AAC Meeting Minutes
April 11, 2017, USF St Pete Campus, Lynn Pippenger Hall
- Call to Order: 2:00 pm
- Guest Speaker: Jim Schnur, Librarian and Head of Special Collections & Archives
Mr. Schnur provided a detailed history of the evolution of the USF St. Pete campus with photos and interesting information including:
- Part of the campus used to be Indian mounds
- During St Pete pioneer settlement times, shell mounds were created through dredging
- Now, the shoreline has many straight lines, which were created through dredging.
- This area of St. Pete used to be the industrial section of St. Pete
- The Maritime Training Facility housed USF St. Pete for a few years.
- The pool built in 1939 was used for training the Maritime Service member. They used to throw gasoline on it, light it on fire, and train in the water below.
- In the 1950’s, people began moving into Florida.
- In 1956 USF was chartered.
- It was called “South” due to political reasons; the name was intended to tell the legislature that it was the 4th Florida university, so there won’t be another one for a long time.
- Some thought was given to putting the main USF campus near where state route 60 comes in by Tampa International Airport, but the current location was chosen because it was a vacant military base.
- John Allen came from Gainesville and knew the political landscape within Florida.
- In 1965 USF St. Pete opened as a temporary campus, and was called the “Bay Campus”
- In September 1965 it became clear that there was a desire to make it permanent.
- Dr. Christ and John Allen kept working on making it permanent, behind the scenes.
- In 1968 the campus, called the “Bay Borough Campus” opened as a branch campus.
- In 1969 legislation was written allowing it to exist.
- It was the first branch campus in Florida, and expanded through the 1970’s.
- In 1978 there was an official ground breaking on campus for a building sought after by Nelson Poynter, who passed away one day after the groundbreaking.
- The St. Pete campus grew and two substantial problems were that 1) students had a hard time moving between campuses, and 2) all employees had two reviews completed each year (one for St. Pete campus, and on for Tampa Campus).
- A new library was built in 1996.
- In 1998 St. Pete Junior College and USFSP partnered.
- Senator Don Sullivan, while in the process of retiring, tried to find a way for himself to become President of USFSP.
- In 2002, Ralph Wilcox became the campus administrator. He hired 40 faculty and was able to obtain more sovereignty for the campus, and began the accreditation process.
- USFSP received SACS accreditation in 2006, making them the first of USF’s campuses to become separately accredited.
Mr. Schnur’s presentation concluded at 2:32 pm.
AAC Representative: Stephanie Fuhr (AAC member) began her presentation at 2:33 pm.
Her area is the Online Learning & Instructional Technology Services. They help instructors and faculty design and build online courses. They also:
- Assist with professional development
- Provide classroom support
- Manage the USF ID center
- Manage the student technology center
- Manage the Center for Innovative Technology and Learning
USFSP offers about 30% of their fall and spring courses online, and about 60% of their summer courses are online. There are 6 programs completely online. They have one course designer per college. The designers work one on one with faculty, and they take an average of two semesters to create an online version of a course. Some technology they find useful includes:
- Lightboard
- Studio Classroom
- Sound Studio
Some example of technology transfer for professional development; technology workshops, and the annual learning symposium. A few programs unique to USFSP are; the Brewing Program, puppy raisers program, the Southeastern Guide Dog program, and the focus on accessibility.
Ms. Fuhr’s presentation ended at 2:46 pm.
- Approval of Minutes for March: President Collins determined that no quorum was present to approve the March Minutes.
- Committee Reports:
Community Breakfast: Ms. Collins shared the recent AAC Annual Community breakfast had 164 paid attendees and it all went well. The Mayor was on time. She and Marsha Pesch will be creating a “how to” document on running that event.Will be sent to all AAC members for the May meeting.
Web and Portal Team: We are very close to converting the AAC web site to the CMS. The pictures from the breakfast are up on the site already.
Speakers Committee: Speakers for May will be Dr. Roger Brindley, USF System Vice President for USF World and Ben Chamberlain, International Risk and Security Officer.
WOW: On hold for a while.
Elections Committee: Will be at work in April and in May will have a report on what election districts have been formed, and will move on from there. The bulk of the election work is done in May, and by the end of June, we have the results in.
Constituent Assignment: Activity is on hold until the new membership is determined.
Lunches with the President: Peggy Allen, AAC representative, provided some information on what was discussed at the 3/27 luncheon with President Genshaft.
- USF is working with HART line on more transportation options for the USF campus.
- USF would like to push international studies and internships. These are not currently required but some feel they should be.
- The Banner system has some problems, which are being addressed. Chris Akin commented:
- IT is expending some energy reviewing it.
- The current Banner is not meeting USF’s needs.
- The Registrar is reviewing it in detail and will make a recommendation.
- There are not too many choices on the market.
- One specific problem with the current version is that it cannot deal with dual degree students.
- USF is becoming THE employer where people really would like to work.
- Budget Update:
- E&G base: $553
- Carryforward: $153
- Auxiliary: $9868.92
- Concession funds : $900 in there, but $500 to be used, leaving $400
- Aramark GIK: $1050 of $1050 used, $0 remains
- Foundation fund : $719.13 so far
Special Projects: Chris Akin outlined the Charter for the Special Projects group
The Special Projects group is to, over the next 6 months or so, carefully analyze and update the AAC constitution and bylaws so that things are more consistent, and to address a few problems that have become evident (AAC too large?, Proxy voting / no quorums?, Officer out, how to proceed?). Members of this committee are:
- Chris Akin
- Lauren Shaw
- Chad Whistle
- Theile Riordan
- Issues from the floor: Query at 3:17 pm
- FLSA timeline (overtime pay for salaried folks earning under a certain amount of money annually); this is on hold pending a lawsuit.
- 2017 Meet the Council Event – Ice Cream Social/Feed-a-Bull Fundraiser – May 9th… Encourage Brain Freeze
- Proxy concept – miss meeting but provide proxy vote to fellow council member
- Motion to Spend $ on gift for council members
Ms. Collins requested that the following items be approved (a. through d. below). On April 13th, 2017, Ken Short made a motion to approve each of the four items. Marsha Pesch seconded the motion, and a subsequent vote was taken.
On April 26th, 2017, the motion was approved by the following vote:
- The March 2017 minutes as written – APPROVED BY COUNT OF 38 YES, 0 NO, 0 ABSTAINED
- Verification (we voted on this in October 2017) of the use of the remaining $400.00 balance from the Concessions Fund for the Ice Cream Social/Meet your Council Member on May 9th meeting – APPROVED BY COUNT OF 38 YES, 0 NO, 0 ABSTAINED
- Use of auxiliary funds and carry over funds (if allowed per USF guidelines) – up to $1700.00 for the token of appreciation for the council members current and future – APPROVED BY COUNT OF 37 YES, 1 NO, 0 ABSTAINED
- Suggest to non-attending members that they grant their proxy vote to a member of their choosing, as per our bylaws (SEE BELOW):– APPROVED BY COUNT OF 37 YES, 1 NO, 0 ABSTAINED although a clarification was requested on the motion not matching bylaws listed below. This was a typo as it should have meant to identify “an Executive Committee Member” of their choosing.
Section 1. Meeting Quorum
A quorum of the Council shall be fifty percent (50%) plus one (1) of the membership including any and all members who attend by alternative meeting method or provide their proxy to a member of the Executive Committee.The President shall not take the Chair until a quorum is present. If a quorum is not present after fifteen minutes, the President may take the Chair for the purpose of setting a new time and adjourning the meeting. Members must be notified in good time of the next meeting.
Any votes collected by means of an alternative method shall not be binding until a quorum of the Council responds in the allotted time for the vote. If a quorum does not respond within the allotted time, the motion will be tabled until the next regularly scheduled meeting.
- AAC Meeting adjourned at 3:23 pm
John Johnson and Stephanie Fuhr provided a walking tour of the USFSP campus for interested AAC members