Welcome students and staff.
Today is Monday, September 24, 2012.
Please stand for the pledge to the flag. I pledge allegiance to the flag, of the United States of America. And to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Please remain standing for a moment of silence. Thank you, please be seated.
Report card grades for E-classes must be submitted in eSembler by tomorrow no later than 4:00 p.m.
NOV. 7TH AT 6:30 P.M
All grade level parents
are welcome to attend.
· Deadline for the Merit Based Scholarship Applications at FSU is November 16th, 2012
· Deadline for need-based scholarships is March 1st, 2013.
· For more information, see Mrs. Morgan is Guidance or go to www.unf.edu/admissions/scholarships/Freshman Scholarship.Home.aspx
· Also, the open house for Orlando Area is at the Hyatt Place, Lake Mary Fl. Check the school website for more information.
· Florida Hospital University in Orlando is having an open house for Nursing and Nurse Anesthesia on October 2nd at 6 p.m. Register at: adu.edu/open-house.
· Ringling College of Art and Design…..October 13th, 8:30 am-12:30 p.m. for more info go to www.ringling.edu/admissionsevents.
· University of Florida’s Rinker School of Building Construction is having an open house for High School Students on Saturday October 13th from 11 am-12:30 p.m.. To register, please go to the UF website or see Mrs. Croker for more information.
· The Coca-Cola Scholarship is now available for seniors in the guidance office. Deadline is October 31, 2012.
· College Night Is October 8th 6-8 p.m. at LSCC
· College Visitations here at THS in the Cafeteria
Jacksonville University , October 8th, both lunches
· University of North Florida is having an Open House on Saturday. For more information on campus tours and admission information please go to
Priority Admission Deadline for 2013 Freshmen is November 16th.
· Attention Seniors, This Wednesday during homebase we will be taking our 2013 picture on the football field. Please go to homebase on Wednesday for attendance and then go directly to the field. Please wear red, white or black.
· Class of 2015 float meeting this Wednesday – after school in Mrs. Elwart’s room.
· The Art/Photography club will meet today at 2:30. Members running for officer positions must be present. Elections will be held today so please attend the meeting to cast your vote.
· Attention Yearbook Club Members, There will be no yearbook club meeting today. We will have our next meeting Monday, October 1st.
· Be prepared to turn our entire stadium to the color red. We are having a RED–OUT varsity game on October 5th against Lake Nona. THS will be supporting the American Heart Association – by having everyone wear a Rock the Beat Red T-Shirt. Please buy yours today from any Key Club member and show how THS has the biggest Heart!
· HOSA will have a meeting on Tuesday after school in Mrs. Abeele's room. It will be less than one hour, so come when you can and stay as long as you can.
· “Attention All “Help Our Planet Earth” or HOPE Club members and future members: There will be a HOPE Club meeting at 2:30 on Thursday in Mrs. Farner’s room. There will be a HOPE Club officers meeting Wednesday at 1:30, also in Mrs. Farner’s room.
· Volunteers needed at Leesburg center for the ARTS – the Lowes Hero’s Program. Painting….this Wednesday. If you are interested see Mrs. Elwart for details.
Word of the Day
In Case You're Wandering Word of the Day:
Today's noun is the result of an add-on to a 16th century borrowing from French: the adjective peregrine, "tending to wander," which may be familiar from the falcon that bears this epithet. The next formation was peregrinate, "travel or wander," and soon thereafter, the peregrination was born: a wandering journey. The word pilgrim is distantly related.
On This Day in History
1789 - The U.S. Congress passed the First Judiciary Act. The act provided for an Attorney General and a lower federal courts.
1869 - Thousands of businessmen were financially ruined after a panic on Wall Street. The panic was caused by an attempt to corner the gold market by Jay Gould and James Fisk.
1915 - "The Lamb," Douglas Fairbanks first film, was shown at the Knickerbocker Theater in New York City, NY.
1929 - The first all-instrument flight took place in New York when Lt. James H. Doolittle guided a Consolidated NY2 Biplane over Mitchell Field.
1933 - "Roses and Drums" was heard on WABC in New York City. It was the first dramatic presentation for radio.
1934 - Babe Ruth played his last game as a New York Yankee player.
1938 - Don Budge became the first tennis player to win all four of the major titles when he won the U.S. Tennis Open. He had already won the Australian Open, the French Open and the British Open.
1955 - U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower suffered a heart attack while on vacation in Denver, CO.
1957 - The Brooklyn Dodgers played their last game at Ebbets Field.
1957 - U.S. President Eisenhower sent federal troops to Little Rock, AR, to enforce school integration.
1960 - The first nuclear powered aircraft carrier was launched. The USS Enterprise set out from Newport News, VA.
1961 - "The Bullwinkle Show" premiered in prime time on NBC-TV. The show was originally on ABC in the afternoon as "Rocky and His Friends."
1963 - The U.S. Senate ratified a treaty that limited nuclear testing. The treaty was between the U.S., Britain, and the Soviet Union.
1968 - "60 Minutes" premiered on CBS-TV.
1968 - "The Mod Squad" premiered on ABC-TV.
1977 - "The Love Boat" debuted on ABC-TV. The theme song was sung by Jack Jones and was written by Paul Williams and Charles Fox.
1995 - Three decades of Israeli occupation of West Bank cities ended with the signing of a pact by Israel and the PLO.
1996 - The United States, represented by President Clinton, and the world's other major nuclear powers signed a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty to end all testing and development of nuclear weapons.
1998 - The U.S. Federal Reserve released into circulation $2 billion in new harder-to-counterfeit $20 bills.
2001 - U.S. President George W. Bush froze the assets of 27 suspected terrorists and terrorist groups.
2003 - Anthony Hopkins received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.