Appreciative Inquiry at Kitrow, Inc.
Interview Guide
A. About you and your beginning…
To start, I would like to learn about your beginnings at Kitrow, Inc. When did you come to Kitrow, Inc.? What attracted you most? What were your initial impressions or excitements?
I would like you to reflect back. In your life here at Kitrow, Inc., there have obviously been ups and downs, peaks and valleys, low points and high points.
For now, please think back on one of your high point moments – a time you felt best, most effective, alive, or proud. Please share the story –
What happened? Who was participating? What did you do? Your feelings? What were your best leadership qualities?
B. Topics Related to HR and Your Visions of the Future…
Kitrow, Inc.
A world of two-way learning
Exceptional organizations often establish a center of learning and excellence where all members can come together to share and create knowledge. Together the members design and deliver programs that grow the capacity to expand human and business potential.
a)You gain wisdom from many different sources. What has been the most positive collaborative learning experience you have been engaged in? Who was involved? What happened? What made the experience special? How did it help you grow?
b)Looking towards the future, what are the three most important things Kitrow, Inc. can do to build the best Human Development Center?
Synergistic Fusion – Successful Partnerships
KITROW, INC. has been a business leader since 1909. One of the qualities that make KITROW, INC. successful is its ability to form strategic partnerships and alliances.
a)When you think of internal partnerships, tell us about one experience that met or exceeded your expectations.
b)Share with us your vision of what could be created through successful HR/ Business partnerships?
Crystal Clear Human Resource Strategy
Typically successful organizations, like yours, involve their customers – asking about their needs and wants. From this comes the basis of strong strategic plans. Such plans can provide direction and ensure alignment for the entire organization.
a)Tell us about a time that you saw or were involved in a collaborative plan that positively impacted either you or the organization you were involved in.
b)What is the ideal role that HR can play to insure customers’ wants and needs are reflected in the overall HR strategy?
Crystallizing Human Capital for Kitrow, Inc.’s Excellence
Kitrow, Inc.’s human capital is the source of its economic value. Paramount to Kitrow, Inc.’s market dominance is your ability to crystallize that human capital. We use the word crystallize because it not only links to Kitrow, Inc.’s products, but also conveys clarity, strength and focus of the Kitrow, Inc. family of employees.
a)Recall a time when HR was clearly focused and aligned on creating value for the business.
b)As you look to the future, describe the ideal action HR could take to align Kitrow, Inc.’s human capital to your business strategy.
C. In Summary….
Go to sleep, wake up five years from now, and Kitrow, Inc. is #1 in the world. What does the organization look like? What is HR’s role in Kitrow, Inc.’s success?