Approved SEC Minutes
15 March 2017


Adrian Stephens
David Law
Don Heirman
Fred Surre
James Irvine
Jeff Handal
Lynn Catlin
Tarek El-Bawab

Kevin Lu
Mark Pelham
Jennifer McClain
Susan Tatiner



1.  Call to Order (Irvine)

2.  Introductions/Roll Call (Irvine)

3.  Approval of draft agenda (Irvine)

4.  Approval of draft minutes from 20 February 2017(Irvine)

5.  Updated IEEE Policy Paper on Role of Standards in Curriculum(Irvine)

6.  Developing material for finding/identifying standards(McClain/Lynn Catlin
from Boise State U)

7.  Upcoming EAB Mini-Series and SEC Slide(McClain/Irvine)

8.  Standards University Updates

a.  Game (Irvine/McClain)

b.  eZine (Trivedi/McClain/Pelham)

c.  Workshops (McClain)

1.  Strathclyde University

2.  Dublin Outreach

d.  Library and Featured Content Ad-hoc (Surre/Tatiner)

e.  Videos and Webinars Ad-hoc (Surre/McClain)

1.  Captioning Services through RIT (McClain)

f.  Website (including Google Analytics updates) (Tatiner)

9.  Review of new student grant application(Irvine)

10.  Newly Proposed 2017 Teleconference/Meeting Schedule(McClain)

11.  Other business (Irvine)

12.  Next call is Wednesday, 12 April 2017, at 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM Eastern

13.  Adjourn



  1. James Irvine called meeting to order at 10:00 AM Eastern.
  2. All attendees introduced themselves.
  3. Agenda was approved by unanimous consent.
  4. Motion to approve draft minutes from 20 February 2017 was made by Don Heirman and seconded by Adrian Stephens. Minutes were approved without objection.
  5. For revisions to the IEEE Policy Paper on Role of Standards in Curriculum, the SEC members voted to approve the draft. Don Heirman made motion to accept the changes made to the draft which was circulated to the SEC members. Howard Wolfman seconded the motion. Motion was approved. Action: Jennifer to send to EAB and to the SA BoG for consideration and approval.
  6. Lynn Catlin from Boise State University presented ideas for developing curriculum materials to help students find standards and help determine which standards are needed for projects and for product development

a.  Lynn offered an introduction of his professional background, with short PPT, before presenting curriculum ideas. See slides attached to item #6 in agenda.

b.  Lynn made the argument that students need greater exposure to standards. A challenge exists for students to properly search for and find standards.

c.  Lynn desires to teach student how to find and use standards within their work.

·  Proposes a learning unit to introduce use of standards.

·  Creating a case study related to a student’s field of study.

·  An exercise matching concept to applicable standards.

·  How to understand international export issues, such as CE, CSA, CCC, etc., for regulations and exports

d.  SEC members offered a few suggestions including:

·  Include how a product’s lifespan plays out and complies with legal regulations

·  Separate the instruction of the standards, product development, and the process of design and analysis.

e.  We can share the materials we have already developed. Developing additional case studies would also be useful to add to ISU site.

f.  Group agreed there is a need for this type of material. Nothing like this exists from what we know. Developing material for ‘How to use standards in the design of a product’ would be very useful.

g.  Lynn noted that he is looking for our involvement and would like to work collaboratively with IEEE staff and volunteers to develop curriculum materials. He is looking for instructional and pedagogy support for developing a class or workshop that Boise could run for all their engineering undergraduates to learn about standards.

h.  Jennifer suggested that this could be something developed within Educational Activities. James suggested that this discussion continue within EA mini-series and over email.

i.  Lynn noted that any materials will need a scripts or CC, for accessibility purposes.

  1. James reported that the SEC needs to provide one slide updating the EAB at the upcoming Mini-Series (23 March – 25 March 2017). Slide template has been provided.

a.  James presented the draft slide for SEC review. See draft slide attached to item #7 of agenda. He will present the update to the EAB showing the current status and our plans for 2017 and 2018. An important objective for 2017 is to develop our follow up plan.

b.  EAB is largely happy with the progress of Standards University.

  1. Items under agenda #8 were skipped due to time constraints. Updates on the ISU activities will be made during the next call.
  2. Jennifer reported that a professor from RIT would like to use some of our ISU videos, but they need closed captioning. They propose:

·  RIT would add CC’s to videos using their internal services.

·  RIT would not charge IEEE for this service.

·  IEEE could then use the videos with the closed captioning.

·  SEC members agreed to yes move forward. No objections offered.

  1. Tarek reminded the group that his proposal for integrating standards curriculum needs to be reviewed.

·  Fred stated that this item has been discussed and is in progress and that there will be a follow up within the coming days.

  1. Group reviewed student grant application #255

·  No objections offered to approving the student grant.

·  Grant application #255 was approved.

  1. Last item of discussion was the new proposed meeting schedule for 2017. SEC meeting site for the revised dates at
  2. Next teleconference is 12 April 2017 at 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM Eastern.


Summary of Action Items

1)  Jennifer to send to new draft IEEE Position Paper on Role of Standards to the EAB and to the SA BoG for review and consideration.

2)  Jennifer to follow up with Lynn Catlin at Boise State.