Appointment of Non-Executive Members

Information pack for applicants

The closing date for the receipt of applications for this role is:

12:00 noon Monday 23 October 2017

Ref: APPT03-17

Information packs are available in other formats such as larger font and Braille.

If you need a different format please contact us.



To ensure our public bodies better represent the communities we serve, we positively welcome applicants from all walks of life. All public appointments are made on merit following a fair, open and transparent process regulated by the Office of the Commissioner for Public Appointments.

Equal opportunities

UK government has a policy of equality of opportunity. We aim to promote equal opportunity policies whereby no one suffers unfair discrimination either directly or indirectly, or harassment, on grounds such as race, colour, ethnic or national origin, sex, gender identity, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, religious beliefs or age.


Defra will be operating an interview access scheme for disabled people (as defined by the Equalities Act 2010) who meet the minimum criteria for this appointment as published in these notes. If you wish to apply for consideration under this scheme, please notify the Department when you return your application. In addition, if you require any special arrangements at interview stage, please give details in a covering letter to enable us to make the appropriate arrangements if necessary. Furthermore, any reasonable adjustments required will be made for those candidates appointed to enable them to carry out their duties.


Message to candidates4

1. Seafish Industry Authority (Seafish)

Introduction 5

What is the Seafish Industry Authority? 5

Further information 5

2.Becominga Non-Executive Member of the Seafish Industry Authority

Description of role 6

Qualities and experience required 6

Terms and conditions of appointment 7

3.Applying for the role

The Commissioner for Public Appointments 8

How to apply 8

Selection process 8

How we will handle your application 9

Equal opportunities 9

Dealing with your concerns 9

Message to candidates

Dear candidate,

Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the Seafish Industry Authority (Seafish) Board.

Leaving the EU is an exciting and opportunistic time for Seafish. As an industry levy body it is a representative and a voice for all sectors of the seafood industry. Seafish will play an important role in guiding industry through this period of great change, engaging and sharing their views to help reform our fisheries policy.

We are looking for three industry member candidates who can bring a wealth of experience and knowledge from their respective sector to help steer the strategic direction of the organisation and balance the priorities of the seafood industry.

If you think that you have the ability to take on this rewarding role then I strongly encourage you to apply.

Anne Freeman

Defra Deputy Director – Marine and Fisheries

  1. The Seafish Industry Authority (Seafish)


The UK fisheries administrations are appointing Non Executive Members of the Board for the Seafish Industry Authority (Seafish) to represent the interests of the sea fish industry.

What is the Seafish Industry Authority (Seafish)?

Seafish is an industry-levy funded body jointly sponsored by the four fisheries administrations; Scottish Government, Welsh Government, the Northern Ireland Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs and Defra.

Seafish carries out a wide range of activities aiming to promote the consumption of seafood, enhance the reputation of the industry and support the collection of data and provision of information, evidence and advice for decision-making in the supply chain. It offers regulatory guidance and services to all parts of the seafood industry, including catching and aquaculture, processors, importers, exporters and distributors of seafood, as well as restaurants and retailers.

One of the key challenges for Seafish in the next five years will be to support and guide the seafood industry through the changing landscape that leaving the EU presents.

About the board

Meeting on a quarterly basis, the Board ensures that Seafish is managed properly and effectively by providing strategic leadership, direction, support and guidance.

The Seafish Board consists of nine non-executive members. All are appointed by Ministers in the UK's four fisheries administrations.

Four Board members including the Chair and Deputy Chair are independent of the UK sea fish industry. Five Board members are representative of interests in the sea fish industry.

Further information

For further information about the Seafish Industry Authority, you may wish to visit the Seafish website:

For further information on the role or the Seafish Board please telephone Rebecca Redrupon02080263931alternatively e-mail: .

2.Becoming aNon-Executive Member of the Seafish Industry Authority (Seafish)

Description of role

Non-Executive Members of the Seafish Board:

  • provide strategic direction and leadership to the organisation which balances the priorities of the seafood industry in the UK as a whole;
  • drive performance and hold the Executive to account against strategic and corporate plans;
  • ensure propriety, regularity, economy, efficiency and effectiveness in the operation of Seafish and provide stewardship for the public funds entrusted to the organisation;
  • ensure that Seafish discharges its statutory duties within the framework specified by Ministers;
  • have a good understanding of the work of Seafish and its stakeholders; and
  • work co-operatively and build relationships with the Executive and key stakeholders, and represents the organisation at a senior level.

Qualities and experience required – essential criteria

Candidates must be able to demonstrate all of the following general criteria:

  1. Enthusiasm and genuine interest in the complex and dynamic environment Seafish works in and its commitment to support a profitable, sustainable and socially responsible future for the seafood industry.
  2. A proven ability to analyse issues at a strategic level in ways which are impartial, creative and manages risk while focusing on finding solutions.
  3. An ability to work collaboratively in a group with diverse opinions and provide objective advice and constructive challenge to assist in making sound collective decisions and coherent policies.

In addition, candidates must have expertise in one of the following sectors and must be able to demonstrate both criteria under that sector:

4a. Processing sector

  • Proven knowledge and expertise of working with consumers, retail and/or food service in the UK;
  • The ability to represent and promote the interests and products of the seafood industry throughout the food supply chain.

4b. Large scale fishing sector

  • Proven knowledge and expertise of fishing in the over 10 metre Scottish pelagic fishing sector;
  • The ability to represent and promote the interests of the UK fishing industry.

4c. Small scale fishing sector

  • Proven knowledge and expertise of fishing in the under 10 metre sector including the shellfish industry;
  • The ability to represent and promote the interests of the UK fishing industry.

The successful candidate must also uphold and be seen to uphold the 7 principles of public life (Annex A).

Terms and conditions of appointment

Terms of Appointment

Non-Executive Members are appointed by the UK fisheries administrations.

Period of appointment

Terms of appointment are normally for three years.

The appointee may resign at any time by notice in writing to the Ministers. The Ministers may terminate the appointment under certain conditions, which will be notified to the successful candidate on appointment.


The Board will meet at least four times a year.

Remuneration and Time commitment

Remuneration for the post is set at £5,670per annum. This is based upon a time commitment of 18 days per year.

Your fee will be paid into your nominated bank account by BACS transfer monthly in arrears.

All remuneration relating to the appointment is taxable and PAYE in respect of income tax

and National Insurance Contributions will be deducted at source.

Legitimate travel and other expenses will be fully reimbursed in line with the Seafish Industry Authority’s travel and subsistence policy.

Location of Office

Seafish is based in two locations, Edinburgh and Grimsby. Board meetings may be held at either of these offices or at other locations in the UK.

3 Applying for the role

The Commissioner for Public Appointments

This appointment is made under the Government’s Governance Code for Public Appointment. The Commissioner for Public Appointments regulates and monitors ministerial appointments to public bodies to ensure that they are made on merit after fair and open competition. More information about the role of the Commissioner and the Code of Practice is available at .

For full details of the complaints process for public appointments please click on the following link: .

How to apply

Candidates should submit their CV with education, professional qualifications and employment history and the names and contact details for two referees, together with their statement of suitability. The statement of suitability should give evidence of the strength and depth of your ability to meet the essential criteria for this role. Please provide specific examples to demonstrate how you meet each of the criteria (max two pages please).

All candidates are required to complete the Public Appointments monitoring forms. Your personal data will always be treated in confidence and when anonymised with data from other applicants will help compile the Annual Statistical Bulletin of the Commissioner for Public Appointments.

Your CV, statement and questionnaires should be returned by email to - quoting referenceAPPT03-17 by the closing date: 12 noon on Monday23 October 2017.

Selection process

Selection Panel

The selection panel will comprise: Brian Young (Acting Chair –Seafish Board), Defra Deputy Director Marine and Fisheries (tbc), Andy Fraser (Welsh Government)Sara Turnbull (Board member Covent Garden Market Authority).


The panel will invite the candidates who best demonstrate how they meet the criteria required for the Board member post for interview. Your statement of suitability should therefore focus on demonstrating how you meet the criteria for the post.


Interviews will be held at Defra’s head office inLondon atNobel House, 17 Smith Square, London SW1P 3JR. The interview will last approximately 45 minutes.

Candidates will be able to claim for reasonable expenses incurred travelling to and from interview. Additional expenses incurred because of a disability or because of caring responsibilities may be reimbursed to enable candidates to attend the interview.

An expenses claim form will be available at the interview.

How we will handle your application

The advertisement and this application pack give details of the Membersrole.

  • We will acknowledge receipt of your application, via email or post.
  • Candidates will be notified by letter whether or not they have been short-listed.
  • The proposed sift date is week commencing30 October 2017.
  • References will be taken up if candidates are selected for interview.
  • It is intended that the interviews will take place on 27 November 2017although that could be subject to change.
  • All candidates will be notified of the progress of their application.

Equal opportunities

To ensure our public bodies better represent the communities we serve, we positively welcome applicants from all walks of life. All public appointments are made on merit following a fair, open and transparent process as regulated by the Office of the Commissioner for Public Appointments.

Dealing with your concerns

For queries about your application or the recruitment process, please email .

Annex A

The Seven Principles of Public Life


Holders of public office should act solely in terms of the public interest. They should not do so in order to gain financial or other benefits for themselves, their family or their friends.


Holders of public office should not place themselves under any financial or other obligation to outside individuals or organisations that might seek to influence them in the performance of their official duties.


In carrying out public business, including making public appointments, awarding contracts, or recommending individuals for rewards and benefits, holders of public office should make choices on merit.


Holders of public office are accountable for their decisions and actions to the public and must submit themselves to whatever scrutiny is appropriate to their office.


Holders of public office should be as open as possible about all the decisions and actions that they take. They should give reasons for their decisions and restrict information only when the wider public interest clearly demands.


Holders of public office have a duty to declare any private interests relating to their public duties and to take steps to resolve any conflicts arising in a way that protects the public interest.


Holders of public office should promote and support these principles by leadership and example.