Los AngelesMissionCollege Council
March 19, 2009
CampusCenter 1 – 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Present: (Need 10 for Quorum)
Valles, JudithPresident
Bernal, VilmaProfessional Development Co-Chair
Bortman, WalterFacilities Committee Co-Chair
Echeverri, Angela Faculty Senate Representative
Fenyes, Maria AFTCollege Guild Representative
Flood, Pat Student Learning Outcomes Coordinator
Garcia, BlancaASO President
Hoefel, KarenBudget and Planning Resource Person
Johnson-Hawkins, AlmaEducational Planning Resource Person
Jordan, DavidTechnology Committee Co-Chair
Milke, LeslieBudget and Planning Committee Co-Chair
Pearl, Maury Technology Committee Resource Person
Ramirez, Joe Student Support Services Resource Person
Rodriguez-Doucette, ZoilaSupervisory Unit Representative
Romulo, Alfred Associate Dean, Academic Affairs
Silver, JaniceEducational Planning Committee Co-Chair
Torres, RosalieStudent Support Services Co-Chair
Murray, MarianAFT Staff Guild Representative
Zayas, EdProfessional Development Resource Person
Klitsner, JohnAthletic Director
Mendoza, Mary LouFinancial Aid
Swerdlow, NadiaDean, Academic Affairs
Nunez, LuzAFT Staff Guild Representative
Quintanilla, NickCollege Project Manager
Walters, MicheleGSE
EIR ConsultantURS
Leo A Daly
April 16, 2009
May 21, 2009
June 18, 2009
The meeting convened at 1:36 p.m. andchaired by Joe Ramirez.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Leslie Milke moved and Karen Hoefelsecondedthe motion to approve the minutes of February 19, 2009; the motion passed unanimously.
REVISED MASTER PLAN/EIR: Karen Hoefel, Vice President of Administrative Services, introduced Nick Quintanilla - College Project Manager, URS, LEO A DALY, Michele Walters, and John Klitsner who were present for the report onthe Master Plan EIR amendments and the development of the college athletic facilities on the wash. The East Campus is on schedule to be complete by fall 2012, the Family and Consumer Studies building will be ready by 2010, and the Health, Fitness/Athletic Complex will be ready by fall 2009.
PORT PROP A/AA/MEASURE J UPDATE:Refer to theabove report under Revised Master Plan/EIR.
ASO: Blanca Garcia, ASO president, distributed newsletter with past and future activities planned. Blanca Garcia will finish her term as president this March.
WORK ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE: Gary Prostak submitted a written report. Maria Fenyes reported on the issue of the feral cats.
ACCREDITATION REPORT: Angela Echeverri, Faculty Senate Representative, reported that ACCJC has received our report. The college is looking forward tothe date of their visit.
BUDGET & PLANNING COMMITTEE: Karen Hoefel, Budget and Planning Resource Person, reported on the new Op Plan process implemented by budget & planning. She also noted that LAMCis expected to end with a positive balancebecause of a one-time incentive,for campuses growing and having unfunded FTES, to off-set any debt.
EDUCATIONAL PLANNING COMMITTEE: Janice Silver, Educational Planning Committee Co-Chair, presented 10 action items as a result of the Departmental Program Review Reports.Leslie Milke moved to approve all 10 action items as approved by EPC and the changes discussed. Zoila Rodriguez-Doucette seconded.The motion passed with one abstention.
PROFESSIONAL & STAFF DEVELOPMENT: Vilma Bernal, Professional Development Co-Chair, discussed the schedule of workshops for spring. Springfest is scheduled for May 9. The committee is also forming a Task Force to begin work for Flex Day.
STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES COMMITTEE: Rosalie Torres, Student Support Services Co-Chair, summarized the report noting that three teams have been assigned to analyze and make recommendations to the Program Review documents of each Student Services area.
TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE: David Jordan, Technology Committee Co-Chair,discussed the completion of the SWOT analysis for Admissions and Administrative Services. Title V/HSI, Math and Center for Excellence in Teaching collaborated with funding for laptops and computer programs.
SHARED GOVERNANCE TASK FORCE:Angela Echeverri, Faculty Senate Representative,presenteda list of 10recommendations based on the external evaluations. Leslie Milke recommended that the Shared Governance Task Force become the Co-Chairs of the Standing Committees, item #5. College Council reached consensus to approve all of the recommendations with the changes that were discussed and the exception of #4 which was tabled.
ACTION ITEMS: Karen Hoefel, Vice President of Administrative Services, presented two action items as follows:Recommendation 1 - In order to meet the master plan review and EIR requirements, and on-going bond oversight, it is recommended that College Council serve as the primary shared governance committee for facilities master plan review and bond oversight; Recommendation 2: It is recommended that the planning process for vacated spaces and transition space be coordinated through the Facilities Planning Committee. It is recommended that an exception be made for the Facilities Planning Committee to allow individuals who may be serving on one of the other shared governance committees to also serve on the Facilities Planning Committee to allow the broadest participation. Leslie Milke moved to approve both action items as presented, Janice Silver seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
SMART CARD UPDATE: Leslie Milke announced that on March 27 and April 3 there will be a demonstration of software for the Health Fitness/Athletic Complex.
SLOs REPORT: Pat Flood distributed two charts illustrating the Student Learning Outcome and Assessment progress over the past two years for the academic units.Over the last year (May of 2008 to January 2009), defined SLOs have increased from 61% to 74%; however, this includes all courses. If only active courses were counted, the number would be closer to 95%; courses with defined SLO assessments have increased from 59% to 69%; evaluation of assessments has increased from 20% to 40% and changes planned and implemented as a result of the assessments have increased from 14% to 33%. Though 40% of the academic units have reported assessments, not all have made changes as a result of the evaluation of their assessments; in some cases the evaluations resulted in affirmation that the SLOs are being met.
PRESIDENT’S REPORT: President Valles discussedthe importance of Flex Day attendance, staff evaluations, and the Strategic Plan timelines. Co-Chairs, Joe Ramirez and Leslie Milke, will work on the Strategic Plan Progress Report. The president has raised $96,000 for the Foundation.
ADJOURN: Meeting adjourned at 3:49 p.m.