Overall Score:1234567

Thesis & Argumentation: (0-2 Points)

Thesis: (0-1 Points)

Clear thesis that directly addresses all parts of the questions, provides a clear,defensible argument, in one or more sentences found in the introduction or conclusion (1)

Thesis missing, simply restates the question, doesn’t addressall parts of the question, unclear, inaccurate (0)

Argument:(0-1 Points)

Develops and supports a cohesive argument that recognizes and accounts for historical complexity by illustrating relationships among historical evidence (contradiction, corroboration, and/or qualification) (1)

Argument is too basic, lacks complexity, or is poorly organized and/or written. (0)

Document Analysis: (0-2 Points)

Utilizes content of at least 6 documents effectively to support the stated thesis/argument (1)

Explains the significance the significance of the author’s point of view (POV), purpose, historical context, and/or audience for at least 4 documents (1)

Utilizes 5 or less documents to support argument (0) Lacks effective analysis for at least 4 documents (0)


Effective Document Analysis: ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Using Evidence Beyond the Documents: (0-2 Points)

Contextualization: (0-1 Point)

Explains in detail the broader historical events, developments, or processesoutside the documents immediately relevant to the question (1)

Does not connect content to broader historical events and lacks historical context (0)

Analysis of Outside Evidence: (0-1 Points)

Provides an example or additional piece of evidenceoutside the documents and explain how it supports or qualifies the argument (1)

No specific outside evidence orevidence not clearly explained to support or qualify argument (0)

Synthesis: (0-1 Point)

Extends argument by explaining the connections between the argument and ONE of the following:

A development in a different historical period, situation, era, or geographical area (1)

OR a course theme and/or approach to history that is not the focus of the essay (such as political, economic, social, cultural, or intellectual history) (1)

Lacks either of the above to fails to adequately explain the connection with enough depth or accuracy (0)

Strengths: Sophisticated Thesis Solid Background Info Developed Subcategories Sophisticated Analysis

Clear Argument Strong Topic Sentences Well-developed Extensive Outside InfoComplex Diction Well Organized

Errors: Basic/Vague Thesis Awkward Syntax Weak Topic Sentences (TS) TS Fact not Argument

Lacks Background Info Historical Narrative Verb Tense Shifts Slang/Informal Language/Tone Clichés

Date Range Errors Overgeneralizations 1st Person 2nd Person Too Short No Conclusion/Time Management

Major Factual Errors Lacks Complexity/Oversimplification Grammatical Errors Disorganized Few Documents

Document Citation Errors Quotes Documents Only Summarizes Documents Major Documents Errors