(To fill in online)

Candidate: / ID number:
Degree : / Ph. D. in administration / Specialization :
Thesis title:
Thesis director: / Codirector(if applicable):

Once the candidate mentioned above made the initial submission, please complete the “Proposal of the research director” section below.

Please submit several names, in order of preference, to provide different options to the program director. Please note that the thesis supervisor is responsible for making sure that all the people suggested for the jury are available before submitting their names.

Date / Thesis director’s signature
Please email the form “Coordonnées du jury d’examen d’une thèse de doctorat” in Word format to , along with the resume (including publications) of the proposed external examiners. / NOMINATION BY THE PROGRAM OFFICE
Member of the jury (thesis director)
Member of the jury (thesis codirector)
Member of the jury
Member of the jury
External examiner
External examiner
Date / Ph.D. program director’s signature

Policy concerning the selection of the thesis jury and the organization of the thesis defence

Role of the chair/rapporteur

The chair/rapporteur presides over the thesis defence and is responsible for its organization. This includes the following steps:

  • Evaluate the thesis in the same way as the other jury members.
  • Ensure that all jury members agree to proceed with the thesis defence (see Section 9.14 of the Rules and Regulation in case of a disagreement).
  • Ask the external examiner to provide a written report at the time he or she determines the acceptability of the thesis for defence, and to include the completed “Atteinte d’objectifs d’apprentissage – Examen de la thèse (examinateur externe)” form.
  • Give a copy of this report to the student and other jury members before the thesis defence, unless otherwise notified by the external examiner.
  • Set a date for the thesis defence, in agreement with the jury members and the student.

Appointment of the external examiner

Once the doctoral thesis has been submitted, the thesis director must provide the names of potential jury members and two candidates the role of external examiner. The resumes of the candidates (including publications) are also required. The program director will make the final decision as to the appointment of the external examiner. Here are a few important considerations when submitting candidates:

The following cannot be selected as external examiners:

a)Anyone from the Université de Montréal or its affiliated schools (regardless of their credentials), since they report to the same dean.

b)Anyone from the management faculties of the partner universities in the joint program.

c)Anyone with close ties to either HEC Montréal (adjunct or affiliated professor) or the thesis director (e.g. recent ex-student, family member, co-author). Please note that the second part of the previous statement also applies to proposals for other jury members.

d)Anyone without a Ph.D. (except in very exceptional cases—renown research record).

Travel expenses for the external examiner

The program office grants a maximum of $1000 (upon presentation of receipts) to cover the external examiner’s expenses for his or her participation in the thesis defence (transportation, lodging, meals). If the expenses exceed that amount, the research director will have to cover the difference.

Here is the program policy regarding this subject:

a)HEC Montréal Accounting and Treasury Services require that the economy class be chosen for all incurred travelling expenses, which should not exceed CAD $1000.

b)If the expenses exceed CAD$1000, several options can be considered:

  • A videoconference can be organized.
  • The thesis director (or another resource) can cover the expenses over CAD$1000.
  • In the exceptional case of a physical or virtual absence, the external examiner’s written report is read by the chair/rapporteur and his or her questions are submitted to the student. This solution should only be used as a last resort.

Written report

The external examiner must provide a written report, signed and dated, about the thesis before the defence and send it to the chair/rapporteur at the time the defence has been decided. This report (2 or 3 pages) should comment on the strengths and weaknesses of the thesis, specify if it is acceptable for defence and suggest any required modifications.

Role of the representative of the School director

The Université de Montréal rules and regulations require the presence of a representative of the School director during the thesis defence. The representative is selected by the program office once the date for the thesis defence has been set. The representative should be a professor specialized in a field other than that of the thesis. The role of the representative is to ensure the integrity of the process. He or she is not a member of the jury and, although present during the thesis defence and deliberations, does not take part in the evaluation.

Avril 2014