Association Meeting
Meeting called to order: 7:07pm
Members Present:
Approval of meeting minutes 1-18-11 by unanimous vote
Announcement: Indoor track is open for training T/TH from 6-9pm to all.
Presidents Report:
- Shane announced that from this point forward, every aspect of our finances will be available at each of the meetings for anyone to view.
Request was made to make available both monthly and year to date statements available.
- Update provided regarding the account discovered at BofA which was utilized by Eugenia and Don Shepan. Currently we do not have enough information to determine the nature of this account.
- Update provided regarding the APS account. Discussion took place regarding the discrepancy in the account funding and lack of accounting. Again, the association is continuing looking into the full details and will hopefully present a full report next meeting.
- Because the by-laws will be up for review soon, please be prepared at the next meeting to begin discussion regarding proposals for By-law changes.
Treasurers Report:
- Javier presented his statement of why he has not been performing his duties as requested. He then proposed his desire to continue as treasurer and his willingness to make the changes requested by our new leadership.
Motion proposed to cancel special meeting which is set for March 18th, 2011. Motion seconded. ***PASSED***
- Report presented – see attached
- Request made by the Audit committee to develop a reimbursement form as well as a check request form. Shane to forward to Cassandra.
Motion proposed and seconded to approve the Treasurer’s Report ***PASSED***
- 509 current membership; 12 current clubs
- Regarding the IRS: Laurie did have a conversation with an IRS agent who requested a schedule A for all of the years that we need to file. Laurie will look over the documents and report back to the association.
Secretary’s Report: job descriptions
Committee Reports:
RaceWalking – Art Fuldauer
Clinic approaching for potential RW April 2, 2011
Announcement made that there is a need for RW officials for the upcoming Masters meet. No more than 5 would be needed according to Art.
Officials – Paul Gooris
Officials in general are desperately needed!!!!
E-mails have been sent to all officials in NM as well as all border states and Texas.
E-mail was received from USATF regarding training for officials. Paul will write an article and look into a link for our website.
LDR – Laura Bowerman
Looking at creating the Grand Prix for association. Laura and Shane met with Tom Rojas who represents TCR Productions. The desire is for all races to be held on certified courses.
Records: Tom has kept all records and that information has been passed on to Laura. She is attempting to collate the records but is requesting help. David will assist as will Shane.
Mens/Womens – open
Youth – Arlena Dickerson
Utah will potentially removed by the end of February. They will be moving to Snake River Association.
Arlena did suggest that in the event we need to add, we request West Texas. The region will be dependent upon what happens with Border.
Clyde Neff was contacted to do timing for regional meet.
Arlena has suggested that the best venue be UNM.
CC – Allan Swanson
NACAC race is being held this weekend
Old Business:
Elite meet – Angie announced that we are good regarding volunteers.
Packet pick up will be handled by Arlena
Masters – need is for field of play; there is a need for 20 Jr/Sr students to assist.
Biggest need is for Friday volunteers.
Mike Daney did receive an e-mail regarding age break downs. The association is responsible for awards for the 5K race which would then allow for the association to determine breakdown for awards. Laura will research and bring to next meeting.
New Business:
Angie and Shane did discuss the APS timing system with Kenny Barreras. We need to find out if the system is with FinishLynx. Angie will find out from Kenny. We do have a way to get training if that is the system.
APS is going to do construction at Wilson thus there would be no throwing events for all meets in May.
Youth Calendar:
5/7-8 Mother’s Day
5/15 AAT
5/28Memorial Day NMGames
6/4Great Southwest
6/18State Multi and CTC
6/19 State Multi
6/25-26 State
6/28 – 7/3 Youth Nationals
7/7 – 7/10 Region X
7/26 – 7/31 National JO’s
Everyone be prepared to discuss the running of the meets at the next meeting
March 24th
Meeting Adjourned 9:29