization, the polis (city-states) political system had a single ruler (tyrant) or an aristocratic council. Although they fought for control over the mountainous peninsula and islands, the people in the Greek city-states shared a written language based on letters of the Phoenician alphabet of the Middle East and they traded with each other and with neighboring states such as the Persian Empire. Under Alexander the Great in the 4th century BCE, Hellenism (Greek culture) spread throughout the Mediterranean and into South Asia.


Document 1

Socrates, philosopher and teacher in the Greek city-state of Athens, 470 - 399 BCE

The unexamined life is not worth living.

Document 2

Aristotle, philosopher from Macedonia and teacher of Alexander the Great, 384-322 BCE

Since human reason is the most godlike part of human nature, a life guided by human reason is superior to any other. ... For man, this is the life of reason, since the faculty of reason is the distinguishing characteristic of human beings.

Document 3

Pericles was a ruler of the Greek city-state of Athens. He spoke the Funeral Oration to the Athenians about 430 BCE after the Peloponnesian war with a neighboring Greek city-state, Sparta.

Our plan of government favors the many instead of the few: that is why it is called a democracy .... As for social standing, advancement is open to everyone, according to ability. While every citizen has an equal opportunity to serve the public, we reward our most distinguished citizens by asking them to make our political decisions. Nor do we discriminate against the poor. A man may serve his country no matter how low his position on the social scale.

Document 4

Antigone, a play by Athenian writer, Sophocles, had written around 441 BCE. Antigone defies King Creon’s order and buries her brother who was killed while leading a rebellion.

Creon: “And still you dared to overstep these laws?”

Antigone: “For me, it was not Zeus who made that order. Nor do I think your orders were so strong that you, a mortal man, could overrun the gods’ unwritten and unfailing laws. ... I know I must die. ... but if I left my brother dead and unburied, I’d have cause to grieve as now I grieve not.”

Document 5

The Illiad an epic poem by Homer, a Greek poet, probably recorded 8th century BCE

Hector handed the boy to his wife, who took him to her fragrant breast. She was smiling through her tears, and when her husband saw this he was moved. He stroked her with his hand and said: “My dear, I beg you not to be too distressed. No one is going to send me down to Hades before my proper time. But Fate is a thing that no man born of woman, coward or hero, can escape. Go home now, and attend to your own work, the loom and the spindle, and see that the maidservants get on with theirs. War is man’s business; and this war is the business of every man in Ilium, myself above all.”