April 2010 LAKE LURE NEWS & VIEWSPage 1


by Bob Keith

By the time you receive this newsletter the lake will be near or at full pond. The snow is gone, the weather improving, the flowers are blooming and spring is here. So, it’s time to visit us at town hall, get your boats permitted and get out and enjoy our wonderful lake.

Last month the council, with the Town Manager, conducted a two day workshop and met with our department heads, discussed issues and opportunities and prepared ourselves for the upcoming 2010 budget process. We accomplished most objectives, but were left with some loose ends. As a result, the group will set aside some additional time in April to continue our efforts. We have documented a list of issues and concerns affecting our community. At this follow-on workshop, we will put plans in place as to who, how and when we will attack each area. We will additionally create a list of opportunities which will focus on areas such as the Comprehensive plan, economic development, the medical professional park, the Charter School, improving the downtown area, developing the Summit Trail, improving the sewer collection system, improving communications both internally and to residents, etc. If you as stakeholders in our

town have any ideas or suggestions for improving Lake Lure or the operation of our community ,

please send a note or email and we will give your thoughts some airtime and consideration. Your input is most certainly welcome and, in fact, necessary for us to set the direction for our town.

Lastly, I want to give a plug for the second Annual Fly Fishing Tournament scheduled for April 24th and 25th. Created and run by Michael Yelton, a local fishing guide, this two-day event will attract anglers from across the Carolinas who will compete in on-land skills competition in MorsePark on Saturday and in-stream trout fishing on Sunday. It’s a lot of fun for fisherman and non-fisherman alike.


by Chris Braund

To better serve the public, we have expanded the hours of the Town Hall administrative offices to 8 a.m.-5 p.m. (formerly 8:30 a.m. -4:30 p.m.). Outside, our staff is busy getting ready for the arrival of spring. Both MorsePark and the Golf Course may appear unsightly at the moment, but the results will be worth the disruption. Additionally, the boat launch ramp at the marina has been widened for easier access.

School Update

The LakeLureClassicalAcademy now hasan officially-approved charter and is accepting student enrollment applications.

Opening this August, the school will initially serve kindergarten through seventh grade in temporary facilitieson the site of the original LakeLureSchool at 2520 Memorial Hwy. New, modular classrooms have been ordered and will be setup over the summer. 8th grade will be added in the fall of 2011 and another grade added each year. A permanent facility is being planned for a site off of Island Creek Road near Ingles.

Enrollment is limited, as class sizes are targeted at 22 with two class sections in each grade. Enrollment applications for the fall of 2010 will be accepted from March 5th through April 15th and are available online at

If any grades have more applications than seats available, a lottery will be held. Parents who previously submitted a letter of intent must also complete an application for enrollment.

The school board is also excited to announce the hiring of the school's director, Caroline Upchurch. Ms. Upchurch was most recently the assistant principal at VanceCharterSchool in Henderson, NC. She is a graduate of BartonCollege and received a master of fine art degree in photography from VirginiaCommonwealthUniversity. She also holds a master of school administration from N.C.StateUniversity. She will be working out of an initial school office in the historic arcade building in downtown LakeLure and can be reached at (828) 625-9292.


by Town Clerk Mary Flack, MMC, CTC

REGULAR MEETING: The regular town council meeting was held on Tuesday, March 9, 2010, 7:00 p.m., in the meeting room of the LakeLureMunicipalCenter.

Under the “consent agenda,” Town Council approved and adopted:

* minutes of the February 9, 2010 (regular meeting), and February 11-12, 2010 (retreat meetings);

* ratify approval of a request from Paula Jordan to waive the rental fee for use of the Community Hall in the Lake Lure Municipal Center on March 9, 2010 for a Leadership Rutherford Class;

* a budget amendment pertaining to the landfill assessment for new school site as submitted by the Finance Director;

* recommendations for Community Hall rentals as submitted by the town manager;

* a request from Betty Ross on behalf of the Lakefront Owners Association to suspend the town’s alcohol ordinance in order to serve beer and wine during their annual meeting being held inside the Community Hall of the Lake Lure Municipal Center on June 26, 2010, from 5:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m.; also, waive the rental fee for use of the Community Hall for this event;

* a fabric structure permit for the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation “Ride for Kids” Event as submitted by Robert Trigueros;

* a request from Bo Williams on behalf of Lake Lure Tours, Inc. to use the same structure as last year with regards to payment arrangements for 2010 commercial boat permit fees;

* a request from Human Resource Director Anita Taylor as submitted for funds to the North Carolina governmental employees’ retirement system;

Town Council also:

* held a public hearing and adopted Ordinance No. 10-03-09A amending the Town of Lake Lure Lake Zoning Regulations, Title IX, Chapter 92, concerning the design of commercial buildings; permitting departures from the design standards contained within Sections 92.054 – 92.057 so long as a development substantially complies with the design guidelines for new commercial construction;

* held a public hearing and adopted Ordinance No.10-03-09B amending the Town of Lake Lure Lake Zoning Regulations, Title IX, Chapter 92, Section 92.147 to provide a new definition for “window” and Section 92.155 to allow window signs to be 25% of the window and/or glass area of the building wall on which it is located;

* Adopted Resolution No. 10-03-09 as presented by the town manager authorizing an executed deed

of conveyance from John H. Moore and wife, Regina Moore, of certain property as a gift under particular terms, valuations and conditions;

* extended the date from March 10, 2010 to March 19, 2010 to begin raising the lake level up to full pond; also, agreed to leave the lake level at its current level of 3.5 feet below full pond;

* authorized Monte McCraw to tap into the town’s sewer system for his four bedroom house (referenced on the Rutherford County Tax Map 522, Block 1, Lot 18C, located at 135 Wild Flower Hill in Chimney Rock Village);

* adopted Resolution No. 10-03-09A authorizing the town manager to enter into a purchasing contract with any elected or appointed official in accordance with the North Carolina General Statute 14-234 regarding the purchase of chemicals for the town’s water and wastewater systems;

* heard a request from the Town Manager for authorization to notify certain individuals in writing reminding them about the town’s regulations requiring mandatory water connections; town council tabled action on this request for further review and will reconsider it again at their next regular town council meeting being held on April 13, 2010;

* approved a request from the town manager for authorization to demolish a structure located at 147 Sidney Lanier in accordance with Chapter 90 of the Town of Lake Lure Code of Ordinances regarding abandoned structures and unfit dwellings;

* appointed Valerie Hoffman to serve as regular member on the Parks and Recreation Board with a term expiring on December 31, 2012;

* appointed Carl Nelson to serve as regular member on the Parks and Recreation Board with a term expiring on December 31, 2011;

* appointed William D. Miller filling Valerie Hoffman’s position as an alternate member on the Parks and Recreation Board with a term expiring on December 31, 2010.

In other activities:

* Police Chief Eric Hester presented Lt. Christopher Todd Francis a law enforcement certificate award from the State of North Carolina Department of Justice for completing education and training standards commission;

* heard a report from the town manager; and

*heard reports from council liaisons on the activities of various boards and committees.


by Chief Eric Hester

Our Police Department patrols in the neighborhoods have been going well; the officers have been meeting and getting to know some of the people in the areas they patrol.

We had another case vandalism at the town boardwalk where several lights were broken and one was kicked off the pole. We are asking for citizens to call in any suspicious activity they see around the boardwalk to help catch the subjects responsible for this repeated vandalism. The Police Department has stepped up their foot patrols and their surveillance of this area.

We are happy to announce that the 2 suspects that were arrested for the Breaking and Entering of The Valley Market Convenience Store pled Guilty to Felony charges in this case. Lt. Francis did an exceptional job putting this case together and receiving two Felony Convictions.

I am asking you, as citizens, to keep an eye on each others property in your neighborhood and report any suspicious activity when you see it occurring. We will come out and investigate to determine if anything criminal is taking place. Criminal activity can take place any time anywhere. Citizens that stay aware of what’s going on in their neighborhoods can help deter criminal activity by calling in anything suspicious. Unfortunately as the population increases each year,so does criminal activity. We will do our very best to keep your neighborhoods as safe as possible.

As thelake rises,everyone will be out enjoying it once again. As a quick reminder, don’tforget to do an annual inspection of your boat or boats by making sure all your lights and emergency equipment are in good working order and that you have a current lake permit sticker and registration.




ARRESTS...... 1









ROAD CHECKS...... 2,137






PATROLS...... 2

COVE CHECKS...... 123








OTHER...... 2



by Linda Ward

Ashlyn Faith Calvert, who is due to arrive in the outside world April 9th is doing fine. Andi and Shawn have the nursery, changing table and closet all ready for their baby girl.Andi’s doctor says that there are no changes so far and that the due date looks about right. By the next newsletter I should be able to tell you about the new little baby.

Andi will be out with her baby soon, and I would like to ask that you be patient with Vicki and I if you come in, as we will have to get used to working the front desk on a more full time basis again. To help, please have your registrations and proof of insurance with you when you come in for any motorized boat permits.


by Clint Calhoun, Environ. Mgmt. Officer

I hope everyone has had a nice winter. It was long and cold, the coldest I can remember in my lifetime. I’m glad spring is here and we can get back out on the lake without being miserable from the cold and wet.

This year, starting May 1st, there are some changes to the North Carolina boating laws that will be taking affect. Knowing these requirements may mean the difference in a ticket or an enjoyable day on the lake. These changes are state requirements and not new rules being implemented by the town, so they apply to all North Carolina lakes where public boating is allowed. The rule changes are as follows:

G.S. 75A-16.2. Boating safety education required.

(a)No person shall operate a vessel with a motor of 10 horsepower or greater on the public waters of this state unless the operator has met the requirements for boating safety education.

(b)A person shall be considered in compliancewith the requirements of boating safety education if the person does one of the following:

(1)Completes and passes the boating safety course instituted by the Wildlife Resources Commission under G.S. 75A-16.1 or another boating safety course that is approved by the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) and accepted by the Wildlife Resources Commission;

(2)Passes a proctored equivalency examination that tests the knowledge of information included in the curriculum of an approved course;

(3)Possesses a valid or expired license to operate a vessel issued to maritime personnel by the United States Coast Guard;

(4)Possessesa Stateapproved non-renewable temporary operator’s certificate to operate a vessel for 90 days that was issued with the certificate of number for the vessel, if the boat was new or was sold with a transfer of ownership;

(5)Possesses a rental or lease agreement from a vessel rental or leasing business that lists the person as the authorized operator of the vessel;

(6)Properly displays the Commission-issued dealer registration numbers during the demonstration of the vessel;

(7)Operates the vessel under onboard direct supervision of a person who is at least 18 years of age and who meets the requirements of this section;

(8)Demonstrates that he or she is not a resident, is temporarily using the waters of this State for a period not to exceed 90 days, and meets any applicable boating safety education requirements of the state or nation of residency;

(9)Has assumed operation of the vessel due to the illness or physical impairment of the initial operator, and is returning the vessel to shore in order to provide assistance or care for the operator;

(10)Is registered as a commercial fisherman or a person who is under the onboard direct supervision of a commercial fisherman while operating the commercial fisherman’s boat; or

(11)Provides proof that he or she is at least 26 years of age. Any person who operates a vessel with a motor of 10 horsepower or greater on the waters of this State shall, upon request of a law enforcement officer,present to the officer a certification card or proof that the person has complied with the provisions of this section.

(c)Any person who violates a provision of this section or a rule adopted pursuant to this section is guilty of an infraction, as provided in G.S. 14-3.1. The court shall assess court costs for each violation but shall not assess a penalty. A person may not be convicted of violating this section if, when tried for the offense, the person produces in court a certification card or proof that the person has completed and passed a boating safety course in compliance with subdivision (b)(1) of this section.

(d)No unit of local government shall enact any ordinance or rule relating to boating safety education, and this law preempts all existing ordinances or rules.

(e)An operator of a personal watercraft on the public waters of this State remains subject to any more specific provision of law found in G.S. 75A-13.3.

Please make note of these changes and make sure that you or whoever is operating your vessel meets the safe boating requirements.

Lastly, we want to remind everyone once again that 2010 boat permits are now available and must be displayed if you intend to place a boat on LakeLure, or already have it on the water. Please make sure you get these and that they are properly displayed on your boat.

We hope everyone has a safe spring and summer. If you need to reach us regarding a lake or environmental issue, please contact Dean Givens at (828)625-9983 ext. 128 or or Clint Calhoun at (828)625-9983 ext. 123 or .


by Paula Jordan

When and Why Do I Need To Get A Permit?

The world seemed a much bigger place a few decades back, when there were a lot fewer people, and no one much knew about LakeLure except the people who were born here. Time has changed that picture in ways no one living here then could have dreamed.

The US population has doubled in the past 60 years or so, with much of that change coming in the past decade. Home styles and uses, and home site choices, have also changed a lot in that time, particularly here in LakeLure. The town has felt the changes in many ways, but most noticeably in the impact on the environment.

People living here in 1950 could do pretty much anything they wanted on their property without fear of having much effect on their neighbors, the gorge or the lake in general. But the greater numbers of people living here now, doing much more clearing and grading, often on much more visible and fragile upland properties, can cause significant damage to the environment and to the natural beauty that everyone living here holds precious.

That’s the ‘why’ of the permits required by today’s town regulations. As to ‘when’ permits may be required, both general information and personal guidance are readily available at town hall at 828-625-9983.

A wide range of general information is available in brochure format, both in print in the Town Hall lobby and on the town web site at www. townoflakelure.com/CDD_Pamphlets.htm.

As for permits required for specific projects, there are several types of activities you might want to keep in mind. You may not need a permit in your particular case, but please check with the responsible staff member to be sure. They can help you get started on the right path, which makes the whole process simpler and faster.

First of all, you should check with the town Zoning Administrator before constructing anything on land, and with the Environmental Management Officer before constructing anything on water.