Appreciative Inquiry Plans for Recovery Implementation Task Force

May 19, 2017

Step One Goal:Identify what works when RITF is making a positive difference and needs to be amplified for the evolving future


  1. Welcome and introductions-Set scene (We will assume that we will be around for 50 years for our time together until about 2:15) and review of timing for the day
  2. Intro AI (slides)


  1. Set-up and do interviews in pairs (20/person) – take a break during this time (handout)


  1. Summary discussions to identify themes in small groups of 6 – 3 pairs (flipcharts)

Step Two Goal: Move themes to action planning


  1. The possibilities as seen through AI future theme(walk-bys and flipchart)


  1. Identify the priority themes - use dot voting


  1. What do we want to be able to say about each priority theme in 12 months?
  2. Individually rotate among theme tables (or flip charts on wall) to write ideas and discuss
  3. What do we agree on?(Theme the ideas and prioritize this second level of work)

12:30 –1:00 - LUNCH

Step Three Goal: To discuss any crucial topics that, if not addressed, could become barriers


  1. The working environment for RITF
  2. Intro and Zone of Helpfulness to identify helpful roles and behaviors – to answer the following questions:
  3. What working environment would you like in RITF?
  4. What ways of being are needed to grow and sustain that environment?
  5. What do you do when your expectations of RITF and/or those in RITF are not met? (deal with it, are open to shift norm)
  6. Productivity –
  7. What does productivity mean to you?
  8. What does productivity look like now in RITF?
  9. What will it look like in one year?
  10. What are the structures and processes to proactively deal with the inevitable “pinches?”

2:00-2:15 - BREAK

Step Four Goal: Final conversations for the day


  1. Do we want RITF to move forward (discussion with a rain stick or some other item that will create space for listening and contemplating)
  2. IF THE ANSWER IS YES - Who do you have? Who do you need?
  3. Mapping 2017 actions around each theme- What needs to happen in the next six months to move you towards the 12-month outcomes you have identified? (work at tables with one theme per table and, depending on time you have, rotate after 15 minutes to another theme.)

3:15-3:30 Closing Circle