Apprentice Training

"Hi. It's Julie Renee. I'm a number brain rejuvenation expert and I'm so excited to be coming to you today to talk to you about the apprentice program and the quantum activations apprentice program is a yearlong training. There are 3 levels of this yearlong training all of which get you a certification. There is a foundational level that is the basic program and it really gives you the basics here of getting 12 classes and a few other additional things of time with me and whole group. It's a wonderful, wonderful experience where you're committing to and getting on board with doing activations for yourself every week for you know, the whole year."

"And then the second level of that is the essentials level and that really steps it up a few notches. You're going to be getting a lot more training. I suggest this to add to their skill as practitioner or somehow who's considering taking this on as a vocation or someone who really wants to get healthier and wants to jump in feet first and really like take the bull by the horns and I'm gonna train couple times a week and I'm gonna get this experience for myself or a life transforms."

"And then the final level is the trailblazer level and my trailblazers are gonna be in a lot of training and they are going to be completely unrecognizable to themselves at the end of the year, because we are-- you're going through a whole lot of trainings. At least 2 trainings a week, if not more. You're also in several of the other online programs and you're spending time with me."

"So please check out all 3 levels. Take a look at each one of them. Think about what's gonna really work with your budget, work with your professional needs, with your personal needs, and then join me. Can't wait to work with you. Welcome to the quantum activations apprentice program. Lots of love. See you soon."

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening and I am so thrilled to have you here joining me for a Q and A on the apprentice program. Finally, at long last. I know you guys have been asking for this for over a year and we finally got it all mapped out. We're gonna watch it in March and little did realize I was gonna add a whole heck of a lot more programs and content. So we are ready for you now. We have all the programs up and ready and everything mapped out for you and I'm very excited about this year. It's gonna be amazing.

So, as always ,we start the class or the training with a little opening blessing to clear the obstacles and really clear the way for everyone. So we'll be doing the opening mantra and some of you already know that. You can sing along with me and if not, just enjoy. Enjoy. [Sings in Sanskrit from 00:03:32 to 00:04:33].

So welcome. A lot of students signed up for today's program over 500. I'm so excited for you to be really looking at coming into working with me for a year and getting certified. There's something really magical and important about getting certified. We're creating a very strong group mind that cellular neo-genesis that the regeneration of cells is possible. That growing younger is possible. That clearing spiritual parasites, once and for all, is possible.

And this strong wave that we create across the planet of a new group mind, an entire frequency, a higher vibration helps us and lifts much of humanity into the 5th dimension and the higher frequencies.

So I'm gonna be taking you through the web pages and talking about the different features of the apprentice program. And I will be doing some Q and A once we get through the first couple pages. So we'll go through the quantum activations, the overall page, the first page that you come into when you look at the apprentice program and then we'll be going into each level of the program.

And at the levels, I'll be taking questions, so. Welcome everyone. I just love and appreciate you. So happy you're here. It's after 5 after so we can start with the actual training. Okay. Here we go.

So as you know, the apprentice program is a 3 tiered program and each of the tiers is yearlong, a yearlong. And what you're going to be doing with the classes I've set you up within each level, we'll be helping you really to master the areas of the human blueprint: perception, essence, matter, energy; and the realms: genesis, amplification, quantum and-- oops. Oh dear. We've got amplification. So this is embodiment here. We have to fix that.

Okay, so. Genesis, embodiment, amplification-- quantum and amplification. Amplification wants to be amplified, so. That's what we're going to be really working on through the year. Okay. And the levels are-- you might wanna go through and read all the details here. Here are the levels.

So the quantum activations apprentice foundational level and that is our very core basic level. Just like it says it's the foundational level. And so it's gonna be the level that's the least demanding and gets you a year of training in these very important areas and gets your certified.

It's 7 hours. Excuse me. 7 classes in health and clearing, 2 hours-- not two hours. 2 classes in wealth and relationships, 2 in emotions and full self expression, 3 in spiritual awareness, and 2 1-hour small group, 5 students max, mentoring calls. So That would be the foundational level. And we'll be going through all of the classes and all of the details on each one of these has a separate page. So you'll be able to see the classes and the months and the dates and all of that stuff.

Okay. And then next we have the quantum activations apprentice essentials level and that's our middle level and it will take you deeper into the trainings much like attending a part time university, so. You're gonna be spending quite a bit of time you know, like going part time to college. The live trainings in this apprentice level are 12 in health and clearings. So that's a lot of training, right? In health and clearing.

Basically, you're gonna be probably 2 classes a week. 3 in wealth and relationships. 3 in emotions and full self expression. 4 in spiritual awareness. You'll be also in the diamond ambassador 7-day online training and you'll have 2 half hour one to one quantum shift sessions with me directly. So if you'll have personal calls with me.

And then the quantum activations apprentice trailblazer level and this is really like you're going through your master's degree. So you're gonna be pretty full time for a year right with me. I'm teaching 3, sometimes, 4 classes a week and you're gonna be right in there with me in all of these wonderful trainings for a whole heck of a lot of them.

So you'll get 14 in health and clearing, 3 in wealth and relationships, 4 in emotions and full self expression, 5 in spiritual awareness. You'll have the diamond ambassador, 7-day, online training. The accelerate wealth program, Your year of Miracles, and 2 1-hour one to one quantum shift sessions with me privately.

So the upper level is really an amazing level and that it's really your fully inundated. You'll be coming out of that year completely transformed as in each level. Each level is very powerful. Alright. So we're gonna go in to the first level and in the first level, it's the quantum activations apprentice foundations level.

"Hi. It's Julie Renee and I wanna welcome you to the foundational level of the apprentice program. Now, you can just take a little look down below and you're gonna see all of the wonderful programs that are included. You have you schedule already for the whole year laid out for you already. So there's no surprises. Except there's lots of wonderful surprises in the classes. By the way, there's tons of bonuses in this program. We don't spell them out. You'll go to actually the pages and you'll see. Oh there's meditations in the program. Oh there's videos trainings in addition to the live or there's articles to read or there's extra homework or there's charts."

"So understand that the entire year is filled with bonuses and training and you are going to be different at the end of the year. You're gonna know more, you're gonna be able to have more power. You're gonna be clear and I'm just so excited to get you started in this program."

Okay. So there's our little introduction video and I'm just gonna scroll down. I'm gonna scroll down to the classes, so. The areas of training that you'll be experiencing are health and clearings, emotions, and full self expression, wealth and relationships, spiritual awareness and then intimate conversations feature.

In this level, it's small groups of limited to 5 people on a 1 hour call and you're getting 2 of those throughout the year. And the program is just really, really rich with amazing trainings. I was-- I gave a birthday party a few weeks ago and I invited people to the birthday party and it was very interesting. A lot of my friends had something come up and they didn't come.

And so I had beautiful people from my list come who weren't intimate friends of mine. And then I did an Earth day which I'm sure most of you were there. Earth day clearing. And I invited 400 thousand people and we had 15 hundred people sign up which is great. But of the 400 thousand people, I was a little bit surprised that we only had 15 hundred.

And there's this little song that I learned when I was little kid and Jesus was giving a banquet and everybody or I don't know, the king was giving a banquet, you know, like God was giving a banquet. And there's this little song that goes, "I cannot come to the banquet, Don't bother me now. I've married a wife, I bought me a cow. I have fields and commitments that cost a pretty sum, They hold me excuse I cannot come."

And you know, it sometimes-- you issued an invitation and it's a holy invitation, a sacred invitation to step in to your profound self. And this is one of those opportunities. I'm gonna tell you that being in the apprentice program is a divine experience and I really invite you to come. Even if you've married a wife and you bought yourself a cow, you've got some fields and commitments that are leaping at you, this is your sacred opportunity to go much deeper to become more of who you are more fully self expressed and to help humanity at the same time.

So here are the live trainings. In health and clearing, we're gonna be doing brilliant brain regeneration and that's in the June. Quantum removal of infections. Now, I've never taught quantum removal of infections before but we did a section in the recent ruby training, and the students were really saying this is something that we really wanna learn, so. I have added it.

This is one of the new classes that I've added, quantum removal of infections. So you're dealing with bacterial, viral, fungal, yeast, mycoplasms, and odd infections, so. It's a really profound 5 class training. It should be really amazing. And really apprentice level.

Full body ownership's another one that's spectacular. I have hundreds of hours of clearing on full body ownership and what's so remarkable is that you really do take charge of your life. Hundred percent clear is really training you on all the clearings, so the deeper levels. Understanding what you're clearing, where it came from, why it's there. Grow younger cell regeneration made easy. That's coming up again on January. We're doing one of those right now but you'll have Brilliant brain in June.

So we're gonna give you the grow younger cell regeneration made easy in January and that is really working on 3 to-- actually, 4 different parts of the body and several different kinds of stem cells including bones and teeth. Nerves and brain cells. I believe it's the heart is one of them, so. So really fascinating. We'll be going through different regeneration. You can't get enough of that.

You know, when you're learning how to regeneration, it's really good to be exposed to regeneration in a variety of different ways. You'll have 100 percent vitality. You'll have muscle testing 101 and this will clear up any problems you have with muscle testing. So we're gonna be going through every apprentice, immersion student and everybody who's really working with me will be in this class. It's a very powerful class. I'm just adding it.

It's something that people are saying I really would like to master it more. Sometimes, my muscle testing is really strong and sometimes it's off and so this class is gonna really get you where you need to go. It's a 1-day class. It's not-- it doesn't go on it. It's just a-- I think it's one or two hours. I think maybe it's 2 hours. It's gonna be a great class.

Wealth and relationships, the seven stages of love and designing your DNA. Emotions and full self expression, 100 percent bliss, the happiness factor, the quantum emotional balance, spiritual awareness, divine connection, understanding anchors and spiritual interferences and illumination. And then you'll also have the small group, the 2 1-hour small group calls, so.

And then the sign up here, the enrollment here, if you pay the full tuition, it's 3 thousand dollars. You save about-- just about 600 dollars on tuition if you're doing it one by one and you get the certification. And then if you do the option to which is monthly payments, you'll put it down payment of 14 hundred dollars and then you'll make 11 payments of 1.99.

And we wanted to make this really doable for anybody and everybody to get certified. So we made this particular second option, a low monthly option, so. And then if you are wanting to like find out more about the class, what you could do on the page because we want you to have full access to all of what you're getting. You would click to just that highlighted red and that would take you to the enrollment page which you do not have to enroll.

But you can read about the training and you can see what you're gonna be getting in that training. There's a lot of stuff in brilliant brain. Meditations, and 3 chapters of the new book that hasn't come out yet. You're getting a brilliant brain meditation. There's-- all of the things that we're covering in the classes here. Week 1, week 2, week 3, week 4, week 5. So you can see that you can see it all mapped out and here's the support materials. So each month, you're gonna be in a powerful apprentice training moving into your best and most wonderful life.

And let me show you, I'd like to show you how to find this. So in later today, there'll be one called certify that'll be up here on the menu bar. But if you're on right now and you'd like to see it because they haven't put it up yet. I contacted them and they're working on. They're working on it. So you could just scroll down to any page at the bottom of any page and there's a search box right here and you could just put "apprentice" into the search box there and it'll take you right to apprentice.

And so what we're looking it is you click through. That's the main page and then here's the most advanced trailblazer. This is-- we're looking at the foundational right now. So we're at the foundational page. So you just click on that and that takes you to the foundational page. That's where we are.

Okay, so. So this is the foundational level and now we will-- I can take some questions if there are any on the foundational level. Otherwise, we can run through-- we can get to our next level and actually that might be a wonderful thing to do is just move on to the next level. Here we go. So we're gonna go into the essentials level and do the whole page on the essentials level next.

"Hi and welcome to the essentials page. It's Julie Renee. And I wanna welcome you to the quantum apprentice essentials page which is come at the middle road. It's much more training than the basic foundational level and we can really accelerate your skill if you're a practitioner or can accelerate your healing if you're coming in because you just want to transform. "

"You're gonna notice that you're vibrational level goes up for the course of the year. And you're going to be getting lots of bonuses because every class has something wonderful in it. Whether it's new charts or it's some additional meditation or some articles or videos. You know, you're gonna be getting a lot material."

"Now, I want you to think about at least a part time college student in this program because it really does take in the middle level. You wanna really, really think about, "Okay. I'm gonna be in classes a couple times a week and then I'm gonna have homework." So make sure if you're coming into this level that-- yeah. I think I can do that. I think I can wiggle my schedule around and get enough time in to do the practices. You know it's the latest and greatest and newest transformational path, but I also wanna tell you it's the oldest transformational path because we're working with the original blueprint in the quantum field."