


Key Terms:

Waving the “Bloody Shirt”

Ohio Idea

Election of 1868


Horace Greeley


Jim Crow/Sharecropping

Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882

Election of 1880

Pendleton Act of 1883

“Billion-Dollar Congress”

McKinley Tarriff Act of 1890

Election of 1888

Analysis Questions:

What were some of the scandals that emerged during President Grant’s administration? How was Grant’s popularity affected by these scandals?

What was the Liberal Republican Revolt of 1872? What were there demands? What effect did they have on the presidential election that year?

What was the economic situation like in Grant’s second term?

What was the “Gilded Age”? What were politics like during the Gilded Age? Why?

What happened during the Election of 1876? How was the election resolved? What were the terms of the resolution?

Describe some of the classist and ethnic tensions that arose out of the Gilded Age.

How did the assassination of James A. Garfield alter the political landscape in the United States?

Why did the election of 1884 mark a low-water point in American politics?

What were some of the political accomplishments of Grover Cleveland during his first term?

Who were the Farmers’ Alliance and the Populists? What did they stand for? Why did they come to be a political force?

What were some of the key points of Cleveland’s second term as President?

Why are so many of the Gilded Age Presidents referred to as “the forgettable presidents?”




Key Terms:

Railroad Land-Grant System

Transcontinental Railroad(s)

Cornelius Vanderbilt

Pullman Palace Cars

Westinghouse Airbrake

Interstate Commerce Act of 1887

Bessemer-Kelly process of making steel

United States Steel Corporation

Emergence of the oil industry

Gospel of Wealth

Knights of Labor

Haymarket Square bombing

Analysis Questions:

At the end of the nineteenth century, the “best men” were not in politics. Why?

How did the industrial landscape of the nation change in the aftermath of the Civil War?

What were some of the challenges encountered while building the railroads? What effects did the railroads have on the development of the United States?

Why were steel rails and standardization of track gauges so important to the growth of railroads?

How did railroads affect life in American cities?

How did corruption play a part in the railroads? What steps did the government take to rein in this corruption? What motivated the government to act?

What conditions in the United States allowed this country to become the foremost industrial nation in the world by the end of the 20th century?

What were trusts? Who were some of the “trust titans?” What trusts did they control? How did the government deal with trusts?

How did the South compare with the North during the industrialization of the United States?

What were economic conditions like for workers during this period? Why did labor unions come into existence? What was the point of a labor union? What successes did unions have?

Why did the American Federation of Labor become the pre-eminent union at the turn of the century, displacing previously-established unions?




Key Terms:

Department stores


“Bedroom Communities”

“America fever”

Boss Tweed/Machine Politics



Charles Darwin/Evolution

Yellow Journalism vs. Actual Journalism

“Demon Rum” and the Temperance Movement

Analysis Questions:

What was the impetus for so many Americans to move to urban areas during the period 1865-1900?

What was urban living like at this point in American history? What were some of the challenges associated with city dwelling that people did not have to deal with in rural areas?

What did immigration look like prior to the 1880s? What about immigration after the 1880s? How did these groups of immigrants assimilate into the United States? What were the “push” factors that were causing these immigrants to leave their countries of birth?

How did governments deal with immigration? Why did “bosses” become so prominent?

What were some of the ways that private citizens sought to improve the lot of the immigrants poor?

Why were organized labor unions typically anti-immigration?

What role did religion play in urban life at this time? What, specifically, did different denominations do to improve the lives of the poor?

What advances were made in education at this time? Why did education become more popular?

What were the main points of disagreement between Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois?

What did the American literary canon look like during this period? What were some of the common themes that were present? How did this represent an evolution in American thinking?

What was “The New Morality?” Why did it matter so much to American society?

How did life change for women as more Americans moved to the city?

What new cultural pursuits did Americans engage in?




Key Terms:

Battle of Little Big Horn

Buffalo culture

Cattle drives and cowboys


Desert Irrigation

Panic of 1893

Pullman Strike

Analysis Questions:

What were conditions like for the Native Americans living on the Great Plains in the years after the Civil War? Why did the Native Americans end up losing many of their conflicts with whites?

After years of being defeated, why did public opinion start to swing in favor of the Native American tribes? How did this shift in public opinion play out? What actions did the government take? How did the tribes feel about these actions?

Why was mining such an important industry for westward expansion? What did mining towns look like?

What was the Homestead Act? Why did it have such an impact on the American West?

Why is 1890 considered the “closing” of the American frontier? Why is this an important moment in American history? What was Frederick Jackson Turner’s thesis about the frontier? How did Turner come up with his famous thesis?

What were conditions on farms like in the West? Why were farmers often at the mercy of the market? How did farmers respond to their plight?

What did the Grange movement stand for? What was their effect on American life? How did it foreshadow later political developments in the United States?

What were the demands of the Populists? Why did the Populists so oppose William McKinley’s campaign in 1896? Who did they see as their guiding light? What was the “Cross of Gold” speech, and why was it so significant? What was the result of the election? How did the election demonstrate classist divide in the United States?