The Kellin Foundation Presents



APRIL 1Making Lemonade Out of Lemons – Presented by Kellin Kids (a Focus on Youth)

(Kick-Off)Throughout the month of April, youth across the community will be hosting lemonade stands to raise awareness about what children need to be safe and well. This family-friendly volunteer opportunity is a great way to not only teach about the importance of making lemonade out of lemons in life, but also how each person regardless of their age can make a big difference. Each lemonade stand will have information about our Pinwheels in the Park event at LeBauer Park on April 28, 2018, where we will stand together to symbolize that our community stands together against child abuse. Learn more at

APRIL 9 Pinwheel Garden Planting – Agencies and Organizations (A Focus on Community)

The focus this week will be on planning pinwheel gardens in partnership with our community and faith-based organizations. Families can plant their pinwheel gardens, too! Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to see how our gardens are growing across the community this week!

APRIL 11Darkness 2 Light Training (A Focus on Community)

A community program that educates adults and community partners about how together we can prevent child abuse. Event will be held in the Guilford County Family Justice Center Conference Room from 3:00-5:00pm. Must register.

APRIL 21Smiles 4 Miles 5K and Fun Run – Family-Friendly at Bur-Mil Park (A Focus on Family)

The Smiles 4 Miles 5K and Fun Run launched in honor and memory of Amanda Ireland Ward who was a wonderful child advocate and member of the Kellin team. This family-friendly race will be at the beautiful Bur-Mil Park and will support programs and services that are available for children and families across the community. Register at:

APRIL 28 Pinwheels in the Park (LeBauer Park) – Bringing Youth, Family, Community Together

Pinwheels in the Park at LeBauer Park is a family-friendly event with youth-focused activities, games, and information about how to create safe and healthy environments for children and their families. There will be a brief inspirational ceremony with youth performances. The event will run from 2:00-4:00pm. This event is in partnership with many agencies as listed at:

SPONSOR A PINWHEEL TODAY! Show that YOU stand against child abuse!

Go to:

2110 Golden Gate Drive, Suite B, Greensboro, NC 27405 P: 336-429-5600 E: W: