The Chapter Letter
The Ninth Sundayafter Trinity
Sunday13 August 2017
A very warm welcome to worship at the Cathedral, with a particular greeting to those who are newcomers or visitors. It is a delight to welcome you.
Visiting Choir: It is a great pleasure to welcome theSt Mary's Ecumenical Choirbased in Shropshire, and founded in 1968. For full details about the choir, please see the last page of today’s Cathedral Eucharist order of service.
The Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary - 15 August: August mayin some respects seem a quiet month, but it brings us some wonderful feasts of the Church. Last Sunday we kept the Feast of the Transfiguration; and Tuesday brings us the Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Roman Catholics call this feast The Assumption; Eastern Orthodox Christians call it The Dormition. Anglicans call it simply The Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary. And with that rather elusive title, what are we to make of this feast? In ecumenical theology Mary is presently being seen as, and celebrated as, the first disciple. Her openness to God’s request, and then her following of Christ in his ministry, even to the point of standing at his Cross, means that she is seen as loyal and open to God from the beginning of Christ’s life to its end. She is a model disciple – open, loyal, faithful, devoted.
And in simply human terms, we may reflect on the high likelihood that it was Mary who shaped and formed the religious imagination of the infant Jesus. That is what Mothers did and do!
So on Tuesday we can thank God for Mary as the first, and a model, disciple; we can thank God too for Mary’s shaping of Christ’s religious insights; and we can ask for grace for our own discipleship. A great feast! There will be a Festal Eucharist in the Quire at 5.15pm.
John Davies, Dean
A new Administrator for Wells Cathedral: The Chapter is delighted to announce the appointment of Jackie Croft, currently Administrator of Lincoln Cathedral, to be Administrator here. Jackie will be installed at Evensong on Sunday 24 September at 3pm, starting work the following day.
We had a very strong field of over 50 applicants for the post, shortlisted to four candidates for interview. Jackie was the Chapter’s unanimous choice.
Liturgy Assistant: This past week has seen Jim Moretti take up his new (part-time) role as Liturgy Assistant, working from the Cathedral Office. Paula Denyer works in the mornings as Secretary to the Dean and Clergy; and Jim occupies the same desk in the afternoons.
Music Department: The Cathedral Choirreturns for a new term on Saturday 9 September. And new faces will join familiar ones; Jeremy Cole arrives as Assistant Organist, coming from St Martin’s in the Fields; Joshua Stephens arrives as Senior Organ Scholar, coming from Sheffield Cathedral. And the new Choral Scholars are Oliver Chubb, Harry Guthrie and Finn Lacey. John Davies, Dean
theology@wells: Here is a taster for some of the events which will be offered this autumn, open to all.
Saturday 30 September: as part of a ‘parishes day’; two talks – one on the Cathedral’s work by the Dean, and the second on interfaith issues. Regular worshippers very welcome.
Early October: an evening event to explore the many meanings of the Creed. “The Creed Deed”, led by the Dean.
Wednesday 18 October: an afternoon event focussing on the church’s role in combatting modern slavery, led by the
Rt RevdDr Alastair Redfern.
Tuesday 31 October: After Evensong a talk on Reformation Day by a young scholar from Oxford; “The Blessings and Deficits of the Reformation”.
November:an early evening session on religion in contemporary Britain, led by Professor Grace Davie of Exeter University. TBC
John Davies, Dean
Wells Cathedral Voluntary Choir Residency in Gloucester: At the same time as we were hosting visiting choirs, WCVC travelled to Gloucester to contribute to the worship and ministry of the Cathedral church in that city between the 31 July and 6 August, singing at Evensong each day (except Friday) and at the Sunday Eucharist as well as helping a local couple celebrate their wedding day in the Cathedral.
Extensive work being carried out both inside and outside the church provided some interesting obstacles but in no way detracted from the fellowship and enjoyment of our singing week. WCVC took over the Edward Hotel as its accommodation and the Education Centre as its rehearsal space from where music from composers such as Tallis and Victoria to Howells and Harris could be heard ringing round the precincts in the mornings.
The voluntary choir was made to feel very welcome and enjoyed the wonderful acoustic of the quire. A choir meal, enjoyed by all, at a local family run Italian restaurant on the Thursday and a trip down the Sharpness Canal on two narrow boats on the Friday helped to round the week off in fitting style. Jim Moretti
Volunteers very welcome: The Society for Disabled Artists (SODA) is holding a one week National Exhibition in the South Cloister here from Saturday 26 August to Saturday 2 September.
Our Wells Group cannot manage quite all the stewarding, and would welcome any help. If you would be willing to do an hour (or more!) please sign the list in the transept, or ring Gill Kelly on 01749 673334.
Do you have any crockery, linen or glassware you would be willing to donate to our café? We are looking to extend the provision of our popular cream teas and are appealing for donations of crockery/linen/glassware etc. to help us to create that old-fashioned ‘afternoon tea’ experience. Can you help? Our catering team would love to hear from you if you have something you are able to donate. Contact the team by email at or on 01749 674483 Ext. 283. Many thanks to all those who have contributed so far!
August Specials in the Cathedral Café: Week commencing14 August;
Spiced Citrus Bean Soup –with avegetable stock base, beans, carrots, fresh coriander, ginger and a hint of coconut milk served with one of our bread rolls, £5.75.
Financial Giving: The Cathedral, like all other churches, looks to the financial contributions of those who worship and visit here. Regular worshippers who value the life and ministry of this place are invited to make a regular financial contribution, either by planned giving envelopes or standing orders. The Financial Controller, Richard Churchill,now deals with these matters, in complete confidence. He can be contacted via r on 01749 674483 Ext. 233. The Chapter expresses its thanks for financial support given in this way.
Readings for next Sunday’s Eucharist, TheTenth Sunday after Trinity,
Romans 11.1-2a, 29-32 and Matthew 15.21-28
Mon / 14 / 5.15pm / Yvonne Harry Art Exhibition in the South Cloister until 19 AugustFestal Evensong sung by All Saints Episcopal Church Choir, Beverley Hills
Tue / 15 / 5.15pm / Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Festal Eucharist sung by All Saints Episcopal Church Choir, Beverley Hills
Wed / 16 / 5.15pm / Evensong sung by All Saints Episcopal Church Choir, Beverley Hills
Thur / 17 / 11.30am
5.15pm / Mothers’ Union Prayers in the Lady Chapel
Evening Prayer (Lady Chapel)
Fri / 18 / 5.15pm / Evensong sung by All Saints Episcopal Church Choir, Beverley Hills
Sat / 19 / 5.15pm / Evensong sung by All Saints Episcopal Church Choir, Beverley Hills