Appreciative Inquiry Plans for Recovery Implementation Task Force
May 19, 2017
Step One Goal:Identify what works when RITF is making a positive difference and needs to be amplified for the evolving future
- Welcome and introductions-Set scene (We will assume that we will be around for 50 years for our time together until about 2:15) and review of timing for the day
- Intro AI (slides)
- Set-up and do interviews in pairs (20/person) – take a break during this time (handout)
- Summary discussions to identify themes in small groups of 6 – 3 pairs (flipcharts)
Step Two Goal: Move themes to action planning
- The possibilities as seen through AI future theme(walk-bys and flipchart)
- Identify the priority themes - use dot voting
- What do we want to be able to say about each priority theme in 12 months?
- Individually rotate among theme tables (or flip charts on wall) to write ideas and discuss
- What do we agree on?(Theme the ideas and prioritize this second level of work)
12:30 –1:00 - LUNCH
Step Three Goal: To discuss any crucial topics that, if not addressed, could become barriers
- The working environment for RITF
- Intro and Zone of Helpfulness to identify helpful roles and behaviors – to answer the following questions:
- What working environment would you like in RITF?
- What ways of being are needed to grow and sustain that environment?
- What do you do when your expectations of RITF and/or those in RITF are not met? (deal with it, are open to shift norm)
- Productivity –
- What does productivity mean to you?
- What does productivity look like now in RITF?
- What will it look like in one year?
- What are the structures and processes to proactively deal with the inevitable “pinches?”
2:00-2:15 - BREAK
Step Four Goal: Final conversations for the day
- Do we want RITF to move forward (discussion with a rain stick or some other item that will create space for listening and contemplating)
- IF THE ANSWER IS YES - Who do you have? Who do you need?
- Mapping 2017 actions around each theme- What needs to happen in the next six months to move you towards the 12-month outcomes you have identified? (work at tables with one theme per table and, depending on time you have, rotate after 15 minutes to another theme.)
3:15-3:30 Closing Circle