California Practitioners Advisory Group

AGENDA – April 13-14, 2016

/ CALIFORNIA Practitioners Advisory Group
Final Minutes
April 13-14, 2016


Jo Ann Isken, Chair
Ed Manansala, Vice Chair
Melissa Agudelo
Jorge Aguilar
Mariana Astorga-Almanza
Kathryn Barr
Ulises Garcia
Carolina Hernandez-Malone
Kimberly Kenne
Tara Kini
Karen Monroe
Matthew Navo
Marco Petruzzi
Neva Rowden
Susan Salcido
Araceli Simeon
Karen Valdes




Sue Burr
Ilene Straus


Nancy Brownell, Senior Fellow, State Board of Education (SBE)

David Sapp, Deputy Policy Director and Assistant Legal Counsel, SBE

Michelle Magyar, Project Manager, Local Control Funding Formula, SBE

Glen Price, Chief Deputy Superintendent, California Department of Education (CDE)

Keric Ashley, Deputy Superintendent, District and School Innovation Branch, CDE

Barbara Murchison, Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) State Lead, CDE

Robert Storelli, Director, Improvement and Accountability Division, CDE

Kimberly Born, Administrator, Title I Policy & Program Guidance Office, CDE

Joy Kessel, Consultant, ESSA Office, CDE

Patricia Ramirez, Analyst, ESSA Office, CDE

Please note that complete proceedings of the April 13–14, 2016 California Practitioners Advisory Group meeting, including closed-captioning, are available online at:

·  April 13, 2016: [Invalid link removed March 9, 2018.]

·  April 14, 2016: [Invalid link removed March 9, 2018.]

·  Introduction and Facilitation by SBE Senior Fellow Brownell

·  Welcome by SBE liaisons Sue Burr and Ilene Strauss

·  SBE Liaisons administered the Oath of Office to CPAG Members

·  CDE Chief Deputy Superintendent Glen Price led the members in activity demonstrating the different interpretations of instructions and encouraged members to keep this in mind as they discuss a new accountability system and the interpretations across our state.

·  Roles, Expectations, and Structure of the Advisory Group explained by SBE Senior Fellow Brownell

·  Terms of Office explained by SBE Senior Fellow Brownell

·  Bagley Keen and Ethics Training reviewed by SBE Deputy Director and Assistant Legal Counsel David Sapp

·  Announcement of materials: CDE ESSA State Lead Barbara Murchison and SBE Senior Fellow Brownell went over CPAG member binder materials, travel reimbursements, and meeting lunches.

Action: No action taken.

Call for public comment but no requests to provide public comment on the item were received.

Item 02
Subject: Overview and Update on the Development of California’s New Accountability and Continuous Improvement System.

Type of Action: Information

·  Presentation by SBE Senior Fellow Brownell

Call for public comment, no requests to provide public comment on the item were received.

Item 03
Subject: Overview and Update on the Federal Every Student Succeeds Act, including, but not limited to, the Proposal to Develop the Every Student Succeeds Act State Plan, the State Transition Plan, School Improvement Grants, and a Potential Waiver for the Federal Requirements Related to the Assessment for the Next Generation Science Standards.

Type of Action: Action, Information

·  Presentation by CDE Deputy Superintendent Keric Ashley.

·  Deputy Superintendent Ashley presented information and requested members provide feedback on the following topics: 1) California’s transition plan, 2) Supplemental Education Services, 3) the development of the ESSA State Plan, 4) the proposal for the School Improvement Grant model and 5) the Next Generation Science (NGSS) assessment timeline and the state’s intention to ask the U.S. Department of Education for waiver from the requirement to administer the Science California Standards Test in order for schools to focus on NGSS.

Recommendation: This item is for information only. No specific action is recommended at this time.

ACTION: No Action Taken.

Call for public comment, no requests to provide public comment on the item were received.

Closing comments by SBE Senior Fellow Brownell and Chair Isken regarding tomorrow’s session and logistics.


Chair Isken adjourned the meeting at approximately 4:55pm

California Practitioners Advisory Group

Public Session

April 14, 2016


Jo Ann Isken, Chair
Ed Manansala, Vice Chair
Melissa Agudelo
Jorge Aguilar
Mariana Astorga-Almanza
Kathryn Barr
Ulises Garcia
Carolina Hernandez-Malone
Kimberly Kenne
Tara Kini
Karen Monroe
Matthew Navo
Marco Petruzzi
Neva Rowden
Susan Salcido
Araceli Simeon
Karen Valdes




Sue Burr
Ilene Straus


Nancy Brownell, Senior Fellow, State Board of Education (SBE)

David Sapp, Deputy Policy Director and Assistant Legal Counsel, SBE

Michelle Magyar, Project Manager, Local Control Funding Formula, SBE

Glen Price, Chief Deputy Superintendent, California Department of Education (CDE)

Keric Ashley, Deputy Superintendent, District and School Innovation Branch, CDE

Barbara Murchison, Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) State Lead, CDE

Robert Storelli, Director, Improvement and Accountability Division, CDE

Kimberly Born, Administrator, Title I Policy & Program Guidance Office, CDE

Joy Kessel, Consultant, ESSA Office, CDE

Patricia Ramirez, Analyst, ESSA Office, CDE

Call to Order: Meeting was called to order by Chair Isken at 8:33 a.m.

Salute to the Flag: Member Araceli Simeon led the flag salute.

Communications, Announcements, and Special Presentations: none.

Agenda Items:

Item 04
Subject: Review of Options for Key Indicators for the State and Federal Accountability and Continuous Improvement System, including, but not limited to, Small Group Activity and Large Group Discussion on Recommendations.

Type of Action: Action, Information

Recommendation: This item is for information only. No specific action is recommended at this time.

ACTION: No Action Taken.

·  Presentation by CDE Deputy Superintendent Ashley.

Call for public comment:

1.  Jessica Sawko, California Science Teachers Association

Item 05
Subject: Review of Options for Local Data Criteria and Selection for the Local Control Funding Formula Evaluation Rubrics, including, but not limited to, Small Group Activity and Large Group Discussion on Recommendations.

Type of Action: Action, Information

·  Presentation by SBE Senior Fellow Brownell

·  After the presentation, SBE Senior Fellow Brownell introduced the small group activity and excused members to join their table groups.

·  Representatives from the small groups presented comments and suggestions.

Call for public comment: Jessica Sawko, CSTA.

Action: Vice-Chair Mansala presented a motion for members to respond to: I move that we recommend to the State Board that they continue to revisit, review, and update with the input from stakeholders the potential local metrics on a yearly and or as needed basis.

Member Kimberly Kenne seconded the motion.

No public comment requests were received.

Members unanimously indicated their satisfaction with the motion.

Item 06
Subject: Review of the Draft Statements of Model Practices for the Local Control Funding Formula Evaluation Rubrics, including, but not limited to, Small Group Activity and Large Group Discussion on Recommendations.

Type of Action: Action, Information

·  Presentation provided by Senior Fellow Brownell

·  After the presentation, SBE Senior Fellow Brownell introduced the small group activity and excused members to join their table groups.

·  Representatives from the small groups presented comments and suggestions.

Action: Vice-Chair Mansala put forth the motion: I move that we recommend to the State Board to revise the organizing structure of the statements of model practices around three or more policy areas as needed once the final concise set of indicators and metrics are selected for the LCFF evaluation rubrics.

Member Karen Monroe seconded the motion and members unanimously indicated their comfort with the motion.

No public comment requests were received.

Vice-Chair Mansala put forth another motion: I move that we recommend to the State Board staff to review the Practitioners Advisory Group notes and feedback developed during the meeting today and as appropriate include them in the revision process of the statements of model practices.

Member seconded the motion.

No public comment requests were received.

Members unanimously indicated their satisfaction with the motion.

Item 07
Subject: GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT. Public Comment is invited on any matter not included on the printed agenda. Depending on the number of individuals wishing to address the California Practitioners Advisory Group, the presiding officer may establish specific time limits on presentations.

Type of Action: Information

No public comment requests were received.

Closing Comments

SBE staff, SBE Liaisons, ESSA State Lead Murchison, and Chair Isken made closing remarks.


Chair Isken adjourned the meeting at approximately 3:31 p.m.