Davenport Elementary School Counseling Program

Emotion Management: Don’t Rant and Rave On Wednesdays


Personal/Social Domain: Standard A: Students will acquire the knowledge, attitudes, interpersonal skills to help them understand and respect self and others.

Competency A1: Acquire self-knowledge

A1.1 Develop positive attitudes toward self as a unique and worthy person

A1.4 Understand change as a part of growth

A1.8 Understand the need for self control and how to practice it

Personal/Social Domain: Standard B: Students will make decisions, set goals, and take necessary action to achieve goals

Competency B1: Self Knowledge application

B1.4: Develop effective coping skills for dealing with problems.

Personal/Social Domain: Standard C: Students will understand safety and survival skills

Competency C1.10: Learn Techniques for managing stress and conflict

C1.11Learn coping skills for managing life events


· To further understanding of what happens in the brain during intense emotions

· To further understanding of the cycle of thinking during anger: Think/Feel/Do Cycle

· To further understanding of the positive alternative to being angry and how to calm down

· To further understanding of how to use self-talk to change their feelings

· Introduce the concept of rational/irrational thinking and how it affects the cycle


Book: Don’t Rant and Rave on Wednesdays by Adolph Moser

Poster or overhead of the brain

Time: 30 minutes


1. Introduction: Tell class that for the next several weeks they will be learning how the brain responds to intense emotions like anger, and ways that we can manage those feelings

2. Give pre-test

3. Introduction to Brain

Show poster/overhead of the brain

Ask students: What do you think your brain does when you get upset/angry?

(have class discussion about how brain and body react)

4. Read Don’t Rant and Rave on Wednesdays:

When you get to brain section, refer to Think/Feel/Do Poster and now discuss the cycle.

Give several examples of Think/Feel/Do situations

Ex. Someone calls me stupid, I feel mad…

I think “That isn’t fair, you can’t treat me that way, “

This is self-talk that goes on in our head

It’s not realistic or logical = It’s irrational

I do: then I call you a name back or….look for you after school….

How do you change that? Change your thinking

Someone calls me stupid, I feel mad

I think “I’m not stupid, that wasn’t nice, but oh well, whatever, I can handle it”

This is positive self-talk

It is realistic/logical= It’s rational!

I do: Walk away---do something else.

5. Finish book:

6. Summarize: Intense feelings affect our brain.

But, we have control over that by ? (have class answer)

1. deep breathing,

2. changing our thinking from negative/irrational to positive/rational then what we do.

3. Going to happy place

4. Do something fun

5. What else?