Strategic Plan
Approved April 5, 2016. Updated August 2016, January 2017, and April 2018.
Objectives / Activities/Strategies / Persons Responsible / Timeline / Highlights / Date CompletedGoal 1: Promote collaboration in early childhood professional development. (Regional Consortia, Governance)
1a: Collaborate in planning and implementation of PD events at state and regional levels. Encourage cross-sector participation. / Assist regional VCPD leaders in planning and coordination of an annual regional summit. /
- Regional Consortia
- VCPD Coordinator
- All VCPD Members
Central: June 2018
Western:April 2018
Northern: May 2018
Piedmont:May 2018 / Eastern: Jan. 2016,March 2017
Central: April 2016, April 2017
Western: May 2016, April 2017
Northern: May 2016, May 2017
Piedmont: June 2016, May 2017
Encourage Regional Consortia to assess and respond to needs of PD providers in their regions. /
- Regional Consortia
- VCPD Coordinator
1b: Explore avenues for purposeful planning of collaborative professional development. / Consider opportunities for information sharing/quick updates on planned work at meetings. /
- VCPD Governance
- VCPD Coordinator
- Regional Consortia
VQ Masters trained to offer VCPD 101 training. Training sponsored through VQ funds
1c: Increase the knowledge of All VCPD Members regarding early childhood agencies/organizations,their PD resources, and opportunities for collaboration. / Continue to offer Agency Spotlight presentations at VCPD meetings. /
- VCPD Coordinator
- Governance
- Invited VCPD representatives
Feb: ChildSavers
Mar: VECF / 2015
Aug: Nemours
Nov: Project HOPE
Jan: Home Visiting Consortium
Feb: Learn the Signs. Act Early.
Apr: Military Child Care
Aug: CCA Shared Services
Dec: VDOE’s T/TACs
Jun: Health Department
Sept: Wingspan
Nov: ARC
Archivematerials and/or presentations from Agency Spotlights on the VCPD website. /
- VCPD Coordinator
Update agency/organization profiles on the VCPD website.
Add/delete agencies and organizations as appropriate. /
- VCPD Coordinator
- VCPD Agency Representatives
May 2018 / 2017: Added DBVI and NVAAEYC; updated Early Impact Virginia
2018: Deleted Military Child Care; added ICF/Head Start TA and CASTL
Review and revisions in process March 2018. / February 2016
1d: Use the VCPD website to coordinate dates/locales and market PD events at state and regional levels. / Provide access to the statewide VCPD website and offer technical assistance to regional consortia when needed. /
- VCPD Coordinator
- Regional Consortia
- All VCPD Members
1e: Continue to seek representation of a broad range of PD providers in regional consortia and VCPD events. / Review regional consortia participation by roles/agencies to reflect full All VCPD Membership as appropriate.
Add VCPD 101 participants to VCPD Regional Consortia contact lists. /
- Regional Consortia
- VCPD Coordinator
- Governance
. / Invite ACE and DDHH reps?
Put on hold in January 2017
Goal 2: Enhance the knowledge, skills, and abilities of early childhood professional development providers. (Governance, Regional Consortia, Quality Assurance)
2a: Continue to add resources for trainers to the VCPD website. /
- VCPD Coordinator
- Submissions from all members
2b: Continue to share tips for trainers at face-to-face and webinar VCPD meetings. /
- VCPD Coordinator
- All VCPD Members
Feb: 90/20/8 Rule and 10/90% Recall
Mar: Shrinking and stretching a presentation, Pot of Gold opener / 2016
Mar: Egg small group selection, learning quotes in plastic eggs
Jun: Tic-Tac-Toe refresher/recharger, t-shirt opener
Oct: Changing Leaves opener, VCPD 101 Challenging Participants
Dec: Four Corners with holiday analogies, VCPD 101 Handouts
Sept: Forming Small Groups
Nov: Handout Disasters
Dec: Wish List opener, UnConferences
2c: Complete development of VCPD 101: Becoming an Effective Early Childhood Professional Development Provider. Modules include:
1) Interactive, Participant-Centered Instructional Strategies
2) Understanding Adult Learners
3) Designing Professional Development
4) Delivering Professional Development
5) Planning Professional
Development / Continue to refine and update modules. /
- VCPD Coordinator
Complete development of Module 5, Planning Professional Development. /
- VCPD Coordinator
Determine if a plan or event for training VCPD 101 “master” trainers is appropriate. /
- Governance
- VCPD Coordinator
- Sandy Wilberger
December 2017 / VQ Masters trained as VCPD 101 trainers.
New process of observing training and then co-training with VCPD Coordinator developed and implemented. / November 2016
December 2017
Identify a strategy for evaluating the impact of the curriculum in terms of numbers trained, techniques incorporated by participants, etc. /
- Governance
- VCPD Coordinator
2d: Continue to offer VCPD 101modules at early childhood events. / Include VCPD 101 content in regional summits as requested.
Offer VCPD 101 content for future Eastern consortia events.
Consider offering a preconference day for PD providers in conjunction with CCSS 2017.
. . /
- Regional Governance
- VCPD Coordinator
Module 2 as a breakout choice
Modules 1 and 2 with Marta Szuba
Module 1with Robin Grossman and
Module 2 as a breakout choice
New Module 5 (or variation) to be presented at 2018 Western Summit in April 2018
New Module 5 (or variation) to be presented at 2018 Central Summit in June 2018
July 2017 / Central April 2016
Northern May 2016
Piedmont June 2016
Western May 2016
2017: Not a priority
Proposal submitted. Bumped off CCSS 2017 program due to space issues
Offer VCPD 101 module content as a full-day institute at the 2016 and 2017 VAECE Conferences.
Present modules at future VAAEYC conferences when possible. /
- VCPD Coordinator
- Other Presenters
March 2018 Modules 3 and 5 with Peggy Watkins
Deliver VCPD 101 training at early childhood conferences and staff development sessions. /
- Governance
- Regional Consortia
- VCPD Coordinator
Modules 1 and 3 presented to ITSN staff in Williamsburg
Proposal submitted for NAEYC conference in DC in November 2018 / April 2017
June 2017
March 2018
2e: Explore additional opportunities to utilize VCPD 101 to improve the skills of early childhood professional development providers. / Consider Head Start, VPI+, ITSN, Early Impact Virginia, and others. /
- Governance
- VCPD Coordinator
2f: Investigate opportunities to offer VCPD 101 on a regularly scheduled basis for a fee or on a contractual basis through VCPD agencies/organizations. / Beginning February 2018, VDSS contract requires coordination of three trainings annually. /
- Governance
- VCPD Coordinator
- All VCPD Members
2018-19 regional trainings in the planning stage:
Fredericksburg: June 2018
Eastern: TBD fall/winter 2018-19
Northern: TBD 2018-19 / Hampton: February 2017
Wytheville: February 2017
Roanoke: March 2017
Fredericksburg: March 2017
Richmond: January 2018
Harrisonburg: March 2018
2g: Determine if/how technology could be used as a part of VCPD 101. /
- VCPD Coordinator
- Governance
2h: Implement strategies for follow up coaching and support for VCPD 101 participants. / Offer coaching to individual participants on PD design via email, telephone, and webinar.
Offer Module 5 to past participants to reinforce and extend Modules 1-4 training. /
- VCPD Coordinator
- Other VCPD 101 Trainers
2i: Identify existing recommended practice resources on coaching, facilitating professional learning communities, use of technology for professional development, etc. and add to the VCPD website. / Convene small group of T/TA providers to identify current high quality resources.
Seek input from all VCPD Members. /
- VCPD Coordinator
- Governance
- Quality Assurance
- All VCPD Members
2j: Explore offering training on the use of technology (e.g., webinars, blogs, Facebook) to deliver professional development. /
- VCPD Coordinator
- Governance
- Quality Assurance
2k: Consider development of training for mentors/coaches. /
- VCPD Coordinator
- Governance
- Quality Assurance
2l: Consider development of training for professional learning community facilitators. /
- VCPD Coordinator
- Governance
- Quality Assurance
Goal 3: Improve the knowledge, skills, and abilities of early childhood direct service providers. (Regional, Governance, Quality Assurance)
3a: Include training opportunities, the TIPS calendar, and topical resources on the VCPD website. /
- VCPD Coordinator
- Regional Consortia
- Submissions from All VCPD Members
3b: Respond to requests for participation in VCPD member agency/organization professional development events. / Present sessions and VCPD updates.
Provide VCPD exhibit. Share VDSS and IMPACT materials. /
- VCPD Coordinator
- Governance
- All VCPD Members
3c: Promote the consistent use of state recommended practices (e.g., Milestones, Foundation Blocks, etc.) and the Competencies for Early Childhood Professionals in professional development. / Maintain current list of Virginia resources on VCPD website.
Add topic to future VCPD meeting agenda. /
- All VCPD Members
- VCPD Coordinator
Goal 4: Support college and university faculty members in preparing early childhood direct service providers. (Higher Education, Governance)
4a: Identify at least one university and one community college faculty member to serve on the full VCPD. /
- VCPD Coordinator
Mira Cole Williams (JMU)
Kim Gregory (VWCC/Davenport) / February 2016
Kim replaced Belinda Fall 2017.
4b: Hold periodic HE Workgroup meetings/PD events via webinar. /
- VCPD Coordinator
- Dawn Hendricks
- HE Steering Group
May 2019
March 2019 / Higher Education logo developed.
Consider webinar on VDOE licensure changes when finalized.
Consider Emergent Issues Webinar with Maureen Greer (ECPC) / June 2016
Webinar on ECSE programs held February 10, 2017.
4c: Offer an annual Faculty Institute. /
- VCPD Coordinator
- Dawn Hendricks
- HE Workgroup
- VCU T/TAC Event Coordinator
September 28-29, 2017 in Charlottesville with John Richardson-Lauve
4d: Develop an inventory of Virginia IHEs to include ECSE, EC, and Related Services programs: degrees, licensure, certificates; fulltime and adjunct faculty; program delivery models, contact name, etc.) /
- RU/LC Consortium Faculty
- Dawn Hendricks
- HE Steering Group
Webinar to share results of ECSE programs survey on February 10, 2017.
4e: Distribute information of interest to faculty members via email as appropriate. /
- VCPD Coordinator
- VCPD HE representatives
4f: Encourage faculty participation in VCPD initiatives including regional summits, VCPD 101, etc. /
- VCPD Coordinator
- VCPD HE representatives
Goal 5: Promote the use of inclusive practices in early childhood. (IP Task Force, ECPC Team/Governance)
5a: Maximize technical assistance available through the Early Childhood Personnel Center (ECPC). /
- VCPD Governance/ECPC Leadership Team
- HE Steering Committee
- VCPD Coordinator
- Kim Sopko (2017)
- Mary Beth Bruder (2018)
May 2019 / ECPC liaison met with VCPD Governance monthly in 2017.
New Inclusive Practices Task Force formed to sustain activities beyond 2017 end of first ECPC funding cycle.
Consider Emergent Issues Webinar with Maureen Greer (ECPC) / 2017
5b: Increase knowledge of national recommended practices in preparation of Part C and 619 personnel through attendance at the ECPC Leadership Institute. / Determine details and funding for participation annually. /
- Deana Buck
- Kathy Gillikin
- Jaye Harvey
- Dawn Hendricks
- Cori Hill
- Sandy Wilberger
- Tracey Edman (2017)
September 2017
June 2018 planned
October 2017
5c: Implement action plan of the Inclusive Practices Task Force. / Educate early childhood stakeholders.
Strengthen and inform state resources.
Collaborate with IHEs. /
- IP Task Force
- VCPD Coordinator
Goal 6: Promote high quality professional development. (Quality Assurance, Regional Consortia)
6a: Expand the resources regarding high quality professional development on the VCPD website. /
- VCPD Coordinator
- QA Workgroup
- All VCPD Members
6c: Distribute a “Tips for Trainers” (professional development providers) type newsletter. /
- QA Workgroup
6b: Encourage Regional Consortia to distribute a monthly communication to members including a tip for trainers. /
- Regional Consortia
- VCPD Coordinator
6c: Develop observation tool for early childhood PD presenters based upon competencies and VCPD 101 training. / Identify available resources from member agencies/organizations. Link to VCPD trainer competencies and VCPD 101.
Pilot use upon request of VCPD 101 participants. /
- Quality Assurance
- VCPD Coordinator
6d: Investigate strategies for peer-to-peer observation/feedback and/or use of videotaping and reflection to improve the skills of PD providers. /
- QA Workgroup
- VCPD Coordinator
6e: Communicate/coordinate regarding development of registries and qualifications for trainers/coaches in order to develop cross-sector approaches. / Share VDSS marketing materials for the IMPACT Registry on the VCPD website, at VCPD 101 trainings, at the IHE Faculty Institute and at other state and regional events. /
- QA Workgroup
- VCPD Member Agencies/Organizations
- VCPD Coordinator
- VDSS Staff
6f: Utilize involvement in QRIS Technical Assistance Peer Learning Group (sponsored by the National Center on Early Childhood Quality Assurance) to support our work. / Identify resources and successful strategies from other states and national organizations. /
- QA Workgroup Convener
- VCPD Coordinator
- Sandy Wilberger
- Kathy Gillikin
Goal 7: Embed VCPD into Virginia’s early childhood initiatives. (Governance, Regional Consortia)
7a: Promote VCPD presence and participation on state and regional task forces, workgroups, committees and/or initiatives that impact the early childhood workforce / Develop a master list of All VCPD Members from across the Commonwealth who could attend meetings when the Coordinator can’t. They would attend as a representative of VCPD and not their primary agency. /
- VCPD Coordinator
- Governance
- All VCPD Members
- Regional Consortia
2016: Submitted nominees for SRC. No All VCPD Members selected. SRC staffer Holly Coy presented at Faculty Institute.
2017: Met with SRC members. Miller and Schull presented at Faculty Institute. Governance members attended meetings. VECF president invited to update full VCPD at December meeting.
2018: VECF President invited to March meeting to update (replacing December 2017)
Promote IP Task Force efforts if JLARC recommendation for a state level task force is implemented
Continue to support VCPD members in applying for appointment to the SRC.
Respond to requests for representation on behalf of VCPD as needed. /
- VCPD Coordinator
- Governance
- All VCPD Members
- Regional Consortia
Promote VCPD in addition to primary roles. /
- All VCPD Members
7b: Encourage identification of VCPD affiliation by members on state and regional task forces. /
- Governance
- All VCPD Members
7c: Identify and pursue opportunities for cross-sector professional development in state and regional initiatives. / Ensure discussion of opportunities for VCPD representation on regional consortia meeting agendas. /
- Governance
- Regional Consortia
- All VCPD Members
2017: Invited other PD providers to VCPD 101 for VQ/SB on a space available basis.
Goal 8: Increase awareness of VCPD and VCPD resources. (Governance, Regional Consortia)
8a: Develop a “Top 10 Ways to Promote VCPD” (more intentional ideas to make VCPD visually present in our work at meetings, conferences, in reports and grant applications, etc.) / Put on agenda for upcoming face-to-face meeting. /
- VCPD Coordinator
- VCPD Governance
- All VCPD Members
8b: Develop infographic(s). / Infographic for legislators with fiscal and other benefits
Infographic for those interested in being involved in regional VCPD with resources, possibly add spot for regional customization. /
- VCPD Coordinator
- VCPD Governance
Consider how to “tell our story” of accomplishments. Possibly include quotes.
8c: Maintain and enhance the VCPD website / Maintain current information on all pages. /
- VCPD Coordinator
- CCA Regional Staff
Continue to add resources for PD
. /
- VCPD Coordinator
- All VCPD Members (input)
Establish capacity to gather data on visits to website (number of users, length of time, how accessed, etc.) /
- VCPD Coordinator
- VCU T/TAC Technology Staff